Footage Of A Man Being Knocked Down By A Bigfoot

How close have you been to a bigfoot? The Squatchmaster claims he got TOO close, and was knocked to the ground by one! Check out his video footage that he reposted showing the events as they happened.

Many people have asked me how close I've been to the Sasquatch while out studying 2012 I was so close that one touched me and knocked me to the ground. I thought I'd bring this back out and show it again after I heard that a researcher friend from Canada had himself touched one as it walked along behind him. like Tracker, I normally carry my camera in my pocket most of the time any more...fortunately on this day I had it out and using it. Remember, if you have a camera,run it and run it often. You never know what you'll get. Good luck Tracker and be safe.


  1. Replies
    1. Wow, you beat the troll that must be refreshing this page all day to get the first comment in on every article.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. He must have been on a poop break when this article went up.

    4. Hahaha! ^ How are ya D Dover?

    5. I looked at the video. It reminds me of the Blair Witch Project, and it's at the extreme end of what is termed a "blob squatch."

      It looks like nothing more than shadows in the woods. The video tries to claim the object has movement, but the cell phone video is so poor that as he pans the woods all the stationary objects are changing. Showing two screen shots with the pixels slightly different is deceptive, and whoever tries to say it shows movement either knows better or is really dumb.

      Also, the guy falls down after supposedly being "touched by a bigfoot." And you can see the camera moving some while he's on the ground, which means he has it in his hand, but he doesn't swing the camera around toward the direction of whatever touched him.

      I can only surmise Bigfoot Evidence posted this for comic relief.

    6. Wow, another day, more of Dover's obsession with the troll. Thanks for your opinion on absolutely everything, its so appreciated. When are you going to get an award for being so brilliant?

    7. More importantly, was there penetration??

    8. You're just miffed because you didn't get to start another thread with the word turd which makes you giggle.

    9. The Squatchmaster (Jeff Patterson) who did this video is a previously busted hoaxer. When his stuff gets busted he pulls the videos down. One of his hoaxes is claiming to get bigfoot speech on a recorder he left out, but it turned out to be human speech played backwards.

      He also doesn't believe bigfoot is real according to this statement he made on social media, "truth be told, the bigfoot is nothing but legend. It is a mythical creature of old Indian legend. Anyone that believes in such a creature is only lying to themselves."

      Thanks to Randy Filipovic, who sometimes posts here, here is an article about The Squatchmaster.

  2. Lost souls. The lot of you.

    1. You hear no foot steps in the leaves of it running away he just fell on his own

  3. Bigfoot pushed me, he pushed me real harrd.

  4. And wait for it....MORE HOAXED RECYCLED FOOTAGE!

  5. I've fallen and I can't get up. Someone call the blob squad.

  6. Bigfoot can knock you on your can, while he remains invisible. Remember those childhood stories reminding you to be nice to Mother Nature. Well, the same applies to the Bigfoot.

  7. Looks like somebody taking a dump from the stance.

  8. I saw a bigfoot drag a guy through a cornfield at night on Mountain Monsters. On another episode, a bigfoot knocked a guy into a pond at night.
    I think that the Mountain Monsters cast are the most likely to finally prove the existence of bigfoot.

  9. Please, please stop posting this guys crap. He was cold busted hoaxing, has his kid help him. Just stop.

  10. Very interesting, good job and thanks for sharing such a good blog.


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