This is what the Independence Day Bigfoot baby probably looks like

BFE reader Philippe C., from France sent us his interpretation of the alleged baby Bigfoot that was filmed on Independence Day. While many say it's a fake, there are some who think it could be legit. If you haven't seen the video, check it out below:


  1. Replies
    1. Homely looking kid.

      I have difficulties with that video.

    2. Me too... If it's a suit it's excellent.

    3. I poured over that video, doing quick double clicks on the pause/play button looking at the different frames, and the infant never once shows independent movement. However he turns the body the head stays square to the shoulders, even when the adult tilts it back the head doesn't compensate.

      I intended to look for independent movement to prove the video was real, but when I found the opposite I drew the conclusion it was faked. The infant's arm is attached to the chest and never moves, and the adult makes the infant's arm move by constantly jostling the infant around, which seems to fool people that the infant is moving.

      As far as the suit, it looks like it has a head piece because in some frames the hair chops off in the back, not the smooth flow of continuous hair from head to body like on real sasquatches.

      I don't like it. At one point the camera begins panning left before the subject walks out from behind a rock like it was anticipating the movement.

    4. I concur...hoax. Never liked this one. Uno!

    5. ThinkerThunker likes it, although I don't find that surprising.

    6. I must say, it's a cool drawing though.

    7. This one is Real! B/C I've Hoaxed a lot of Bigfoot Videos to know!

    8. This video is fraught with problems. The baby is being held using human one arm cradling technique. Sas/Apes carry a child using the child to "hang" on their head/shoulders and supported by their own strength. The child moves about quite nimbly on the Subject's upper body whereas this one is static. And the "tiptoe thru the tulips" shuffle/walk is all wrong for the adult.

    9. We missed you at the family BBQ. Sharon Jean brought her prize fighting chicken. I commissioned it painted in velvet just as I'm doing for the above Norman Rockwell -esque Bigfoot in Repose with child.

    10. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!! You won't miss me at the next one!!!

    11. I believe that. Don't forget to send that BBQ sample to Cousin Rhett. He needs a housewarming gift for his new Casa. Turns out I'm taking the family Winnebago from northern Cali all the way into Canada on the family vacation. We will send postcards.

    12. HA HA HA HA HAAAAAA!!!!! I got you loud and clear bro.

      : )

    13. Great. I sent you the confirmation packet to that new fangled email of yours. It's gor everything Cousin Rhett needs to replicate the taste of that dry rub you're sending him. And tell him if he wants information on the making of the special sauce we will get that to him too. We found that vinegar base bottle under Sharon Jean's left breast. Turns out she wasn't with child. She just had a bottle of sauce lodged under her left breast. Take care. Bo

    14. if only the video was clearer it would be easier to tell but if it is a costume it is a well done one

    15. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    16. @ Anon 10:08, the video is fairly clear, the photo posted to this page next to the drawing is something "funky" Thinker Thunker did to the video for his analysis, which washes out details. The original footage shows more detail.

    17. Joe you need to seek help immediately

  2. If anybody thunk this is real...dey need their head examined big time

  3. "The only person on this site pretending to be many people is you Joe.....or whatever your name is today.
    I liked your pathetic attempt to gain converts over on /x/. Gave me some laughs. But your writing style is easily spotted. Of course you are well aware that site is full of underage and troubled people.
    It is obvious you are severely mentally ill. It is also obvious you are attempting to create a following/cult. It is disgusting how you pray on the young,naive,and weak people. The scariest part is this is all true. You are doing this every day.
    And if you are so far gone you honestly believe only one person sees this you have a massive surprise coming soon.
    Joe should be banned not because he is annoying and a jerk. But because he is dangerous."

    (Cuckoo!!!!!!!!! Cuckoo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cuckoo!!!!!!!!!! Cuckoo!!!!!!!!!!)
    Christ on a bike, I've laughed at some of the stuff posted around here, but that was a doozy.

    Who's "Joe"?

    1. Get the caulk outta yer mouth joe

    2. That lad is cuckoo as in crazy! Uno!

    3. Tell me about it!!! Comedy gold!!! Shouldn't laugh really...

    4. His trolling is so ridiculous it is laughable, but he's so crazy it's not funny.

    5. Apparently Joe is "dangerous"... I've shown that to Joe and a few friends this morning and it got them seriously laughing, they in fact all said the same thing about being THAT crazy... When you stop laughing you realise there is someone out there who just needs a little bit of help.

