Hunter Forced To Leave Camp During Bigfoot Encounter

An encounter with bigfoot can be terrifying. I mean how would you react if you saw a giant hair-covered beast that isn't supposed to exist. This hunter reacted the way most of us would. By grabbing his gear and running!

I pulled all the way into the large U shaped clearing. At the bottom of the U was a huge old growth Douglas Fir with a rock firepit close by. I parked about 30 feet from the tree and left my headlights shining on its base while I set up camp. I had Black Sabbath turned way up as I unpacked my truck. About 20 minutes later I was bent over setting up my dome tent when the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I turned my head and thought I heard a commotion coming from the woods. It was hard to hear over the music. I walked to the drivers door of my truck and turned the music down. I listened and heard nothing so I shrugged it off, turned my music up and went back to work.

A couple minutes later I distinctly heard a loud snap of a breaking branch to the left of my camp. I walked to my truck and turned my music off again. I listened intently for at least a minute then I heard a very light rustle of leaves and a twig snap. The sound came from the woods on the other side of a 50 foot long blackberry bush that ended just short of the big old growth tree. About a minute later I heard another soft footfall. Then another. At the time it reminded me of my own sounds when quietly stalking game through the forest. For some reason I thought it was another hunter or someone playing a joke. I called out "Hello, someone there?!" Silence, nothing. About another full minute later another couple of soft crunches. There is a game trail on the other side of the blackberry's. Whatever is making the sound is on the trail and slowly coming closer to where the blackberries end at the base of the tree.

By this point Im getting nervous. Maybe it’s a drunk hunter playing games but Im by myself 7 miles into one of the thickest forests in the US. I was carrying a revolver in a shoulder holster. My rifle and speed loaders were cased and underneath a ton of crapbehind the seat.

I drew my revolver and yelled “Hey quit [edited]around, I got a gun and this crapain’t funny!” No response, nothing. I figured I would either hear a man running away, busting brush of an animal running or something but there was only silence. About a minute later I can hear more creeping steps along the trail. It’s get closer to the gap between the blackberries and the tree. Perhaps 30 feet away now. My headlights are shining on the bottom of the tree but I still can’t see anything.

I made the loudest most guttural scream I could muster. I could hear it echo through the valley. More silence. A minute later more quiet stalking footsteps. Im 6’3, 260 lbs. It sounds like a man my size or better trying to be quiet. Two legs? I see a large shadow move into the gap and behind the tree. The tree is about 5 feet wide. I am now scared for my life. I fire a round high up into the tree. The gunshot echoed for a long time. I saw part of a tall shape and yellowish eyes peer at me from behind the tree. I screamed as loud as I could and fired two more shots into the tree. The shots echoed for along time then silence. I didn’t see it anymore. I stood there waiting. I had 2 or 3 shots left. I wasn’t sure. After about half a minute it just walked away into the woods. It was no longer trying to be quiet but it wasn’t in a hurry. It just walked away into the darkness. I listened for a couple minutes until I couldn’t hear it anymore. I picked up my entire set up dome tent, threw it in the back of my truck. I threw my pots, pans and cooler and everything else on top. I was out of there and back on the gravel road 90 seconds later.

I drove the 2 and ½ hours back to Portland shaking. I arrived at my friends house at about 3 in the morning. I woke him up and told him what happened. The next afternoon we packed several rifles and drove back. I had to show him and see if we could find anything. It looked much different in the daylight. We parked at the base of the tree and looked around. On the trail behind the tree we could clearly see it’s prints in the soft earth. It’s prints were almost half again as large as my size 13 boots. The footprints were so far apart that I had to stretch my legs as far as they would go to match the stride.

For the full story, click here.


  1. First!
    I'm keeping you alive Matt. Do you want my PayPal account #?

  2. That dude diving into the tent has got some meaty haunches!

    just sayin.

    1. bf is checking his butt out

    2. Black Sabbath uh ? ...musta been playin` Paranoia.

  3. BF says NO OZZIE!! DENIED!!!

    1. Hello Chuck,so it seems bigfoot was attracted by the loud music and came in close to find out what all the noise was about,maybe that would be a way to attract them close enough for a photo? xx

    2. Hi EVA. With out a doubt noise brings them in, especially at night and music is a really good way to do it and should be used more. Getting that photo especially at night is just tough because they will still stay in the bush, IR on the other hand can work.

