Team Rogue's Richmond, Maine Bigfoot Sighting Interview Is Intense

A local from Richmond, Maine witnessed a sasquatch not to long ago, and lucky for us, Team Rogue did an awesome job documenting the report. Listen to his chilling story:


  1. Replies
    1. Brock does great work. At some point in this field, you have to make judgement calls with peoples stories concerning these incidents. I have always believed Bill tries very hard to deliver Quality info on "good" sightings --------------------

      Anyone could get burned, and nobody knows now if the kid saw a foot ---------------------------------------------------- or if he changed his story do to bullies------------------ And then bullies come here and shoot off thier big-mouth, like they could do better from "Mommies Basement", Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ---------- Get'em Brockster!!!!!

    2. It's primarily one bully (troll) who does most of the trolling here in the comments section.

      I can see in todays world, especially due to peer pressure among kids, where someone could downplay something after being ridiculed. Although he is said to talk about how he fooled people.

      What makes me question it the most is the camera is set stationary in place long before the creature walks across the screen. How did he manage that? It would have been long enough for he himself to even run over and impersonate the bigfoot, or it could be a friend. But I don't like this one, it has too many red flags.

  2. Replies
    1. yeah that got hoaxed by a kid....true pro that mr brockitch..everything he has touch has failed drastically

    2. yeah that got hoaxed by a kid.. I let the "Kid" tell his story.. I am still looking into that sighting.. I have never NEVER said it was a legit sighting.. I always and always will say I don't know what it was.. Because I don't know for 100% sure.. I let people tell their story .. Good bad or otherwise..

    3. At least you admit that you got hoaxed, Bill. I respect that.

    4. Hey Randy, I like your work... ;) Honestly don't know what that happened for sure in Turner.. The video seems too good to be true. I live in the same area as these people. They are well known and thought to be credible. They both own Companies, mother and father. I have talked to the family a lot and we know some of the same people.. They family seems legit.. So I guess what I am saying is. I think they were hoaxed OR this was a Bigfoot.. I don't think the "Kid" hoaxed anything..

    5. Trust me I am fully aware the "Kid" said he did... I also know I spoke to the Father and he really says the "Kid" said he hoaxed it due to his peers giving him a hard time.. I hope this helps.. ;)

    6. It is impossible to turn on an unmanned video camera, set on a tripod, and have a Bigfoot walk into the viewer, within 2 minutes. Which is what the time log said on the kids video camera. The dude was wearing boots.

    7. Bad hoax. Anyone who fell for it; is a fool.

  3. Off the subject, but does anyone have any information about the bounty hunting of Aborigines in Australia during the early 1990's. I know a guy who visited Australia during this time period and witnessed it in a small town.

    1. I have heard a similar story, but don't know any details, would be kinda cool to go to Australia and shoot some Aborigines and pay for your trip!! :)

    2. Virtually every Aussie has some Aboriginal blood in the family tree.

  4. Is this guy still insisting he wasn't hoaxed by that high school kid?

    1. I am insisting I don't know what it was.. Maybe a flock of super smart turkey.. I have no idea.. that is why we are researchers ... I am still researching it..

    2. There is a point where you have to make intelligent, common-sense deductions about what you are researching instead of trying to make something into what you desperately want it to be. When a video shows up that looks like a skinny kid walking through a park and then a skinny kid who filmed it later tells you he hoaxed it, that would be a good gauge of what actually happened.

    3. Thank you for Commenting... You are 100% correct. You have to make intelligent, common-sense deductions.. That is why I have not said much about this.. As a Researchers we should not put out info about a sighting until we are 100% sure about what happened.. I am not 100% sure... So instead of putting out info with only half of the info about the account would be wrong.. I want to present this case when I can prove what I think.. I'm sorry I am making you wait too long.. It causes people to have doubts in what I do.. I assure you I am still working on this and I won't present any findings until i am sure I have all the info... Thanks for Visiting ;)

  5. It was interesting until the end. First of all, why ask the witness if he thinks the bigfoot was hunting deer. The question was leading and the answer was just purely speculative. Then, when we find-out his uncle is a well-known bigfoot researcher? That killed it. He said that his uncle runs newspaper ads looking for witnesses. Is this tale just a way to encourage others to report sightings?

    1. I feel the same way!! That is why I asked those questions.. I wanted everyone to know the history of this person and who he is... If I didn't ask, it would be deceptive.. I'm not hiding anything... I don't know what this guy saw.. But yes he thinks Bigfoot hunt deer and his uncle is a Bigfoot guy here in Maine.. That is the facts and that is why I film these. To bring facts... ;)

    2. The man in the interview sounded convincing. Don't mind the troll who wants to muddle things here, like the comment below "the guy saw an owl" or the early comment up top, "everything he has touch has failed drastically." This person trolls here all the time.

    3. What have you got against owls? Do you sometimes confuse owls for big foots?

  6. The guy just wanted to make up Bigfoot story to impress his uncle the researcher.

  7. You're not hiding anything? I watched the show you hosted. It was nothing but you and your crew hoaxing shit. Now you want us to accept you as a researcher? Sorry; once a hoaxer; always a hoaxer. Go back and fake some more bad T.V. Leave the researching to those who have some credibility. You do not.


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