Mitch Waite Is In The Middle Of His Month Long In-Field Investigation

Two weeks in and Mitch has managed to get his first video up of his month long trip into bigfoot territory. Can you imagine being in the field for an entire month? Not many could do it, but it looks like Mitchell took plenty of snacks.


  1. For my old bird Rooster!


    1. When are you going to tell us about that story you'd mentioned the other day,Chick?

    2. Oh, haha! I forgot NC

      Well, so much comes from my inability to sleep at night. Last week the weather was lovely. Perfect temps day and night. So I wanted to sleep with my windows open a bit, i enjoy the night noises and I always feel refreshed in the morning. This is not something I normally do. This time of year you only have a week before the pollen hits and then you cannot open your windows at all. The pollen is TERRIBLE. Your skin itches, your eyes swell up, it is very bad. If I go outside I have to come in and take a shower to stop the itching. My inside dogs get so sick.

      SO. I have my window open and have to get up at 1 am to use the bathroom. I am all alone downstairs sometimes because Rooster needs his sleep and I keep him up. I walked in the dark to the pot and there is a small window in my bathroom. As soon as I turned on the light I heard the sound of a body part hitting pretty hard against the furnace right under my window. OH CRAP! I run up the stairs and make Rooster get up. Outside we go with flashlights (my flashlight has a tazer on the end- its name is Diablo). We check that side of the house and something had been in the trash. I am now thinking probably raccoons. Only thing is the trash bags were opened- you know how they have those plastic strings on the top. They had been loosened all the way like a bag before you tighten the strings. And there was some stuff on the ground. I am still thinking well... animals?

      Next night- dummy me. Open window. Bed right next to the open window. All alone. I finally doze off during a very good bigfoot radio show. Suddenly I am awakened to the sounds of feet running off the deck. Away from the open window. OH CRAP AGAIN! I hit the security lights and all the lights for the back after I swallowed my heart back down. I think its a wanna be burglar. Later that night I saw a flashlight out in the woods. I've since learned there have been several night invasions around here in the last few weeks.

    3. Rummaging through trash? Odd. I'd download Map Nimbus if I were you.

    4. Oh, and the half pig. Right outside of the subdivision on the country road in the ditch. Half of a big hog. Only the front half. Like cut in the middle almost exact half of a hog. The back half was missing. It was fresh. I only saw it as I was driving by. Went back to check it out the next day and it was gone already. A little off because deer are hit there all the time and nobody picks them up at all. They are drug off to the side and left. That spot is a major crossing place for animals coming out of the woods.

      Maybe pigs have more meat so smell worse? I dont know. Just an observation.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Very spooky Chick! Love the reports!

      Great first for Rooster...loved it!

      Stay safe! Uno!

    7. Thanks for Sharing Chick! Pretty cool stuff!

    8. Brilliant idea sharing personal information on this site.

  2. Don't you love pictures of a pile of driftwood?

    1. DS says he can prove Bigfoot through those. Then again he sees Bigfoot faces in leaves and shadows.

    2. How does driftwood get stacked up like that? Tons of markers and structures in his video, that I see in PA in he's in AZ, explain that! YOU CAN'T EXPLAIN IT, OTHER THAN BF, so don't make yourself look like more of a douchebag!

    3. So natural forces that create a wood pile in PA couldn't exist in AZ? You sound absolutely ridiculous. That's why few people take you seriously dude. Everything has to be Bigfoot to you.

    4. I said tons of "Markers & Structures" meaning things other than the wood pile dingbat. I saw at least 20 other markers, that I can point out in his video, that I see across the country! Who really sounds ridiculous here? Post a name, so when I prove BF exists, I can address you personally,

    5. Obvious question: Have you seen Bigfoot making these markers and structures? If not, why do you assume they are those things?

      Don't worry, I will find you if you prove Bigfoot exists. Judging by your Rick Dyer belief and videos I don't think I have much to worry about.

    6. It cracks me up that you even bring up Rick Dyer...That has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything...It's a very futile childish attempt to undermine my research, all while never addressing any of my evidence...just cowardly and pathetic!
      Better Question: How do 40 foot trees get uprooted, and placed sideways up at the top of the trees? Or uprooted and placed upside down?

    7. It has a lot to do with your gullibility and judgement- and let's face it all your "research" is just you speculating. Your judgement has been awful- no ifs, ands or buts about it. The internet has recorded it and I have seen it. If you want to get more personal and "childish" I can "Dr".

