These art and depictions of bigfoot are hysterical! Part 1 [Guest Post]

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by BFE reader Bill W.

Name is Bill.I was 7 when the PG film was shot.By age 10-12 I’d seen the documentaries and was already a armchair BigFooter-devouring everthing on the subject- I remember one book I repeatedly checked out of the library called “The Maybe Monsters”. In it were Teddy R’s accounts from his book and Albert Ostman’s story. I was convinced-no one would make that up.Had to be real.Hell with the scientists!

In the 70’s.....the 70’s happened...I was a teenager.Nuff said about that-but along the way I remained a believer and when I ran across a comic book in a NYC headshop that had a Bigfoot story,I snatched it up.

I’ve had it since 1974.When I discovered Shawn’s blog ,I caught up on the goings on in the Bigfoot World and I remembered the comic. A while back I offered it to Shawn and he has persuaded me to do a short series of comments and captions for the individual images and ideas portrayed in the comic.This being the first of said entries-what comes to mind as I look at the comic? The More Things Change,The More They Stay The Same. Even though this is a humorous document about Sasquatch- it’s as relevant and true as it was 40 years ago-the Mystery Remains and the Search goes on. As you’ll see,Bigfoot insn’t given much credit...for being anything other than human.Not big on vocabulary either! Enjoy!

Click on image to enlarge


  1. White Bigfoot is the new black.

  2. Replies
    1. ^ Now that is a troll. Nothing to add to the debate but will undoubtedly get a pithy response from the BFE footer brigade who feel that this kind of empty, pointless comment cannot go unpunished. The trolled become trolls....

    2. Truer words were never spoken 4:43. Pro or con, at least put some thought or wit into your comments.

  3. What a cool find Bill W. Found it in a NYC head shop. Wonder if someone traded it to the owner for a bong.
    Appreciate you bringing this to us.

  4. this guy should be nominated for president of Armchair bigfoot world research organization. I'm willing to relinquish my title.

  5. NEW YORK CITY bigfoot researcher !!! now I've seen it all what's the world coming to. o! the humanity

  6. It's the new and improved BIGFOOT EVIDENCE. Now with 50% less evidence in a 25% larger box.

    1. You did it now haints and crossed the line. BenD Dover and NC will have a go at you for that, calling you a troll.

    2. Says the site troll who doesn't like NC and myself exposing him, and likes to use the term BenD Dover.

  7. Yes, one can learn a lot about Big foots from reading Big foot comics!
    The IQ of footers is perfect for Comics!

    1. Do you and the other JREF/ISF simpletons lash out at your fellow footers because your own sightings weren't believed ?

    2. Hell, out of Dans own mouth, he was hang'in with Bascardi. He screwed up and now feels he needs to "Justify" his own stupidity!

    3. There are no skeptics that post here or anywhere else about Bigfoot. They would not waste their time. The simpletons that post about it daily on the old JREF are every bit the footer Creekfreak was.

    4. All the above 11 Anonymous posts are by BenD Dover, including this one.


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