Looking For Bigfoot DNA Science? Haskell Hart Has an Update on The Starchild DNA Results

Anyone following the Starchild DNA results? The study was recently evaluated with "mixed results".
See Haskell Hart latest blog post for his assessment of Brien Foerster's Starchild Project DNA. He writes:

We diverge from bigfoot a bit to consider another hot cryptozoological project.  Brien Foerster’s Starchild project http://starchildproject.com/ has produced some DNA results worth taking a good look at.  They are quite astonishing.  The website gives good background information on the unusual skull found in Mexico alongside a normal looking skull in the 1930s.  The Starchild project has involved many different kinds of analysis over 13 years.  Of course, the central question is what is the genetic origin of the skull?  Is it human, nonhuman, alien, or some combination.  DNA sequencing is just the technique to answer these questions, but extraction from ancient material 900 years old can be difficult.  Elimination of possible modern human contamination can be even more difficult for a specimen handled casually many times since its discovery.  That being said, we took the DNA sequences at face value to verify the interpretations of Foerster’s anonymous geneticist.  The mtDNA conclusions are believable; the nDNA (FOXP2 gene) results are not.

Read the blog post here: http://bigfootclaims.blogspot.com/2015/03/starchild-dna-results-evaluated-with.html


  1. Replies
    1. Morning Uno!!! Great first!

    2. your right it is sensational. the skill it takes to be first is unmatched by any scholar or athlete...you should be proud of your goal of a lifetime....scream it from the mountain tops...i am first

    3. The end of the article makes this statement showing how scientists walk on egg shells around the politically correct scientific community. University labs that have done testing for Dr. Ketchum want to remain anonymous to avoid scrutiny.

      The article stated:

      "As with Melba Ketchum’s genetics consultants in the Sasquatch Genome Project, the Starchild Project geneticist has chosen to remain anonymous, ostensibly for “security reasons.” Security of his/her reputation, no doubt."


      Dr. Ketchum has had repeated results showing an unknown species of homonin but most in the scientific community want even entertain it since it might tarnish their reputations. We are only blessed with few brave scientists, like Dr. Meldrum, whose character rises above the fray.

    4. Double D, you're a good dude but this hard on you have for Melba is beyond the 4hr recommended dosage.

      She's a fraud, and a swindler. Nothing she does from now till the end of her life, unless it involves an actual body of Bigfoot, will ever matter.

      And I challenge the statement that Melba was involved in 9/11 remains testing until real concrete evidence of that is provided. Just another long list of fabrications and claims from the Melba camp.

    5. As second round of testing will settle it Daniel... Let's see what happens.

    6. Oh... And didn't she get other labs to blind test her samples? I keep reading these attacks on Melba, but nobody ever seems to address this fact?

    7. There is a lot of jumping on the anti-ketchum bandwagon of "follow the leader," but they are following nonsense originated from BF skeptics and weak minded individuals who conjure up things of how she's a hoaxer and the link, just bilking people for money, and a lot of other nonsense, and you have to step back and examine the evidence independently of all the "emotional" irrational nonsense.


  2. Good day to you also...i think I have the star child skull case solved......it's none other than kazoo from the Flintstones

    1. I thought it was Odo from Deep Space Nine, once they think they have it solved, he'll morph into a cup to confuse the hell out of them.

  3. Teacher: What does your daddy do for fun at home when he's not working ?

    Kid : He looks up Bigfoot stuff.

    Teacher: Oh.

    Kid : He posts about it on a bunch of different websites and he also watches Bigfoot shows and has some books about it.

    Teacher: So he's a footer ?

    Kid : No, he says he's not like those idiots cuz he's a skeptic.

    Teacher: Sure he is.. LOL

    Kid: Mommy doesn't believe him either...(giggles)

    1. hahaha! funny and sooo true...

    2. it was funny the first 25 times you used it..and before you joe used it...oldie but a goody i guess

    3. The site troll answers himself again like he is a different person. Giving the typical compliment to himself followed by some negative commentary about Joe, all too typical.

    4. sorry dover your wrong on this one i posted 1:24 and joe did use that line before quite a few times don't think you were here then...ask him in no way was that a shot at joe.

    5. From the anonymous poster who evokes joe (lower case) regularly. You use the lower case all the time.

    6. LOL - I come here about 3 times a week to read and post comments but you guys seem to think ALL negative comments are being made by the same person which I find hilarious. I'm here strictly for the laughs and believe it or not find many of the believers remarks just as funny. I think there are many who come here just for that reason as well. But hey, if you think there is just one superanon who spends all his waking hours here commenting on every post . . . well, I think that is more farfetched than then an unknown primate roaming the US.

    7. And there it is! Just as predicted.

    8. What he does in saying, Oh, that wasn't me answering myself is to reap praise on the trolling, of how he gets a lot of laughs from it and says he believes many others come here for the funny remarks as well, up-talking the perverse trollingwe get here. And of course he shoots down the idea of what he calls a superanon spending all his time here as farfetched. So, he praises the negative remarks and says there is no main troll doing this trolling.

      On a previous article when I noted he answered himself he wrote:

      ". . . there are a lot of us here and I know this because I only make a few now and then and just laugh at all the others."

      So, both times he notes the laughs he gets here.

  4. I don't understand what they said... Can anyone put it in layman terms?
    I mean, the ratio of alien to human is what?

    1. Morning Anonymous!!! Great question!

    2. OH BOY!! I have an imposter! Hahaha! Amuse me!

      Just so y'all know I am only using my computer so any Chicks like the one above is a miggi poo!

    3. Anonymous is adorable and could sell me boy scout cookies!

    4. It means that they have enough proof for a new species of humans

    5. According to who? There has to be peer review, and a consensus. That data has to tested and retested. Its not as simple as as going to one or two sources for analysis, then simply accepting the results as proof. Sorry, that's not my opinion, that's science.

    6. Better yet, can someone put it in lay woman terms?

    7. Anon 12:44 ..."science" is corrupt and full of major inconsistencies and fools...or haven`t you realised yet ?

    8. "Science" gave you most of the comforts you enjoy. How is it corrupt? Honestly, I'm curious...do you have any examples?

    9. Are you aware of how many times the peer review process has been manipulated tor failed?







    10. That's what I'm looking for. It was an honest question, and I appreciate your thoughtful response! Have a great day, Iktomi! I may be a skeptic, but that also means considering every side of an argument.

    11. And in that mindset buddy... You are a TRUE sceptic, and not just by my opinion but in the true definition of the word.

      Speak soon buddy.

  5. OMG! You were not kidding about the trolls here Chick, unbelievable they are masquerading as you!

    1. your one to talk....^^^ troll

    2. At least I have my own identity, which you obviously don't. Due either thru a lack of self confidence or being a mindless spineless troglodyte who is afraid of being found out by the general visitors to this site. Either way trog I know I can beat you in looks and intelligence. Be good and scuffle off under the bridge, the goats should be crossing soon.

    3. ^ are you one of them (goats) ?

    4. Wow... These woman haters are seriously creepy. Pizza stained, fat, balled and hairy palmed creepy little nerds.


    5. Abohli Fala anyone can come up with a fake identity so you argument is not valid. Btw your name sux!

  6. Don't forget -- Iktomi Joe is the brownstarchild.

    1. Please tell us all again how you found Biscardi a straight up guy?


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