Has This Man Figured Out A Way To Solve The Bigfoot Mystery?

Over the years researchers have tried everything to try and solve the bigfoot mystery once and for all. From the latest high-tech gadgets, to swinging around lightsabers in the woods. Has YouTube user Mad Ideas figured out a way? Could the answer have been so simple and right under our noses this entire time? And what does this dog have to do with anything?


  1. Replies
    1. Who is this dummy? Most often dogs refuse to track bigfoot, and the ones that manage to go up to one gets killed. It's not just a mad idea; it's dumb, and this guy evidently hasn't researched his idea before making his video to see how viable it is.

    2. ALWAYS an excuse - I'm beginning to think you don't want it proven. So what's your tried and true method for proving it?

    3. You're only here on this site to interrupt adults having conversations because of your sick nature that gets pleasure in doing so.

      Just like your first three posts, "middle" "of the road IQ" "finger." It's childlike speech. Even when you discuss things its always of a very immature nature, a childlike state. But in your case you are stuck in a sadistic child state that you never grew out of.

      This is another part of yourself that you need to acknowledge and to deal with -- you've never grown up. What you do reflects someone who never achieved adulthood.

    4. What the hell is wrong with you? Really - what the hell is wrong with you? The ONLY thing I have posted is about the dogs because I believe that method would work. I did NOT post that other crap you apparently are accusing me of. I happen to think this is a good idea and support it. It would at least be an good effort for someone who has trained dogs and couldn't do any worse than some of the methods I have seen floated here.Take your anger out the skeptics I'm only suggesting this might just work.

      So Mr. Bigshot, again I ask you - what is your tried and true method for proving Bigfoot exists?

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. First of all, I only mentioned the first three posts, not the one you're responding to. You know I can't reply directly under those posts, but I did mention the content of all three of those posts, but not the one directly above which you are ranting about.

      But maybe you are that person since you think it related to you. So, let me say maybe I don't believe you little shot, with your "always the excuses, I don't think you want it proven" attack. If you wanted to ask a genuine question why load it with accusations and nonsense?

    7. Then I apologize if that was not meant for me. Okay - I may be a little passionate about the dog idea but nothing else has seemed to work and I hate seeing it dismissed out of hand. I'm sorry if I came on disrespectful but I just feel this is one area that hasn't been fully utilized.

    8. Okay, I had not refreshed the page before commenting and your comment wasn't there before I wrote my post, but once I submitted my post it was there before mine. I wrote a comment down below before the one that offended you.

    9. Also, dogs have been tried. It's practically common knowledge among seasoned BF researches that even regular tracking dogs will refuse to track. The ones that will go up to a bigfoot will likely be killed, as has happened before. It is not dismissed out of hand.

      A lot of researchers that lead expeditions will not allow people to bring dogs. First of all, bigfoots hate dogs, and they would stay away, defeating the purpose of the expedition. Secondly, its for the dog's safety because they are known to kill dogs that go up to them.

    10. I'm sorry but I disagree. I think it should be attempted by a skeptical dog owner with dogs which are specifically trained to track. There should be witnesses pro and con following this search. One hears so many things about the abilities of Bigfoot and what it can and cannot do that it's hard to determine what is fact and what is fiction. Not every story can be true and dogs killed by Bigfoot could possibly be an embellishment of them being simply killed by a bear. Nothing else seems to work so why not give it a try?

      There was a guy who posted some time ago with the name Hunter Guy. What he said made a lot of sense to me and he seemed to think his dogs would track and attack anything. I was hoping he would put his dogs to the test sometime but he seems to have disappeared. Pity, because it seemed like he was skeptical about Bigfoot but was actually willing to give it a try. That is the kind of guy I feel would give it an impartial test and I believe having both skeptics and believers along following fresh tracks would at least give us some real answers.

      Just my two cents.

    11. As I said, people have tried to use tracking dogs without success. You want skeptics involved in the use of tracking dogs like that would be more trustworthy, I assume.

    12. "Excuses, excuses, excuses"... Don't you think this was done and dusted before? I most certainly do. For every claim that enthusiasts don't want this proven, we are in fact ten steps ahead of you.

    13. I've seen some Texas guys using dogs once on t.v.! Maybe it just hasn't caught on or maybe their dogs aren't coming back. Meaning Sassy boy breaks the dogs necks.

    14. Even Hunter Guy addressed this about 2 weeks ago after some great information he learned from a fellow trainer in Northern California. Had to do with high pitch noise they can produce that will keep dogs at bay also.
      However HG said he was out to prove these forest giants and figure out how to get dogs involved with his project and I am eager to hear from him again.