    6. It is you who need the help. Joe had to change his name because his employer found out he was neglecting the special needs children he was supposed to be looking after. Apparently he thought chasing the magic monkey was more important than the well being of the children.

    7. 3:16 Is the magic monkey

    8. 5:16... Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      Please, do you have any more on Joe? This is comedy gold... I'd love to hear more this cult he has.

      (Sorry, I know it's cruel)

    9. Well why don't we start with you and your infatuation with serial killers Joe???

    10. Ha ha ha ha!!!

      Why don't you tell me all about bro? But please; let us not digress too much... Please I really want to know about this cult Joe has... Fascinating!

    11. Lets be honest here the drawing looks nothing like the fuzzy out of focus subjects...FFS!

      You guys slay me you really do... FFS Guy!

    12. Getting drunk at soccer matches and running with the hooligan crowd is another of your habits Joe.

    13. Oh dear... Please, I'm more interested in this cult.

    14. "His trolling is so ridiculous it is laughable"

      And yet here you are days later discussing it.

      Must have done something right.

  4. Good ol' Joe. Whatever happened to that flatulating butthead?

    1. He's not far, would you like me to ask him something, I'm sure he'd be happy to address your empty claims...

  5. I agree, it takes a very mentally disturbed person to hang out at this site all day every day making comments that come off as so immature it sounds like a child wrote it. I realize, as you say lktomi, people can recognize his style of writing even if they never acknowledge they know is the same troll.

    1. Case in point, above you write, "Get the caulk outta yer mouth joe." You've written that childish taunt a a number of times before (no adult would ever write like that). It's easy to pick out the site troll whose immature writing is more than obvious.

    2. It's the "cult" stuff that made me scream... Oh wow...

    3. What time are you serving up the kool aid?

  6. i am going to make a video that 100% debunks this

    1. I don`t need to see anything other than this video to tell me beyond doubt that this is a need to wipe the shiite from your eyes..and try using an eraser on your mind to get past that mental block you have.

    2. Heeeeeeeeeeey sweetheart!! I'm inclined to agree with you, stop letting your past spankings get in the way of thinking rationally now!! You'd like me off this blog bro!!

      Like I've said before... Rarely will you see me commit to a piece of footage.

  7. Good Morning all BigfootEvidence readers!

    1. Good Morning Bigfoot Student. How are you?

    2. I'm good Bigfoot Student. How are you?

    3. You're not fooling anybody Bigfoot Student. We all know you are all one guy.

    4. Hey Iktomi....Pardon me, just humoring myself this morning.

    5. Iktomi, I'm only about 4 people though. You're like 6,438 people. How can I compete with that?!

    6. Hello Bigfoot Student. It's called a "shill" when you pretend to be someone else online to promote yourself. Businesses sometimes do that in social media to "up talk" their product.

      Todd Standing was accused of this a lot when someone would write favorable comments about Standing. People would accuse them of being either Standing or someone in his organization.

      It's an unethical business practice sometimes employed. But of course the article posted here about the online trolling personality disorder says they lack morals. The site troll fits all the criteria of the psychopath detailed in that article. Here's the article:

  8. D Dover, are you still online?

    1. D Dover is just finishing his oatmeal. I will let him come out and play, and soon as he finishes his homework.
      Mrs. Arlene Dover

    2. About as creative as a wet sock... The sock is slightly more cognitive however.

    3. Actually D Dover is stuck in a goat right now, He will be back when the goat relaxes its anus.

    4. About as creative as a dead frog... The frog is slightly funnier however.

    5. Yes, its as creative as a dead frog and also as immature as a 1st grader, ". . . the goat relaxes its anus." Adults don't conjure up all this childish poop and anus talk -- giggling at feces is something a child would do.

      And instead of Arlene Dover, try ilene Dover, didn't you learn anything in grade school?