    3. If I were looking, hunting the sasquatch, and was lucky enough to actually find it, The picture would be clear, stable and it would be proof enough. There would be detractors, I'm sure, but not because I ran away or moved constantly and fuzzed the optics. If your scared, don't hunt, if you are unable to keep still, get someone else to take the video, but no more blurry vids and pics are needed. If you believe, go and get the proof, no excuses.

    4. No one ever made noise before in the woods. Now that we know that the secret is to make noise, we should finally get the conclusive evidence we need. Cool!

    5. Eva, yes, they are curious and will come in to examine noise. Last year around dusk dark we carried some folding chairs and sat in an area where I had heard wood knocks the day before and talked loudly, and while there we could hear wood snaps of them sneaking in to get a look, and we had IR night vision, but they hide so well we couldn't see them.

      There was lots of undergrowth to conceal them. The kinds of snaps we heard is from breaking sticks under the forest litter, including one really loud one less than 50 feet away.

      While we were leaving I believe we were hit with infrasound, causing some anxiety making us feel anxious to get out of there.

    6. ^ you really think you need infrasound in order to feel "anxious" around `em ?

    7. D Dover...since you returned to an area where you thought there was a bigfoot....may I ask...what caliber firearm were you carrying? I only ask because only a fool would knowingly go back to an area like that unarmed

  4. pues El Beegfut he mucho muy escaree.. I heer he eets peeples

  5. Can't blame the guy for splitting!!

  6. This story was written by a professional writer. Not some macho hunter/woodsman who goes off camping by himself. It never happened. All of the events are just so predictable that it becomes a bedtime story to tell to would be Bigfoot researchers, in order to discourage them from trying to find Bigfoot.

    1. It did ring of narrative fiction and have a blocked contemplative writers' flow. I think I agree with you. (Page 2).

    2. Happy belated Birthday Mikey.
      Mike H.

    3. I don't know if the story is true or not, but there are too many grammatical mistakes for it to have been written by a professional writer.

      "There is a game trail on the other side of the blackberry's." " It’s prints were almost...." "By this point Im getting nervous." "Im 6’3, 260 lbs." "I walked to the drivers door of my truck...." "The shots echoed for along time then silence."

      I could go on and on, but I think I made my point.

    4. Haints we didn't mean John Steinbeck or Ezra Pound. We meant someone crafting a story. I'll leave it to you to decide the quality of writing. Chuck I sent you and Rummie an email with a picture taken from a sport boat by Eddie Dotch of Loma Linda Missouri.

    5. "We come here for a hell hound and now there's a Bigfoot thrown in the mix, that really puts a knot in your chord". Buck

    6. Ezra Pound was not what you would call an adherent to the rules of formal grammar, Louis.

    7. "I remember running through the wet grass, fallin a step behind, both of us never Tirin, desperately wanted......"

    8. Too many "hunter" mistakes to be an actual hunter. If he was really afraid for his life, he wouldve shot the BIGFOOT not the TREE. BS alert

  7. Moral of the story: Never leave your rifle and speed loader, cased and buried in crap behind the seat.

  8. No hunter in the history of humans ever said or wrote these words:

    "At the time it reminded me of my own sounds when quietly stalking game through the forest."

    1. Yes, your absolutely right. These stories are from the mind of fiction writers, these pictures and video's that depict someone frozen in fear and unable to even focus the camera are not made by people comfortable on the hunt. Why even attempt, if your that terrified? the end result only offers more laughter and doubt. Get some Big game, predator hunters involved, and you'll get video, pics and or a body of everything out there. Stop paying the money makers, and pay some predator hunters for results only. No film crews, no TV, just serious hunting by those that know what and how. If no results, no BF.

    2. "Stalking game through the forest" actually means "sitting in a stand killing whatever comes for the bait"

    3. No stalking means stalking, sitting is called still hunting. There are others, like pushing or driving, predator calling with or without scent or decoys, trail scoping or distance perching from an elevated long distance, and many many methods REAL EXPERIENCED hunters use regularly. The decision is usually based on the game or quarry. Some even use trained dogs and traps. All would be better than beating trees and sqweeling like a sow.

    4. Ain`t that the trouble wid yous guys ? ..y`all so s`picious `bout every story that y`all won`t bleeve da troof being tol`...y`all jes` too far down da road fellahs.

  9. I smell baloney in this story

  10. Sees yellow eyes yet shoots the tree? Takes no pics of prints? COMPLETE BS


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