ParaBreakdown Commentary: The Silverton Colorado Bigfoot Photo

An older photo started to make rounds recently, of what some believe shows a bigfoot running along side a river just outside a train depot. Is this a rare photo of a bigfoot getting caught out in the open?


  1. Replies
    1. And he says, "Nothing to see here, move along." If he's going to say it looks like a kid running he should at least give some reasons why.

    2.'s because everything he looks at is fake unless it is from his friends...that's all there is to it,also the only reason he's featured here is because he is matt's bff

    3. Poling has done well with some evaluations. His primary focus is to debunk hoaxes though, and it seems to me sometimes he can be overly cynical using weak proofs. Its just my opinion.

    4. If this is human than it is running, and definitely not walking.

  2. nobody cares what hot pockets poling has to say

  3. There is a hood, jacket, gloves, boots. NEXT!

  4. Oh lardy lardy,Wouldnt ya just know Para would jump at the chance to go after something Snow Walker puts up.

  5. Para breakdown's breakdown-
    A quick synopsis of any video evaluated-
    Sarcasm-video--sarcastic tone-video-condescending tone-video-
    Thanks for watching

    1. A quick synopsis of a footer's evaluation.... you can't prove it's not a bigfoot. Therefore it is a bigfoot. And I need something exciting to look at.

  6. Looks like Trayvon with a satchel.

  7. Unless you can prove that this is a kid with a hoodie, it's a bigfoot.

    Joe Iktomi

  8. A kid with a really long ponytail and a skateboard ... Dumbasses.

  9. Hot pockets Phil sounds bitter.

  10. Putting the still in photoshop and adjusting the color, etc, shows the 'guy' is all one color. There is no jacket to be seen but hands on the sides of the body seem to extend the upper body outward giving an impression of a top. Leg color is identical to upper body, face is same color as body as well.

  11. do not know if this is photoshopped. but it appears too massive for a teenager. and especially its gait looks nothing like Homo sapiens americanus...well, at least not under sober conditions...


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