This Is The Video That Started It All For Sasquatch Ontario

Since releasing this footage two years ago, Sasquatch Ontario has catapulted himself to habituation fame. He had a special documentary made about this research produced by Letters From the Big Man director Chris Munch. It started with some massive tracks found near his drive way, and while many have made debunking videos about his claims, the number of subscribers on his channel continue increase. After two years of habituation, Sasquatch Ontario decided to re-release the original footage again.

He writes: "A continued insight into the strange world of sasquatch interaction. This is now a 2 and a half year developed situation with trust built documenting close interaction with a benevolent family of what we believe to be an ancient people who are beyond our evolution. They hold abilities which allow them to exist in a quantum state. Sentient and highly intelligent,living in balance with all. They seem to understand and have learned how to utilize the laws of the universe. They have evolved down a different path than the human race, a path of enlightenment, far past our own evolution. There's good reason why sasquatch are labelled a myth and this situation gives an understanding of why."

You can watch it here: Sasquatch - Above and Beyond


  1. Replies
    1. First off that is a fake foot print. Look at the snow pushed up around the edges. Prints don't do that, all you have to do is look at your own foot print in the snow. NOPE no pushing up of snow on the sides of my feel. Come on you wackos find something good or shut the F up

    2. What's your name 3:12?
      Freddy Jones.
      Hey, Freddy Jones, shut up!

  2. Replies
    1. Haters gonna hate, especially the smart and beautiful! Uno!

  3. Yes, there is a very good reason why sasquatch are labeled a myth.

    1. But when it mainfests into physical evidence... It turns out it's oral history.

    2. No 'evidence' to be found when Sasquatch Ontario is around. Why this site continues to support whacko's and hoaxers reflects badly on the regular posters here.

    3. Iktomi, what do you think of S.O.?
      The first few videos I was hooked, but as time goes on I'm starting to believe his videos less and less. It just seems, I dunno, too good to be true. I'm totally on the fence with this guy.

    4. If you exclude the whackos and hoaxers, whose left in the bigfoot world?

  4. Umm, Shawn....if you read his info, this is not a re-release. it's a first or original.

  5. Shawn read? You're kidding right?

  6. What a complete bunch of crap. Not even Joe/lktomi believes what this guy puts forth.

  7. Apparently Chris Munch is a woo-monger. Only an idiot would take Sas Ontario seriously.


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