Possible White Bigfoot Caught on Cam

BFE readers are some of the most active researchers in Bigfoot. Dr. Squatch (who frequents this blog) thinks he may have caught a possible white Bigfoot on camera. It's an infrared video, so it's really hard to tell if this is actually a white object. Dr. Squatch is asking for some enhancements to be done. Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. Here's DC dreaming about his favorite things


    2. And there's you, the only one obsessing of it.

    3. I watched that and actually laughed, a snow d*ck. That is some funny sh*t.

      Kudos to 9:13 as you guys rarely make me laugh.

    4. Not as funny as the rarity of locating your own past that distended gut of yours. I'd suggest giving Zumba class a whirl.

  2. I didn't see anything bigfootwise, but my head is swimming after watching the shaky swinging video.

    1. At the 5:53 mark Dover,slightly to your right.

    2. Sorry DD, I'm walking around looking with my eyes, not through the small screen, so I don't know what I'm filming at times....but with new filter, I realize now I have to look through small screen the whole time.

    3. Or figure out a way to hold it steady, and don't sweep side to side or up and down wildly. Slow panning is better.

    4. A window pops up, and says, "Panning to fast" when I do....The stability on the camera is phenomenal, it would probably be unwatchable if not for it....I'll work on slowing down.

  3. I think it is a tree, either oak that do not give up all there leaves until spring, or some other tree that hangs on to its leaves. If you freeze exactly at 2 07 it sure looks like a tree. Can see these type of trees again at 2 58 mark, 3 24 mark and sporadically throughout the video.

    1. I thought it was the leaves of a tree too. The filter might make it brighter, I don't know. The area seems very close to an urban area, with the freeway noise and the building, but I think he is trying out the new filter.

    2. Maybe its an owl?? That will be the next brilliant deduction!! LOL!!

    3. Yes he is trying out the filter. It may make the leaves look much brighter than what they are, at least at this time of day. Not sure what the purpose of the filter is. Does it enhance images at dusk and dawn or whenever. Maybe DS can weight in here what the purpose is. I am all for new tricks.

    4. A trolling owl without wings but 6 ft legs, now theres a thought.

    5. or if could be BenD Dover as a gimp on stilts. We'll get the Troll comments now hilariously we are all the same with a psychotic disorder.

      I however, just like to kill people, I'm not psychotic, just happy shelling peanuts in my spare time.

    6. Undoubtedly your life's greatest accomplishment.

    7. The troll writes, "We'll get the Troll comments now hilariously we are all the same with a psychotic disorder."

      I'm glad to see you admit you're all the same person. You start by saying, "We'll get the Troll comments" like you are a group of trolls laying down this psycho babble, but then you say, "hilariously we are all the same with a psychotic disorder."

      It's good to see you fess up to how you fill threads with your psycho babble, wanting people to believe there are many trolls haunting here, but it's mainly only one troll with a sadistic disorder.

    8. They aren't outdoorsy manly adventure men

    9. I must have hit a nerve; so, you conjured up one of your perverse aliases to pepper the comments section with in frustrated retaliation.

    10. Don't be frustrated just Look to the trees

  4. Its clearly the guy in the Hay suit !!!!!

  5. It's not quite blurry enough to be sure.

  6. Amanda Fox has been found guilty folks. Back to Italy she goes.

    1. I bet she tries to stay in the U.S. without papers...

    2. ..I bet she wishes Italian laws were the same as ours: I think she would have been home free in the US after the original conviction was tossed....

  7. seem's the dr is coming down with a case of the fasano's....the look at me look at me variety.

    1. Fasano is sexy and a great researcher.

    2. I filmed myself for 5sec in one video out of 25, I'm not in this for notoriety or money, just to prove it, and to share my knowledge with others, so they can possibly prove it. This camera technology is now banned for civilian use, and people on youtube say it's because they can see ufo's in infra red...I also am banking that I can see the BF in infra red. Its taken me years to train my eyes to see them, and all I look for is BLACK! When I was filming this clip, you can see that I zoomed in on everything that was BLACK...I never saw the white object! I went back and filmed the area the next day, and nothing white anywhere! I know they hang out in this "Urban" area...They have the whole area marked beyond belief, and the tunnels going underground are all marked too, which I've shown in my videos.
      This camera can see through mail, clothes, even skin! I'm banking on this to see the BF, and I'm pretty sure this white object is a BF, hopefully someone can enhance it.
      It's cold out now, but the BF are coming back soon, I'm seeing fresh breaks already!!!!!!! Off now with new filter!!!!

    3. could you please detail the make, model and number just so we can verify that?

