Bigfoot Researcher Captures Possible Rock Clacking On Video

During a recent outing bigfooter Antohony Moffett deonstrates rock clacking, a way of communicating by knocking two rocks together. In the video you can hear a possible response to his own rock clacking. Check it out:


  1. Replies

    1. We know they don't exist. It's just a game.

    2. I know you know they're fake but there are still a few people who post here that really believe in ten foot tall hairy men.

    3. 5:04 Well, they're just idiots. Most people here don't believe in bigfoot.

    4. ^^^^ 5:04? You're the idiot Stuart

    5. Glue Huffers..... ^ & ^^

  2. The jref/isf footers stand guard here like the defender of the faith chimps on "Planet of the Apes". What a bunch of obsessed losers.

    1. And they smell like poop.

    2. ok, 10 foot tall hairy ape man fantasy moron

      ...and the orangutans were the defenders of the faith in pota, you boob.

    3. There are no skeptics that post here or anywhere else about Bigfoot. They would not waste their time. The simpletons that post about it daily here and on the old JREF are every bit the footer Creekfreak was.

    4. It's stange how many pathological liars there are in the tiny little sub culture of "Bigfoot skeptics". Some moron named MikeG said on ISF that "Parnassus" was a That asshole claimed about 10 different pretend professions when he was posting on the BFF and JREF.

    5. Mike G and Parnassus, Have 2 x your brain power !
      wut U got to say Bout Dat?

  3. Possible? It's always possible, blurry, unsubstantiated stories, etc. BS on BS.

    I've been waiting for proof of bigfoot since the 1970s.

    There's only one thing for me to do... Keep waiting.

    1. you have wasted your life

    2. I haven't wasted my life. I have a bigfoot research center in my mom's basement next to my bed.

  4. o please.! another fart in the wind and it has to bigfoot.

    1. Loren Coleman will fart in the wind for you at a significant savings, delivery included.

    2. Check out the comments responding to Loren in the plaster foot thread.

    3. Is Loren's PleaseFundMe campaign to get a free trip to search for...large ape creatures in Africa shut down now that Meldrum has "postponed" the safari?

    4. 7,57 ... Why are you so desperate to deny ?

      You`re like a bed-bound cripple that denies a mountain vista because he can only see a bedroom wall in front of him.You have no capacity for realising there are things that exist outside your own small field of experience or vision.

  5. So what's the latest on the grooming video?

    1. HR Pufnstuff can't show you a cropped still because he signed an NDA...but he can tell you the property is adjacent to a national park, the number and gender of siblings who inherited the place, the fact that it has two hunting blinds near three large boulders, which are by a creek frequented by clams, and plenty more.

      I mean, if I shot a video of two Bigfoots that was a game changer but was paranoid about having the public find out, would I let a guy who signed an NDA tell the world I have two brothers and live adjacent to a park, blah, blah...

      Of course, I haven't shot such a video, so I can't put myself in their shoes. He and the researchers they brought in have a great relationship with the family. Sort of like Randles and the Browns. Oh yeah...

    2. He should have kept his mouth shut. I don't care if its true or not, put up or shut up I say.

    3. Exactly.

      What is gained by saying you saw something you can't show people, even though you can tell them all about it? What kind of secret NDA knowledge is that?

    4. Makes him feel superior and important. He's not the only one who pulls this crap. It sees to be happening on radio shows with some on the guests more and more often. Bad form. If you want to keep it under wraps- more power to you. BUT DONT RUB IT IN EVERYONES FACE.


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