If You Want To Know About Bigfoot Audio This Is The Guy To Listen To

At the recent annual Ohio Bigfoot Conference at Salt Fork State Park, bigfoot researcher and audio expert Jim Sherman gave a presentation on how to get that next great bigfoot recording. Sherman also shares some bigfoot audio from his own personal collection. Check out his excellent presentation if you weren't lucky enough to attend.


  1. Loren Coleman knows about Bigfoot audio, too.

    1. I hear he has some copies of Bigfoot audio for $32.00 (shipping included).


  2. Loren, if they wanted your low traffic levels they'd do it your way. Go back to posting obituaries.

    1. What happened to Loren's post?

    2. I have touched on this concept in other posts – the concept of penis traction that has been proven to work to lengthen the penis. Not by Dr. Bullsh*t who works for Penis Enlargement Industries LLC, but by real doctors in a clinical setting, with real patients. But something most people don’t understand is that penis traction therapy TAKES TIME!

      The 1,000 Hour Rule states that for every 1k hours of penis extension therapy, one inch of length will be gained by your penis.

      The ONLY way for you to achieve that amount of time is for your penis extender device to be comfortable enough to use regularly!

      How comfortable is your penis extender?

    3. Shawn / blog administor why are you allowing Penis enlargement commercials on your blog??

    4. And why are you removing the articles I post about blog moderation? and allowing the posts above and below?

    5. ^4:17 The only possible conclusion we reach is that you have a tiny one and need this!

    6. "You should have community policies about what is and isn't acceptable behavior. Your community policy should be short, written in plain language, easily accessible, and phrased in flexible terms so people aren't trying to nitpick the details of the rules when they break them. And then back them up with significant consequences when people break them: Either temporary or permanent bans on participation."

    7. The Phallosan penis extender is VERY comfortable. It is so comfortable You can wear it all day long without any pinching, and without your penis head slipping out. Comfortable enough to wear everyday until you see the penis growth results you want, without negative side-effects. The Phallosan penis extender can also be worn at night, something you might have tried to do with your penis extender but found that you could never sleep more than a couple hours without penis pain or slippage. The phallosan strap ring (the part that goes around the base of your penis) is padded, and fits over all three bell sizes allowing for fast removal, should you need it.

    8. 5,28

      I notice you don`t have a name visible.

      Banning people doesn`t work as they can easily get back into the site.

    9. Can you send a bigger peckker machine
      To Joe and bend over?? That way they
      Will be having too much FUN as they
      BUFU the night away!!
      And then this blog will rejoice ,because
      Joe finally honered bet to DC!!

    10. You forgot TKOG !!
      The center prison salad TOSSER!!
      Haaaa Haaa Haaaa. Prod prod prod
      Idiot! Lol
      AC collins,

    11. ^ Joe owns both of you. The guy stops coming around and you still can't stop talking about him. You two are the definition of a loser.

    12. vegas is the name......tossin' joe's salad is his game

  3. It's very obvious that it's N-i-g-g-e-r-s he's after with that recording equipment. He's a racist, everyone not black is a racist.

  4. "You should have community policies about what is and isn't acceptable behavior. Your community policy should be short, written in plain language, easily accessible, and phrased in flexible terms so people aren't trying to nitpick the details of the rules when they break them. And then back them up with significant consequences when people break them: Either temporary or permanent bans on participation."

    1. ^ someone is awfully butthurt over the state of affairs here.

    2. This blog has turned into a circus.

    3. I seriously hope everyone quits coming, this blog has been a disgrace for a long time. The only way Shawn will ever do anything about it, is if it hurts his pocket.

  5. "Your site should have accountable identities. No, people don't have to use their real names, or log in with Google or Facebook or Twitter unless you want them to. But truly anonymous commenting often makes it really easy to have a pile of shit on your website, especially if you don't have dedicated community moderators. When do newspapers publish anonymous sources? When the journalists know the actual identity and credibility of the person, and decide it is a public good to protect their identity. You may wish to follow the same principles, or you can embrace one of my favorite methods of identity: Persistent pseudonyms. Let users pick a handle that is attached to all of their contributions in a consistent way where other people can see what they've done on the site. Don't make reputation a number or a score, make it an actual representation of the person's behavior. And of course, if appropriate, don't be afraid to attach people's real names to their comments and contributions. But you'll find "real" identities are no cure for assholes showing up in your comments if you aren't following the rest of the principles described here."

    1. ^ REALLY butthurt over the state of affairs.

    2. "You should have the technology to easily identify and stop bad behaviors. If you have a community that's of decent size, it can be hard for even a sufficient number of moderators to read every single conversation thread. So a way for people to flag behavior that violates guidelines, and a simple set of tools for allowing moderators to respond quickly and appropriately, are a must-have so that people don't get overwhelmed."

    3. Censorship is Un- American. Take your hate elsewhere.

    4. 5,15 is probably Joetomi .. or another ex-site user who has been smoked but doesn`t like it..and is now trying to force the member issue.

      Why don`t YOU piss off where you can be moderated if that is what YOU want ? I expect you were severely "moderated" in your behaviour/emotions and speech by your parents..don`t force your limitations on others.

    5. Whats the matter- AFRAID? Had we all a voting button you would either be voted off this place in about 30 minutes or we'd all have hit the ignore button and you'd have to buzz off to somewhere else. Easy fix for the likes of you.

    6. Don't like my opinion- TOO BAD! This place is fast becoming a ghost town. Something will have to be done eventually, I doubt Shawn will keep it going here just so so one kook can continue to copy paste about penis extenders.

    7. Unless of course he's the one doing it. Then that makes no sense in the end either as it is choking out this place.

    8. You have to admit that you know more about penis extenders than you did before that guy started posting!

    9. ^ How do YOU know what shawn wants or thinks ?

      I am GLAD you`re unhappy at the site set-up...I notice YOU don`t have YOUR name visible.



    11. 5:48- yes, that would be you.

  6. What the difference between a N-i-g-g-e-r and a bucket of S-H-I-T?

    The Bucket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. ^^ Are you afraid of the girl your fancy accepting large penis from them...hmmm ?

      Willingly too !!

  7. N-i-g-g-e-r-s contribute nothing but expect everything

    1. I doubt you ever met one but read all about them in a book .


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