    15. Of course they'll claim dogs don't work. They didn't find bigfoot when tried before so that doesn't mean bigfoot doesn't exist, it just means dogs won't track them.

      Same logic applies to why there are no good trail camera photos even though there are tens of thousands of cameras in the woods - bigfoot knows to stay away.

      There's always an excuse.

    16. Yet I'll post you links to trail cam photos and what will I get from you? Excuse upon excuse.

      Tracking dogs need a fundamentally human element in initially seeking out Sasquatch tracks. Now that's all well and done should you do that, but once you expose them to such circumstances, you run the risk of them behaving the same way they have done on innumerable ocassions. This has been documented in three books in collaboration with search & rescue personel. What are the reasons behind this? Well considering we have published audio data that points to vocal ranges both below and above known human primate capabilities, and since we know how dogs react to ultrasound... This is a very, very real possibility.

      But go give it a go tiger! Go get your dogs and let us know how you get on. You're so seemingly passionate about it, please... Go give it a try, just stay safe out there. It's all very well you insisting others get it on, ignoring the expert that you celebrated only a couple of weeks prior, blaming your naivety on others, but it's time YOU go do something about it.

      No excuses.

    17. Okay to continue the discussion I had last night with D Dover - which is it - infrasound or ultrasound that supposedly affects dogs? Now D Dover said infrasound but lktomi says ultrasound. I question both and still maintain that we have no idea if Bigfoot has this capability.

      Unfortunately I can't pursue this. If I had the capability or the financial resources to undertake this challenge I most certainly would. I would pitch the idea to a producer, find the best tracker out there who has complete confidence in his dogs, have both prominent Bigfoot personalities and skeptics there to witness the events and have everyone ready to move upon discovery of fresh tracks. It is claimed this has been tried with negative results. Maybe, but I would like better conformation than stories from pro-Bigfoot books. Is it not possibly the dogs merely lost the scent and stopped? Is it not possible that some dogs were killed by a cornered bear? Is it not possible the stories were made up or embellished for effect? We all want Bigfoot to be proven so why not give this a go under CONTROLLED conditions so there would be no doubt in anyone's mind?

      Something has to be at the end of those tracks. All of the evidence presented has done nothing to convince the scientific community (as a whole) and the skeptics who insist it is not real. Perhaps what will be found will not be to the satisfaction of one side or the other but unless it disappears off the face of the earth then trained dogs should be able to trace it down if the tracks are fresh. I've read a dog's sense of smell is phenomenal and to my knowledge there is no large scale animal that they have been used on that they haven't been successful in tracking.

      All I can say is that other methods used have not been successful in proving it conclusively so why not this? According to the stories I have read here, tracks are found all the time so coming up with fresh tracks shouldn't be an issue. I just hate seeing this dismissed with out a full-fledged try. When the poster by the name of Hunter Guy first came on he expressed full confidence that his dogs could track anything then he seemed to disappear. I thought it was a great approach and it really captured my interest. Then after a hiatus he appears again and suddenly expresses doubt because a friend writes him a letter out of the blue saying his dogs would not follow Bigfoot because of sound? So that's end of story for him? Just sounds too contrived and strange to me for a guy who previously expressed complete confidence and pride in his dogs taking on anything. His posting name is not verified so who can be for sure that was actually him or it was a setup from the start. Who can be sure of anything written here? In any case I thought it was a reasonable idea which had a good chance of actually proving something (pro or con).

      Well that's all for me - time to get things done on the home front. There will be no more posts from me today so be assured any response will not be from me. Sorry for the long post but I guess I have said all I wanted to say. I have tried to be respectful with my post so I don't get blamed for being negative but I just really believe there is merit in this approach. What could it hurt to try? Isn't that what we all want is an answer?

      Well, have at it - you guys can have the last word on this subject.

    18. hey joe..please..No links..please..i ask you as a member of the human race..no more links.

  2. This idea has come up more than a few times here and I think it's a solid idea. Surprisingly the ones who seem to dismiss it the most seem to be the ones who are the most passionate about believing it exists. The excuses seem to range from fear of Bigfoot itself to the latest theory that Bigfoot emits ultrasound to discourage dogs. I don't understand why this method doesn't get more attention and encouragement instead of coming up with reasons it would not work. I thought that the poster Hunter Guy seemed to have the capability and confidence with his dogs to do just that but seems to have disappeared. I would love to see tracking dogs put on the fresh trail of a supposed Bigfoot and follow it through to the end. Following prints in the snow like which has been shown here a few times would assure that the dogs are on the right track. What would be the harm of trying? I just wish someone would put it to the test.

