Sasquatch Ontario Posts New Conversation With His Bigfoot Friend

Known for having the most incredible evidence in the field of sasquatch research, Sasquatch Ontario has posted a new video showing some amazing tracks, including one that is nearly 2 feet long, and another conversation with his bigfoot friend.

Published on Mar 29, 2015
A continued insight into the strange world of sasquatch interaction. This is now a 2 and a half year developed situation with trust built documenting close interaction with a benevolent family of what we believe to be an ancient people who are beyond our evolution. They hold abilities which allow them to exist in a quantum state. Sentient and highly intelligent,living in balance with all. They seem to understand and have learned how to utilize the laws of the universe. They have evolved down a different path than the human race, a path of enlightenment, far past our own evolution. There's good reason why sasquatch are labelled a myth and this situation gives an understanding of why.

Track Measured 20" Long and 8" Wide

Click Here to watch the video and hear the bigfoot talk.


  1. So is incredible the exact opposite as credible ?

    Just wandering

    1. incredible -- too extraordinary and improbable to be believed

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.



  5. This guy is getting really getting on my nerves. he must really think, that all of the commenters here are really stupid.

    Any, I really got new2s for you all, I found a 27" inch track!

    Now answer with:


    1. The only person on this site pretending to be many people is you Joe.....or whatever your name is today.

      I liked your pathetic attempt to gain converts over on /x/. Gave me some laughs. But your writing style is easily spotted. Of course you are well aware that site is full of underage and troubled people.

      It is obvious you are severely mentally ill. It is also obvious you are attempting to create a following/cult. It is disgusting how you pray on the young,naive,and weak people. The scariest part is this is all true. You are doing this every day.

      And if you are so far gone you honestly believe only one person sees this you have a massive surprise coming soon.

      Joe should be banned not because he is annoying and a jerk. But because he is dangerous.

    2. ^
      JREF footer that's obsessed with Joe. Those clowns are big on conspiracy theories.

    3. 9:31, The word you're looking for is "prey".

    4. Yes prey my mistake.

      What I stated is still valid.

      This person is dangerous.

    5. ^
      You should up your meds Drew.

    6. joe was some asswhole who thought people liked him but in reality they laughed and called him names,he lost a few bets on here but welched each time so his credibility is nil so people just humor the poor fat man,but he's gone now either his mommy took away his phone or he got his job back at the lil tokyo bath house for men....glad i could help son

    7. Nwah! He must have really played with your emotions, eh? For you to think about him all the time... For you to have so many lovely things to say about him.

      You must be in love.

    8. lol well played joe thought for sure sure that would ruffle your feathers...rock on

  6. Listen people I come here to troll the wannabes! But Mike is legit and probably the only legit guy out there! FFS!

    1. A quick look a mikes history shows he is anything but legit. Friendly, likable, and witty, but a complete fraud.

    2. @11:31.

      There are only 4 people on this blog
      That I know of, that are HONEST enough
      To comment with their real names..
      Mike B,is one them!!!

    3. I have it on good authority that Mike is a comedy genius.

  7. Replies
    1. It would be better than the last couple of them.

  8. I don't always fall for bigfoot BS. But when I do, it's Sasquatch Ontario.

  9. Will the REAL Bigfoot please stand up,once and for all.............


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