Man Claims To Have Proof Of Bigfoot In Switzerland

YouTuber dagocleo is a bigfoot enthusiast, and now feels he has proof of bigfoot living in Switzerland. According to Cleo he was photobombed by bigfoot (seen above) while geocaching in the Swiss woods.

“I wouldn’t have found it if not being for iPhoto. When I put my selfie into iPhoto, it recognizes so-called faces. It recognized mine, but then it was asking me ‘who is that face in the background?’ Of course I thought ‘there is no face in the background,” Cleo said about the picture.

Until, he says, he zoomed in and realized that, indeed, “somebody or something” was looking at him.


  1. Replies
    1. Does that come with the Never Ending Salad Bowl and breadsticks?

    2. If you eat your own turds, or have a fascination with them, having a healthy salad with that probably doesn't matter.

    3. 3rd graders at the lunch table ^^^

    4. ^ you`d know all about that

  2. Replies
    1. Darn, was hoping to get in first before we had to read about turd boy's dinner.

  3. Looks definitely like one of our friends from the canine family to me............

  4. LOL. Those Swiss. What a bunch of kidders. They're always good for a laugh.

    1. And don't forget about their chocolate,one of the best!!!!............

    2. I know, right? What a nation of jackasses. This article proves it. Even their cheese is laughable.

    3. You can't generalize about an entire ethnic group like that. Although, in this case it's true. The Swiss that I've known were as dumb as a box of rocks.

    4. I have two Swiss born friends, one I do research with. Both are very bright.

      There are bigfoot like creatures on every continent except Antartica, which includes Europe. Here's a map showing locations of some modern sightings in Europe.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Dover- You had mentioned every continent except Antartica. Are the Masasai the only ones reported in Africa?

    7. You must have been working with the two bright Swiss. Either that or you set the bar really low and anybody seems bright compared to you.

      There are bigfoot I'm Europe? Really? Do they call them by the fake North American Indian word sasquatch?

    8. Bigfoot has been not found on every continent including Antarctica.

    9. The site troll asked for people to just ignore him.

      @ NC Africa has both a large one and a small one. The small one is called Agogwe or Little Red Men. They are somewhat like the Orang Pendek of Sumatra, Indonesia.

      One of the names for the larger one is called Waterbobbejaan in South Africa. It goes by other names in other parts of Africa.

      Dr. Meldrum will be heading a World Conference on Relict Hominoids in South Africa on Sept. 5-12, 2015. Some of the speakers will be researchers in Africa who research the hominoid species there.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. @ NC I just did a search for Masasai and that is the name of a tribe in Kenya that has bigfoot tales. I'm not sure what they call it there.

      Here's a story of one 10 foot tall killed in Guinea, Africa in 1892. They called it a Gorilla, even though it was twice the size of a gorilla, and it's cranium was 2 1/3 larger than a gorilla's.

    13. Thanks D, and sorry for the mistake.

    14. 5:38 ...yup,they`re so dumb they don`t know how to take active part in 2 world wars...though I concede they were so dumb as to amass vast fortunes of stolen loot that is still unaccounted for today...stupid people.

    15. ^^ avoiding the useless slaughter of their own people Sounds smart too me. Stolen loot ? Don't be so gullible


  5. iphoto can't possibly be the victim of pareidolia.

  6. April Fools!! Even the Swiss know how to play an April Fools jokes. Either that or this nutcase should be committed for wasting our time.

  7. This video is 100% proof blobquatches exist in Europe! Who'd a thunk?


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