Silverton Threatens Prosecution Against Bigfoot Hunters - Says Bigfoot Running By Train Is A Guy In A Suit

An older photograph of what some believe shows a bigfoot running on a trail near a train depot in Silverton, Colorado has resurfaced recently and gained a lot of attention. Some of which was in the form of discussions about hunting and shooting a bigfoot in Silverton. Local law enforcement has gone on record saying that if a bigfoot were to be killed they would seek prosecution one way or the other.

Local law-enforcement agencies warned that they would come down hard on anyone who bumps Bigfoot.

San Juan County Undersheriff Steve Lowrance said, “As far as our statement on Bigfoot, obviously, we can’t discount the existence of such a creature in Silverton.”

But, he said, if the people from “Paranormal Central” “do come here and kill Bigfoot, definitely, we’ll investigate, working closely with (Colorado Parks and Wildlife).

“We could bring conspiracy charges if there are enough people involved and they took substantial steps in killing such a creature,” he said.

Sixth Judicial District Attorney Todd Risberg said while offing Bigfoot would be a criminal act as well as ethically reprehensible, he didn’t yet know how he would charge such a slaying.

“If Bigfoot is a human, it would be murder. If Bigfoot is an animal, that might be more of a Division of Wildlife question,” he said. “I don’t know what Bigfoot is.”

To add another twist to the story, Risberg had this to say about the bigfoot in Silverton:

“When I was a judge in Silverton years ago, a waiter used to run by the train in a monkey suit,” he said. Anybody planning an attempt on Bigfoot’s life “better be careful what they’re shooting at.”

For the entire article, click here.


  1. They're covering up bigfoot..


    2. I believe it to be the Mexican Bigfoot.

  2. A series of blurred photos showing nothing in particular of a supposed creature looking very human.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Serious and genuine question. What do you consider to be the best single piece of evidence to support the existence of bigfoot? I'm not interested in generalities like "many eyewitness reports" or "the oral histories of many native cultures" or "I saw one once" or vague logic. In your opinion, what's the best *specific* thing you can offer someone that anyone can then evaluate for themselves?

    1. ..The Bossburg track that got Krantz's attention is a good one
      ..The dermal ridges in some of the prints: I know I have to find specific ones, but that should be easy...
      ..The cop on the Monsterquest Whitehall,NY episode was a convincing wittness

      ...I agree that the evidence needs to be better presented and that knowledgeable, serious proponents should put together a portfolio of the best evidence ....

    2. Watch the AIMS team on "Mountain Monsters" hunt the Kentucky Bigfoot tonight on TV. You'll believe.

    3. Great question. I agree with 3:57 that dermal ridges are among some of the best evidence. Both ridges on the feet and hands make a totally different pattern than is found on humans, and foot dermals on the sides of feet seen in some castings, and hand prints left say on a car windshield thousands of miles apart show the same patterns. And examples of this have been found "thousands of miles apart from each other."

      The other great example is DNA evidence from the genome project and others that has repeatedly shown DNA that contains both human and unknown hominid DNA, which means sasquatches are a relict species of man. And that goes to the heart of this article of whether Colorado could charge someone with murder for arbitrarily shooting one if they turn out to be men and women.

      I would say you could not prosecute anyone for the first one shot without specific laws governing their species, but they might could prosecute on other grounds of firearm use of some kind.

    4. @ 3:57 a great question was asked which had mostly good responses, which is what people who read the comments section want to see, then you above @ 4:42 inject your usual really immature comments everyday to troll for nothing more than your own pleasure, to play like a child because in your disorder you're still like a child.

      You might could recover some if you wanted to.

    5. You are correct DD the ridges are very different from what we find on human palms and pads. This is possibly due to these 'ridges' being artefacts of the plaster setting within the footprint. Whilst this possibility remains then we cannot say without doubt that footprint evidence is the smoking gun we need.

    6. ...DD, no offense but you are obsessing over the trolling...
      More than one person posts under anon and that is not me at 4:42...I answered at 3:57 and am reading the responses now..Chill, and ignore the trolling if it bothers you:That is the proper response to comments you dont like...

