How Cool Would It Be To Have A Pet Wolverine!

Wolverines are known to be some of the most dangerous and vicious animals in the world. These guys won't back down from anything. It's your best bet just to stay out of the way of the wolverine. So it would be impossible to have one of these vicious and deadly creatures as a pet right? Well, meet Jasper.


  1. Replies
    1. Thx DK UK! You have a case of the doubles- I had that a few days ago. :)

  2. Oh no no no! Actually had one come down a chimney while fire was lit when I was in Alaska hunting. Scared the @#% out of me! Same animal tracked/stalked me whenever I was out. Knew nothing about them until my ride came for me and filled me in. Worst 2 months outfield EVER!

    1. ^
      She's either JREF footer Alaskabushpilot or Ben River. Both are just mentally ill enough to post as a woman.

    2. The site troll is always turning the tables. If you point out something he does he projects that onto others. I've pointed out his mental illness via the article on online trolling linked to psychopaths, which makes him apply mental illness to others, which is itself some kind of a mental reaction.

      It's like when I exposed how he pretended to be different people trolling here he turned the tables saying lktomi, myself, and others were all the same person.

    3. Just sad. Really. I wonder if it isn't some kind of undiagnosed mental illness. I really don't like mean people and it's hard to keep coming to a site where they run amok. But, I do like the intelligent posters such as yourself Dover,Iktomi,Chick and Rippee, along with some of the articles.
      It's hard to keep being attacked and not retaliate (I'm not a fighter) so I just leave and tell others I know to beware.

    4. Yes, he is mentally disturbed. It's abnormal to write the things he does, and getting pleasure by trying to bring agony on others is definitely the sign of a very disturbed person.

      He calls you a troll in these comments, which is like he often turns the tables regarding accusations against him. He's been called a troll so something in his weird mind causes him to project that claim onto you.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. abholi, just bypass the Trolls, it's. not that hard of a thing to do!!
      Most Importantly. don't. let it get you down..
      As your opinion is Important to me,and many others,
      BD. ;)

    7. Thank you Big Doris. I am trying. Nice to meet you! Have a great week ahead.

    8. I enjoy your comments Abohli! The tards start drinking early in the morning on weekends because they don't have to ride the bus to school.

    9. Good nite Chick! Thanx for the support and always making me smile here!

  3. troll alert at 1:05, repeat troll at 1:05

    1. You've been exposed as a troll so you have to turn the tables and call others a troll. Odd behavior.

  4. Uh no! I am a woman( given birth) not a jref. Sorry to post on your troll site for basement dwelling non persons, Thought this was a legitimate site for people.

    1. ^
      Are you William Parcher who pretends to be a skeptic on JREF ?

    2. What did you give birth to?

  5. Another one of Mothers Natures beautiful creations............

  6. Cant the admins make changes to this blog to no longer allow Anons in here?

    1. Not as long as they get paid in clicks.

    2. Too bad really. I was looking over the older posts (2012) and it was a lot better then.

    3. The anons are the ones that are kicking ass and taking names. It is the greatest invention since the personal computer. Otherwise, everybody would be banning and blacklisting everybody else.

    4. Kickin ass, takin names,lol,, iffin you want to truly learn about EXTREME troll riotous
      Ness,,, huh that aint No jump for a Show dog!! All you have to do is just listen to
      The Man !!!

      Our very own CLIVE SQUASHY! Class&
      Wit , clive is the sh*t!
      Sorry clive, but after 2 yrs, you always
      Bring it,

  7. I just watched an episode of "crocodile hunter", it was several years old, why aren't there new shows??


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