Woman Kidnapped By Bigfoot Gives Birth To Deformed Baby

Like a title taken straight from a tabloid, this is a classic bigfoot story, the story of Serephine Long. A woman who was supposedly abducted by a group of bigfoot, and held captive for an entire year. After pleading with the bigfoot to let her go, she was returned home, where shortly after she gave birth to a deformed baby that died soon after birth.

Veteran researcher Thomas Steenburg returns to the area where these events were said to happen.

This large hill has a place in Sasquatch history and lore as a place which, according to the Chehalis people, is where, in years past, the Sasquatch would gather and light fires, to look down upon the land they had lost to the Chehalis people in battle – generations before. Mount Morris was for many years considered where semi-civilization ended and true wilderness began.

It is the location of another ‘Classic’ tale of the Sasquatch, the story of Serephine Long, who was a young woman of 17. In the year 1871, it was said that the young 17 year old was carried off by a Sasquatch and taken to a cave on Morris Mountain. After having her eyes covered with pitch, she was held captive by a number of the creatures but was mainly the possession of the large male who had kidnapped her.

Her story was not made known until she told it to J.W. Burns (whom coined the term Sasquatch in 1929) when she was a very old woman, during the 1930s. She stayed with the Sasquatch family for about a year and, in failing health, had kept pleading with her captors that she wished to return home before she died.

I suppose the continuous nagging was too much, even for a Sasquatch, and the creature again put her over its shoulder and dropped her in the same area he had found her a year before. When she was found by her people, she was said to be close to death, unable to tell of what happened to her and later that same night gave birth to a deformed baby which died soon after birth. I have only seen one photograph of Serephine Long, taken in 1941, when she was about 87 years old. She died not long after that.

To read more, click here.


  1. Isn't joe that baby? Serious question.

    1. OMG - you used lower case! You (we) have been spotted - the wraith of NC and D Dover will be upon us (me) now!

    2. Don't worry about it. These guys only last a couple of months before moving on. Posting the same old crap ad nauseam isn't for everyone.

    3. Actually you failed to spot the "I" in isn't being capitalized. Sleep during your remedial reading class much? Truth!!!

    4. And you failed to spot the S, too. But the real amusing thing is the fact that you have to reassure yourself that we'll be moving on. Methinks I smell fear and desperation. And no,not every Nonny is one person. But you just can't seem to get out of your own way,can you? But you know what's even scarier for you? The fact that I'm about this close to exposing your real identity. It didn't take long at all to be honest with you. Let's call it an honor to those you have chased off with your psycho-babble. I personally call it blasting the biggest coward to have ever stunk up a blog out of his sludge pond. Be wary when choosing who you want to dance with. ;) NC....out!

    5. LOL 4:49. Joe Iktomi is actually the great-great grandson.

    6. LOL - the 5:10 post wasn't even me so I can see how close you are to exposing my "real" identity. Besides why on earth would I be fearful of being exposed? That the world would know I don't believe in your crap - oh the horror! You take this stuff far too serious NC. No one here posts under their real name and most are just here for a few laughs. I actually don't post that much but seeing you get all freaked out might make me change my mind. Lets dance my friend.

    7. I can tell by your writings, 7:54, that you are a bad dancer. Take a few classes and come on back when you are wiser and lighter on your feet. NC will still lead though.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Coming from a man of real life consequence? No,not freaked out at all. Merely intrigued by this form of online cowardice. And if your joke at
      7:17 is what you call "laughs", I'd seriously reconsider going elsewhere for comedic inspiration.

    10. And 9;51- I'm not sure if that was comedy at my expense, but it was most certainly funny. You're alright!

    11. NC - It was not meant as a jab at you. Uno!

  2. Surprised that Dr Squatch's BS gets posted here after DS bitched about Shawn so much. He's right up there with the other joke regulars like Fasano and Dr Johnson etc.

    1. One day you'll aspire to something, and you'll be less bitter at better people for it.

    2. ^ ... joe been taking lessons eh ?

      ...the guy here who is consistently the most bitter at the better people posting

    3. Hey bro... Post something that "betters" me for once then. Something tells me bi*chin is your limit of creativity.

  3. Did she say whether or not the Bigfoot was hung like a duroflame log. Just curious.

  4. What do you mean coined the term sasquatch in 1929?
    I thought that sasquatch was an ancient Indian word, not something coined in 1929.

  5. Actually the correct pronounciation is Sosquat'l = Sasquatch which is a mashup of a couple of different dialects. And 1920's - 30's is about right for the new name. No, Patterson did not coin it.

    1. oh , alright ,was it Peterson then ?

    2. Serephine Long personally told her story to John W. Burns, a teacher on the Chehalis reservation. Burns started working there in 1925, so Serephine would have been about 71 years old at that time. She told him she was glad the child died.


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