    7. double d try talking to mark parra as he is the one whom posted the pic...he's a researcher in co....nice guy does good work and has..gone back and did follow up comparisons on all his film captures

    8. he has a youtube channel morrigans10

    9. The site troll clogs the site with lots of short cryptic statements. Here are two in this section:

      AnonymousSaturday, March 28, 2015 at 4:17:00 PM PDT
      I saw one once.

      AnonymousSaturday, March 28, 2015 at 4:42:00 PM PDT
      I saw one twice.

      And when I point this out he usually responds with the same three statements:

      1. Oh, you're mistaken; I wasn't trying to troll.

      2. There are many anons on here posting -- striking against the idea of a main site troll.

      3. I need to stop obsessing with trolls. His advice here is ignore them, leave them alone. I'm only responding like this because I don't the comments.

    10. I seen three twice once.

    11. ...I am he and you are me and we are all trolling

    12. The laugh is on you since I'm exposing how you do things. You said, "we are ALL trolling Dover." You want to use anonymous to claim there are many of you, but the way you consistently answer yourself day after day in similar fashion shows it's mainly just one troll, you.

      Here's an article about you titled: "Online Trolls are Psychopaths and Sadists Psychologists Claim"

      The article includes this comment:

      "The researchers defined online trolling as “the practice of behaving in a deceptive, destructive, or disruptive manner in a social setting on the Internet” for no purpose other than their pleasure."

      You get some kind of sick pleasure in disrupting the list and harassing those that post here.

      The article also comments:

      "It was sadism, however, that had the most robust associations with trolling of any of the personality measures. . . . It went on to claim that trolls are “agents of chaos” that exploit “hot-button issues” to inflame and exploit users’ emotions. If an unfortunate person falls into their trap, trolling intensifies for further, merciless amusement. This is why novice Internet users are routinely admonished, 'Do not feed the trolls!'," the study warned."

      This is you. You want to bring chaos and harassment here. You get pleasure hoping you can shock people with your statements often involving feces of other sick comments.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. I posted the original question. Fewer responses than I expected.

    15. ....Try again during the week when more people are around..Good question. The proponents are often vague when defending their position: "The consistency of the reports..", "Prints with dermal ridges...".."Unknown primate dna"....vague

    16. ..DD, I'm not a troll..My last comment at 10:43 is a mild ribbing over your erroneous belief that one or two anons account for both the trolling and the skeptical comments...Give it a rest, man...I admitted 50 times I am genuinely interested in the subject and find some of the evidence compelling even though I am not convinced..I have plenty of respectful discussions and exchanges with believers...

    17. You're deceptive in how you troll. You occasionally pull this innocent victim game that you have been mistaken. Here's what you wrote at 10:43, "...I am he and you are me and we are all trolling" And just before that you wrote another of your odd quirky statements, "I seen three twice once." Are you seriously trying to say you're not the troll that constantly fills the list with similar odd ball nonsense like this?

      Also, you did again what you keep doing on multiple threads now, is attack the idea of a main site troll doing most of the trolling, like you just did here again. You want to keep people from realizing that.

      Your further deception above is that I tie trolling to skeptics. Skeptics are fine. And I'm not talking about a few trolls, most all is from one main troll, you.

      You are not fooling me with this deceptive nonsense.

    18. ....Koo-Koo-Ka Choo...You know, I'm starting to think you just want everyone who is not 100% convinced-dyed- in the wool believer off the blog---Aint gonna happen mate..Last, do you think I fooled, Joe? Of course not..He has been here awhile to and can recognize writing styles...

      Sorry about the Walrus joke if it upset you that much..



  6. How on earth could anybody be prosecuted for shooting a species that isn`t supposed to exist...and definitely does NOT exist in the eyes of the law...what utter bollox ...but nothing new there from law enforcement (read "harassment").

    1. Don't let Joetomi hear you say that he will throw up a link that says the army recognized it for one year and then pulled it from their book.

      But someone being a practical joker is enough evidence for him.

    2. ....If bigfoots are wild homo sapiens sapiens you can be charged with manslaughter: You don't need an SS to be protected under the law. It would be like shooting an illegal immigrant I guess...

  7. I think a lot of blood thirsty, pro-kill, wannabesomebodies, just got a major serving of disappointment.


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