  9. Fake. He turns his head to far in the costume.

  10. Picture looks nothing like the fuzzy out of focus subjects!
    Please artist draw a blob FFS!

  11. I cannot believe, that you people who come here everyday and comment, actually think, that a REAL AUTHENTIC Big foot Video
    would be presented here!
    Keep dreaming. It ain't gonna happen. 99.9% of all Bigfoot videos presented here are fakes. Almost all "Hoaxers" know this is the site (and some others) where they can get some attention here. What is the matter with you? Use your 'common sense".
    How many Big foot Videos has Shawn presented here? Maybe 1,000+. And how many are Rear? Maybe 3?
    Any Bigfoot Researcher, worth his salt (an old expression) would not put his Video on this Site.
    Why do you think that John W. Jones Spoke Guy never presents anything here. He's way to smart for that.
    I am a Knower, not a Troll. I wish I could see a Real Big foot Video, I really do, but even the best Hoaxers can't get away with it., You Guys almost instantly see their fakes.
    Fast forward 3 years from now, and this site will be the same-o, same-o.,

  12. Another day, another winded comment section from Iktomi and Dover about their other weird obsession the site troll. You seem to think you know more about him then you think you know about Sasquatch. Maybe you two should start trying to find the troll. Much better odds of that than you two dimwits actually finding a Sasquatch or even providing anything worthwhile to the field. Stop pretending you are Sasquatch researchers and psychologists, you fail pathetically at both. Still if you have to burden us on this blog with your pretend research, keep it Sasquatch related. The fact that you obviously spend a lot of time trying to come up with psych evaluations for a troll says a lot more about you than the troll son. Now go put on your big girl panties, file a hurt feelings report and ignore the troll that you claim is so stupid its not worthy of attention. (But for some reason you give it an awful lot of attention)

    1. Ouch! We must have struck a nerve!
      We type these type of comments, (Using words as bait) to lure in and catch the sicko's on this site.
      guess what! you were caught dummy!
      Fell for it; "Hook, line and Sinker"!
      Dumbass! How do you feel now!

    2. Hey punk! It's not Dover or myself who are psychologists, it's people like these;

      ... You have a very real diognosis! Go figure!! You see, when you wake up to see comment section upon comment section dedicated to attacking people who are merely enthusiatsic, who would prefer to use such appropriately, don't you think it's another trait of psychopathy that you should then try and claim a perverse moral highground like you're some poor dumb victim? Oh... And Dover is the researcher out of us both, I'm just a guy who posts comments on a blog... Who does it so well he accumulates a psycho here and there, I guess. When it gets right down to the nitty gritty, you're only p*ssed cause you can't better us on the subject matter.

      Crazy, crazy nerd.

      : )

    3. Well said lktomi. Notice how he says. "ignore the troll." The site troll has been pretending to be a neutral observer several other times while admonishing us to just ignore the troll. Although this is the first time he's used the singular, he usually says trolls (plural) because he wants people to think there's a band of them here. But he knows I correct that.

      So, he says ignore the troll because he doesn't like being exposed.

      The site troll also wrote this further above:

      AnonymousTuesday, March 31, 2015 at 2:55:00 PM PDT
      "His trolling is so ridiculous it is laughable"

      And yet here you are days later discussing it.

      Must have done something right.


      So, the site troll (incognito) quotes me where I said his trolling was so ridiculous its laughable, then chides people for still discussing it days later. He's trying to drop an innuendo to stop exposing the troll -- saying hey, he must have done something right to make you focus on him. In other words, the site troll is trying to instill the idea of don't give the troll the satisfaction of exposing what he does; that's exactly what he wants you to do.


      The article detailing the disorder that online trolls have says they are manipulative. He's trying to manipulate those here to stop exposing what he's doing, because exposing his mode of operation impedes what sicko wants to accomplish.

  13. Shawn, You have got to stop this: "I am not a Robot thing". I am having a lot of trouble with the letters test! To hard for me
    D. Campbell

  14. Here is one out of three that is the real deal...........

  15. The drawing is terrible--angle of the head is wrong and more importantly it left out the dangling legs of the infant---Lame-
    As of the conclusion it's fake because the baby is carried in a non sasquatch way--really--you know that much about how a baby is carried by a bigfoot-at all times-

  16. Google "Bigfoot Blevins"..end of story here...

  17. this is the real


  18. This is obviously a guy in a suit, as much as the Patterson film is obviously a real creature.


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