      I noticed you conveniently avoided my question about how you came up with your ideas about sticks. If your answer is humans couldn't do it- well let's just say that doesn't cut it and no self respecting "researcher" of any kind would accept that answer. Again did you see Bigfoot making these things? If not, why did you come to that conclusion?

    8. He comes to his conclusion because they are known to make a variety of stick structures. Whether you believe they do or not, or what you believe is the cause doesn't mean anything except your different opinion.

      Stick structures that would not be made by known animals in the wild are common in habitats known for bigfoot activity.

    9. They will prove actually nothing on their own. Nada, zilch. Until they have been shown to use them/make them, they will just be used as means of guessing. Ultimately, the burden of proof is on the claimant and there isn't anything that can't be explained by other means.

    10. Me hen these structures are found to be many miles into wilderness interiors, that are surrounded by physical evidence like tracks, then the only "nada, zilch" is the excuses you vomit that don't wash. The "burden" is in fact with anyone making a claim to facts, you are not somehow special I'm being excluded that requirement. Although a lot of this phenomena is misinterpreted, your burden mantra is a convenient way for you too be the goal posts. It's in the top ten rules of your religion that is Scientism, dear Anon.

    11. Various types of structures will have nothing cut, all broken branches, some of which can be large. As the Dr. S commented, "How do 40 foot trees get uprooted, and placed sideways up at the top of the trees? Or uprooted and placed upside down?"

      Up to 1000 lb trees have been uprooted and inverted back into the ground. Some regions like Alaska are more known for this activity.

      They twist off 4" to 5" thick trees about 4 feet off the ground. A saw this next to a rectangle shaped structure which part of it was criss crossing like you would build a log cabin. All the branches were broken, nothing cut. I found their footprints near there.

    12. The inverted tree thing has been reported as a logging tradition. If you suppose Sasquatch does it, it would take a team of them some time to do it on larger trees. That is something I find hard to believe.

      You can talk about "moving goal posts" all you want, it doesn't change the fact that it is complete speculation. It is all well and good that you believe "stick structures" are Bigfoot related, but it is up to show it one way or another. Don't put the cart before the horse and tell me it's proof. DS has stated that this is proof before; it is not.

    13. There are reports of inverted trees from parts of the US prior to those areas being logged.

      Nobody is claiming that tree structures are speculative, just keep your JREF mantras about burdens in check, those people are fundies who think they are sceptics when none of them even fathom the word.

    14. This guy is a complete douchebag doesn't take half a brain to see the strength involved in these breaks and structures. But gee, somehow if you believed Dyer at any point, it nullifies the possibility that BF did this....Years of concrete research down the drain because I treated someone innocent until proven guilty????? Beyond a coward! Pathetic attempt to ignore the evidence.

    15. I was the one who busted Dyer's fake doll by noticing the missing phalangeal joints in its hands!! So does that make all my stuff legit now Anon?

    16. No d---sucker it does not.

    17. DS, you bought into the Dyer crap a LONG time. You can sugar coat that all you want but it's true. You didn't bust squat. Everyone new that doll was fake from the beginning. Don't pat yourself on the back for finally catching onto a hoax.

      The whole point of bring up Dyer was to show that you are gullible and want to believe. Your videos are just more evidence of that. That bridge video was ridiculous (I noticed you took it down in shame). Just like your Bigfoot "face" video. Nobody bought your arguments on Randy's blog, just like they don't here. You can "research" all you want by filming wood piles PA. That doesn't mean anyone respects it.

  3. Chick, Please be careful and take some protective measures...We NEED you around here!

    1. Yeah! Who else is gonna eat all the leftover Hot Pockets?

    2. Hey BigfootStudent! I am all locked down here. No more spring breezes for me. Security lights on all night and this place is lit up like the Chrystler building now lol! And Rooster got the gun out too. Sooo. Yikes!


  4. When we were kids we built stick structures and giggled when the adults wondered who built them. We also carved out footprints as big as we could.
    Our last project was trying to simulate a nasca line bird but, too big a project for us really. We did have a good time doing this stuff and always hoping someone would take it all seriously.
    One 4th of July we played animal sounds from the top most window of my friends house. That got attention and people were wondering what was going on in the woods.
    I think could be that lots of people do things like this.
    Some might be real but, I don't know.

  5. WE need a good clear video of this species,once and for all............

    1. People have been saying that for a long time though.

  6. Okay,instead of stick structures would you know of ANY hard evidence or anything more concrete of this species(Sasquatch) existence at all that would keep us Bigfoot believers interested "Thanks".............

    1. I can see there is a lot that people bring up.


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