    1. It's infrasound, not ultrasound, and like the guy who made the video who also thinks there is no harm in trying, there's a chance you'll lose the dogs it they do manage to find it. They kill dogs.

      Even in the movie "The Legend of Boggy Creek" which was based on true events in the 1970's, the dogs refused to track it, which happened in real life. And hunters put the dogs up and tried to hunt the Fouke Monster without the dogs.

    2. That's not what lktomi was arguing. He said it was ultrasound that would affect dogs and not infrasound. I disagreed with him because I see no practical reason why something as big and powerful as Bigfoot would need that ability. According to what you wrote it is powerful enough to kill dogs so that ability is redundant.

      I'm not interested in what is depicted in movies or told in stories. I would like to see a REAL attempt using tracking dogs run by someone who is a skeptic on fresh prints. Even if the dogs are torn to shreds than you certainly might get some evidence as I'm sure trained dogs would at least get a couple of bites in and produce skin and hair from it. When the owners get there they will at least be witness to a struggle. I'm tired of the excuses why it cannot be proven - aren't you? I think the attempt should at least be encouraged in the Bigfoot community.

      AND I'm not writing that other crap - just the stuff about the dogs. If you are upset about the dog stuff I guess our conversation is over.

    3. I'm the one who had previously suggested that infrasound might the source of dogs cowering and refusing to track. I don't think lktomi has addressed that. If you think he has produce a link.

      Your comment that something as powerful as bigfoot wouldn't need infrasound is a poor argument against it not possessing that ability.

      I have to say I don't think of dogs as impersonally as you do. You said even if a dog is torn to shreds the dog might bite it and get some skin and hair samples. We have DNA samples. We don't need to sacrifice dogs to get more.

      You wrote this: "I'm not interested in what is depicted in movies or told in stories. I would like to see a REAL attempt using tracking dogs run by someone who is a skeptic on fresh prints."

      The movie "The Lengend of Boggy Creek" is a documentary. It has some re-enactments, but it does show actual footage of the guys with hunting dogs, and how they are disappointed with the dogs and put them back in a truck after they refuse to track. So, you want an example of "skeptics" of all people tracking bigfoot with dogs, this is the best you'll get. Here's a link to the full movie.


    4. I had a conversation (postings) with lktomi awhile back and he was insisting that ultrasound was the method Bigfoot would use to discourage dogs. I believe he had come to the conclusion that infrasound was not the method. It would take me all night to find it again and I have to get some sleep so you could address that question directly to him. I remember I disagreed with him and felt he was attributing abilities to Bigfoot when we have no good idea that is the case.

      I'm afraid we will just have to disagree on this method. The way things have gone so far have not been too fruitful in convincing the general public that Bigfoot exist but good luck with whatever you think will work.

    5. http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/do-you-think-you-have-what-it-takes-to.html?m=0

      There's that thread and you were presented data from a study on Sasquatch vocals that explains they are both below and above normal human ranges.

      I will say that I very much miss HG's posts and hope he comes around to share his insight soon.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. @ 11:48 Even though we disagree I would at least say the discussion we've had on this topic is fruitful, even if a troll were to engage in such a discussion like this the comments section would benefit from it.

    8. I agree with the anon in this thread.

    9. You obviously didn't read the link I posted.

    10. 830, why do you say that?

  3. Another aging hippy with a ponytail.
    What is it? Hair disappears on top so you have to compensate by growing it long in back?
    Ponytails are girls' hair style.
    As for the blood hounds, why not use your own nose and leave the darn dogs alone?
    Better yet, use your ponytail. It might have magical properties.

  4. But the dog is cute.Dog doesn't have a ponytail.

  5. Dogs poop in the forest. They will have to hire someone to follow the dog around and clean up his poop. Then there is the babysitter. When the dog is between scenes, he will be lounging in his trailer with a sitter. Then the groomer. You can't have an unkempt dog in front of TV cameras. Then the dog food. Dogs cost mucho mulla!

  6. The guy in the video is obviously a rank amateur footer. Dogs have been tried many times over the decades.
    He obviously hasn't seen the movie The Legend of Boggy Creek.

  7. No proof yet again that bigfoot kill dogs, hate dogs or know what dogs are because, as always, there is no proof that bigfoot even exists except for stories and campfire tales.
    There is as much proof for mermaids and unicorns as for bigfoot.

    1. There is no proof of Bigfoot, but there is proof of a bipedal primate that's twice the size of normal human primates.

      I'm sorry kid, nobody is seeing unicorns or mermaids.

  8. Footers have an excuse for everything, for why trail cameras don't work, why dog tracking doesn't work, etc etc etc.

    1. Reserchers speculate on these things and others sit and strike complaints on their keyboards.


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