    4. ^^^ Hey DS, are ya going to try out that dog whistle you mentioned, it just might draw them/it in closer if they are in the area. One thing, If it does work I hope it does not aggravate/irritate/bother them as well as their hearing is probably quite astute..............

    5. I forgot about the whistle, thanks for the reminder!

    6. You're very brave and manly

    7. DS is one of those guys who watched a few episodes of Finding Bigfoot and became a 'top' researcher overnight. I like his made up story about losing all his previous evidence taken prior to Finding Bigfoot. No evidence now. No evidence then.

    8. You're way off! Like finding bigfoot could teach me something..LOL
      I don't lie 6:15, give me your email, and you can email the researcher who lost my stuff and ask him yourself! Come on email me...you think I'm lying...email me then! I have TONS of evidence, your just blind!

  8. It a sasquatch you douches are you blind or what.

    Cant you see the markers.

  9. I would like to know, who is the best Bigfoot Researcher in the U.S.?

    1. It's obviously DS, he sees them every time he runs a camera, even if you can't.

    2. Me!! Ive seen one twice and two once!

    3. The best researcher is one who provides 100% evidence.

    4. 11:51 I wont post anything that is Pareodalia. I've had hundreds of photos that I didn't post, because one thing I've learned is that the photo has to be really realty clear, or it just makes me and BF look bad. It's extremely hard to get a good photo of one, and even when a half decent one comes out, you all blast it, so I've learned that not every photo is what it seems....and maybe the white object above is nothing at all, or maybe it is a BF? I wont stop trying until I prove it, so the ones that do believe, rest assure, I'm going to vindicate us!

    5. If you won't post a bad one I guess you won't be posting anymore. ..look to the trees. ..Mohawks

    6. I plan on posting a lot! I just hope that the infra red can be enhanced, or If I see one in infra red, then I can unscrew the filter, and hit 2 buttons to switch back to 1080p...hope I have enough time!

  10. I see JREF/ISF footer "Alaskabushpilot" is making up stories again and his fellow footers over there are eating it up. He claims to be somewhat of a moose whisperer by using special skills to get one to kiss him. If those dolts would do an image search for "kissing a moose" they would see that people kissing a moose is a common thing in Alaska with several pics of people kissing a moose on their property. That probably isn't even him in the picture he posted for those numbskulls.

  11. Guy walks 20 steps out of his car from a paved parking lot and thinks he sees a white bigfoot...

    Can't make this stuff up folks.

    1. But they do, why this thread so far had 38 posts and the guy who walked 2600 miles only has 13.

    2. This thread has so many posts because you, the site troll, talk to yourself like you are different people, or just write line after line of psycho babble, letting others see how disturbed you are.

    3. ^ Thinks there is only one person out there who doesn't believe in magic monkeys.

    4. ^Thinks he can fool those here that it's a group of trolls making the same type of psycho babble when it's mainly just him.

    5. They do hide right there, right as I walk in the woods, and the structures are there to prove it! They were there long before it was developed. I'm beyond fortunate that they are this close. I've walked and filmed this area a dozen times, and I see them when I go through the footage, but I don't see them with my plain eyes. This filter like I said, is hopefully going to help me find exactly where they are.

    6. I hope you're successful with that DS. In recent times a lot of sasquatches have been seen close to civilization.

      You mentioned about them having underground tunnels. A number of Indian legends claimed they live underground, and in caves in which the entrace is hidden to where you can't find it. I've always been intrigued by this but there isn't much out there in modern accounts to verify they do this.

    7. I think you're manly and adventurous

    8. Are you filtering through a bottle of Night train?

    9. These are man made tunnels, that a creek goes under the highway. They have upside down trees marking both ends of the tunnel.

    10. Like I said,Bizzaro World.

    11. When you attack my evidence instead of me, let me know, it would be nice to see that....LOL....
      CANT DO IT!!

    12. DS,I have had an encounter.I know Bigfoot is real.The reason I say that you live in Bizzaro World is that your "EVIDENCE" is somewhat shaky.Not everything is Bigfoot related.Sometimes you need to be a little more thorough of your own "EVIDENCE".Not everything is Bigfoot related.Be your own skeptic,you'll find out that it will bring you back to the real WORLD.I apologize if I hurt your feelings.

      A Knower.

    13. PS.Remember that you believed that Dick Ryder had a real Bigfoot.That in itself is poor judgment.

    14. I gave Dyer a fair shake, like I would anyone else, and his true colors came out! Giving someone a fair shake is not poor judgement, innocent until proven guilty, and he proved he was guilty, but its not impossible for even a liar like Dyer to shoot a BF.
      I agree, not everything is BF, but what I put out, I believe IS proof, or I wouldn't put it out to get mocked by it?

    15. Please explain what is "Shaky" about my evidence.

    16. Pleas explain what isn't


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