Has anyone figured out what these eyeshine belong to?

Some say it could be a huge cat, or a deer stalking this man and his dogs. The man believes it was Bigfoot. Two years ago, YouTube user "BadAssPimpMasterFlex" uploaded this video of a possible Bigfoot staring at him and his dogs. His 240lb English Mastiffs are so frightened by the eyeshine that they are refusing to go outside. "This never happens! I heard a thump in the woods shined my flashlight up there and seen two forward facing eyes staring at me," he wrote in the description.


  1. Anyone with a user name of "BadAssPimpMasterFlex"
    is a total and complete dueche bag and cannot be trusted to
    watch your goldfish.

    1. And he probably owns several penis extenders.

    2. Why,Yes...they have come in very handy... thanks for making us aware of them.

    3. Men typically dream of having a big penis to enhance their prowess in the bedroom. So they look for ways to enhance thrur size. The trump card is getting a penis extender.

      These penis enhancing tools have spread through the internet like brushfire and it can become difficult to choose which penis extender will be the most effective when used.

      What Should You Look For In A Penis Extender?

      Credibility – Look up the medical background of the penis extender you want to use. Evidence and real testimonials should be the ones we look for. A good penis extender should have many clinical trials under its belt and studies should have been done to test its efficacy. It should also be recommended by bonafide doctors and health professionals. It shouldn’t just give you increased penis size and length, but it should also improve you overall sexual performance and pleasure in the sack. Check the credibility of the penis extender product by asking medical practitioners and licensed health care workers.

    4. ^ yea man...we get it already. You have a small johnny...


    5. Absolutely. Penile envie to the max

    6. I am currently writing a book which will include profiles of some of the colorful characters in the bigfoot subculture. During my research on the topic, I have been told about a certain regular poster on this blog named "Iktomi."

      I would very much like to interview "Iktomi" and include his story in the section of the book titled "Bigfoot and the Internet."

      If any of you know how I could get into contact with "Iktomi," please let me know. If you happen to speak to him, you can let him know that he will receive a cash honorarium for his participation.

    7. Is being gay something to be ashamed of?

    8. 11:09 misses Iktomi so bad, he can't stop talking about him. I don't get it, you pussies cry when he's here and you cry when he's gone. Losers.

  2. FIRST.... for there is NO bigfoot. Roger Patterson had Bob Hieronomous walk in a Morris costume.

    That is all.

    1. Ha ha,a failed first for telling pork pies :) xx

    2. If you need some information about penis extenders, you've come to the right place!

    3. Hey Eva, do you ever do cam shows?

    4. I do believe that Lemurs are the only primates that have eye shine so maybe bigfoot really is a human/lemur hybrid xx

    5. Following are a few more important considerations when purchasing a penis extender:

      Comfort – the mechanism of the penis extender should be comfortable enough for you to wear easily for long hours during the day. As with all penis extender devices that use traction, you must be able to wear it for hours – as long as possible, in fact – so that you can get penis growth results in the shortest amount of time. You must make sure that the penis extender doesn’t interfere with your lifestyle and daily routines.

      See how it works – the best choice should be a penis extender that naturally fits. It should be able to draw enough blood to the penile tissue and let you have a longer time of erection. Another thing that it should do is to be able to stretch the penis naturally so that the tissues will be tricked into lengthening. In short, it has to be a two-pronged weapon to do battle against weak erections that don’t last and lengthen your member.

    6. Penis extender guy is the most credible voice in the Bigfoot community today.

    7. Hey Bend Over Butt Cheeks, Iktomi left this blog several days ago after I utterly destroyed him in a bigfoot related argument that we had. At the end of the argument, Iktomi declared that the points I raised caused him to completely rethink his belief in bigfoot. He also mentioned that he would be leaving the blog for an extended period so that he can take stock in his life and where the subject of bigfoot fits in with his future plans.

    8. And thats a fact folks,, every word 4:15 is saying is 110% correct ,
      JOE ,( Mr.king troll) said he would NEVER leave this Blog,
      4:15 Just has a higher IQ than Abholi , And Schooled
      him EVERY time ,no wonder Stonereader 1 Quit !!
      It make's perfect sense to me!!!

  3. It's very obviously a big ol' N-i-g-g-e-r peering out from the woods.

    1. ^^ Stuart wants the black snake. As usual

    2. Reporting this site and 10:17 to Google, they own blogger and will deal with this site and user as they see fit.

  4. Bigfoot "eyeshine" is often reported as green or red. This doesn't look green or red - thusly reducing the likelihood of a squatch in this video.

  5. Overexposure can wash out the color

  6. Black guys are too scared to be screwing around out in the woods.

    Now Mexicans, thats another story!

  7. Looks fairly low to the ground - depending on where it was taken, cold be a mt. lion.

    1. Could be 6:24 ,,I was thinking ,racoon,possom,skunk or maybe a weasel,ya never know ?


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