Vote For Rictor! Survivorman Contest Entry: Rictor Riolo from Bigfoot Bounty

Does Rictor Riolo have what it takes to be on a survival show with Les Stroud? If you think so, vote for him here!

Vote for Rictor here:


  1. Could be funny, as a fish out of water kind of thing.

  2. I voted as I know it will annoy Merchant if he appears.

  3. I just sneezed in my pistachio pudding, can't tell where it went so I am just going to eat it...

  4. The AIMS team is hunting the Kentucky Bigfoot tonight folks.

    1. I'm watching them hunting the Snallygaster right now. That thing is hideous.

    2. The thing is FAKE, dummy!
      Where is WILD BILL? That PHONY Marine?

  5. Rictor? 7 days, no food, no water, no tent, no sleeping bag, no toilet paper, no internet, NO WAY. So I voted for him because it is going to be hilarious!

  6. Rictor will slip into Les' tent and wreck that rectum.

  7. The world is sick and tired of this disgusting freak show known as homosexuality.

    1. ..."The world"? ..Sorry, you don't speak for me...I think they are born that way and you cannot condemn someone for being what they are...I also could not care less what anyone else does: I am too worried about

    2. The world is sick of it. We love moscows system for it. Its a choice to like other men, they arent born that way.

    3. ...I really would not know, and prefer to err on the side of caution and not hurt anyone who cant help what they are..Its not my affair(pun intended) and I dont think about them much..I live in NYC and they are kind of like the trains: you are exposed to the noise so much you stop noticing

    4. Shut up obama sucker, your PCisim,
      Is stretching your ass with a baseball bat,
      The only person that thinks thats OK,
      Is you, hint, try grease, !

    5. How dare you!!
      P.S what do you mean???
      : )

    6. That is not TK, I didn't make any comments here!

    7. ..9:26..You protest too much, and we all know what means: You are a closet...........Believer!!!

  8. Rictor is only looking for Homo Bigfoots!

  9. With shows like this, no wonder people think this whole Bigfoot business is a joke!
    When Rictor pulled out that light saber, he made himself look like a bigger arse than he is!

  10. To try and release some of my aggression, i started experimenting with cutting years back. But it wasnt all that good, as the pain was too sharp and burning, and was over quickly. So i did a little experiment and started skinning. I found i could skin a small square which gave me a good release. It heals pretty quick and its interesting to see the underside of the skin and the layers underneath. Try it, its better than any medicine.

    1. Try some weed, seriously.

    2. ...Cool, thanks for sharing...(and people wonder why so many of us prefer to remain anonymous on the 'net)...

  11. Anyone ever notice, how when joe is gone, doing whatever he does, that all the other regular moron accounts are gone as well? Is it just coincidence that when joe is away, the other accounts he has been accused of being behind, are also away? Watch, and you will see this is true. I imagine that joe probably is the single troll behind all the regular accounts. I didnt use to think this way, but now im beginning to come around. PJ, you poor fool, JREF really is the best.

    1. ..Well, I can confirm Joe is not D Dover: DD is busy on another thread accusing me of being every anon troll on the

    2. Yeah DD likes to try and scientifically prove you are every troll. He copies and pastes troll quotes, much like Joe, and then likes to makes posts with them comparing and contrasting. He then concludes that every troll here is the same person. Sounds legit, and great footer logic

    3.'s obsessing over it, posting articles about the psychology of online trolling..He wants this blog to be moderated forum which misses the fact that Shawn is making a living by providing an alternative....

    4. Exactly man. Dover is breaking down and analyzing the comments in great detail. Probably trying to do some kind of basement forensics on them. For the past week he has told every anon poster that they are all the same troll. Its really funny to sit back and watch the DD go into meltdown. Almost as funny as when Joe told some trolls he was contacting the police about the bigfoot evidence trolling. lol

    5.'s nuts; He had to be joking..

  12. One vote, per day, per person. Keep going back, day after day until voting closes. Just to make sure that Rictor gets his dream date!

    1. Nobody wants to see more gay agenda on tv

  13. Rictor on Survivorman, is going to be like a car wreck. You don't want to look, but you just can't look away.

  14. FORGET Rictor. He partnered with Rick Dyer on his youtube show. Enough said. If he gave a known criminal a platform to spread more lies, then Rictor can't be much better.

    1. Rictor wants her ass stretched ,by rick dyer
      Nothing more nothing less,! Rictor moans ands snivels about MISSING THE GREAT FUN of the san Francisco Bathouse days

      NO ONE CARES cause his butthole got
      At least 600,000 mi!
      Skeeze and loose!!

  15. Thanks everyone for the jokes and laughter. Be sure to vote each day and help get this queen on SURVIVORMAN!

    1. A Homo alone with Less in the woods looking for Squatch! I can see it now Broke Back Squatching! FFS! I see you boys found something to keep you busy up here! FFS!

      I don't think the chemistry would be good, but hey who knows! FFS!

  16. I wouldn't vote for dictor if she was the last fag on earth......

  17. Gosh, I hope Bigfoot Isn't a queer either...

  18. A Homo alone with Less in the woods looking for Squatch! I can see it now Broke Back Squatching! FFS! I see you boys found something to keep you busy up here! FFS!

    I don't think the chemistry would be good, but hey who knows! FFS!


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