New Bigfoot Thermal Video - This Is The Third Time In The Same Location!

This is definitely a first in the bigfoot world.  In 2009, Mike Greene captured thermal footage of a bigfoot creature taking a candy bar he had left on top of a tree stump. Then in 2014, another possible bigfoot creature was caught on thermal just a few yards from the same spot Mike Greene had captured his thermal years before. Now, in 2015, a NEW thermal video has been submitted by researcher Bobby Woods. This clip showing what appears to be a bigfoot creature in the treeline, also in the same area as the original Mike Greene video. This is one place where bigfoot does not appear to be camera shy.

Woods says that he was out in the forest at around 2:45 a.m. when he captured the animal on camera.

“I was hearing something walking around behind my truck off into the forest,” Woods explained. “I grabbed my FLIR thermal and my trio and took a video this is all I could get, because the trio was already blinking dead battery.”

The 14-second video shows the thermal images of a seemingly wide-chested bipedal creature hiding behind a tree. The animal appears to be aware of the videographer as its cone-shaped head is seen in what looks like an attempt to keep an eye on the man.

Woods says that the alleged beast stood there for about 35 minutes before “taking off down into the valley”.

It is not the first time that the man has reportedly come across a similar creature. In 2012, Woods says, a “female Sasquatch” came out of the woods and took a candy bar he and his team had left on top of a tree stump in the “Mike Green area”. In a different occasion, the researcher claims that a “male Bigfoot” also showed up at that location.

For the full article click here.

Click here to check out the two previous thermal bigfoot videos from this same area!


  1. Replies
    1. Sprinkled with frumunda cheese

    2. ...Lol...Probably, and I'm no great fan of Green's original, but aren't we looking for repeatability?...

    3. And last but not least covered with my special Jack sauce

    4. ^ you thoroughly dirty boy

    5. he was once a patient of mine

  2. So this guy has been searching for 7 years...actually has a FLIR with him...the "creature" is there for 35 minutes...yet, all he can get is 15 lousy seconds because the battery was low? Either this dude is full of horse shyte, or yet another moron in the woods(or both).

    1. don't forget option three.

    2. That's a problem isn't it? Why is it rearchers are so often poorly prepared? Either the video tape was used too many times to be clear, or the camera was at the end of the roll, or the battery was low, or they didn't understand the settings etc.

  3. Another nothing of something............

  4. I say BS! All of them BS!
    Do you know that after Mike Green's Thermal of a Bigfoot taking a candy bar, Mike started charging people for expeditions!

  5. It is way easier to hoax with a thermal (ask Stacy Brown). You will see an increase in more Thermal hoaxes.

  6. same bloke in a suit as the last time.

    1. Said through rotten British teeth ? Don't you assholes have dentists over there ?

    2. 1997 phoned. They want their joke back.

    3. HAHA! Go Richard!! ;) That was GOOD!

    4. I never heard the Brits were known for rotten teeth, just big yellow or brown teeth.

    5. ^ This coming from a nerd who serves himself up a heaping plate of turds on a daily basis.

    6. this coming from a nobody who shows up here about a month ago and thinks he's king shyt..when really he's just a bum that goes site to site until he's booted...sound about right sugarbritches

    7. A confession of your own self-description? Yea, I think that sounds about right,Pud'n!

    8. red neck beer belly sharecropperFriday, March 27, 2015 at 5:08:00 PM PDT

      Wut duhs NC stan fer??

  7. More sightings= more expeditions=more money.............

  8. It does look good,a bit of tree peeking going on xx

    1. Yes, Eva, it shows that odd swaying from sided to side sometimes reported for sasquatches. There must be more footage though. The individual is in view when the video ends.

    2. prolly some farm gal being shafted from behind by her sugar daddy ..swaying and moanin` `ceptin` the moanin` an` groanin` weren`t picked up on camera

    3. Sounds like you don't get any so you think about it. A lot. Big surprise.

    4. Va gina Gud...even when you get it you think about it

  9. What happened to all those habituation sites? Those people claimed to see them on a daily basis, much more than just three times.

    Speaking of top-tier crazy people, whatever happened to Dr. Nosleeves Johnson?

    1. Replaced by Dr Squatch's broken twigs and his attention seeking nephew.

  10. I see JREF/ISF footer "Alaskabushpilot" is making up stories again and his fellow footers over there are eating it up. He claims to be somewhat of a moose whisperer by using special skills to get one to kiss him. If those dolts would do an image search for "kissing a moose" they would see that people kissing a moose is a common thing in Alaska with several pics of people kissing a moose on their property. That probably isn't even him in the picture he posted for those numbskulls.

    1. For the obsessed "Bigfoot Skeptic" being such a tiny sub-sub culture of footers they sure do have a high percentage of nuts in their ranks.

  11. If it's legit, hopefully he learned a lesson with the battery, and should have a lot more footage in the future.

  12. Foxy Knoxy found innocent folks !

  13. looks like the squatch is picking berries or some object from the ground and stacking it, we need a size comparison of some seems very suspicious that batteries die or what not,.. thank you, Howard Stern....


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