Did Bigfoot Swim To Vancouver Island?

There has been a long history of reports of bigfoot coming from Vancouver Island. One of the main problems for this is that it is in fact an island, so how did they get there? The only option would be swimming. Check out this great episode of Monster Quest as they investigate "Sasquatch Island".


  1. For Iktomi, Chick, Eva, Chuck and anyone else who I can't remember!

  2. Sasquatches have been observed swimming many times, both above and below water. They are excellent swimmers. They have also been observed using items that float to cross water, in affect swimming with a flotation device.

    1. True. I saw a squatch swimming while wearing arm floaties.

  3. Yes, he did. Unless that was Diana Nyad in a wetsuit.

  4. This post has been brought to you by the Robert Wooden Johnson Foundation. Or as his girlfriend called him, "Splinters."

  5. ..I thought primates were lousy swimmers...An orangutan drowned in one episode of "Orangutan Island"... :( ....

    1. ...Yeah, they are really cool...That is a great show btw, if it plays in your area you should catch it...

    2. @ 2:42 It is further proof that sasquatches are hominids, a species of man, whom are swimmers.

  6. WOW! is that Harvey... that's Harvey the rabbit ...

  7. Did Bigfoot swim to Hawaii? There are Bigfoot on Hawaii. I have talked to several people who have seen them. Of course they did not swim there, take a plane or take a ocean liner. They made it there because they are paranormal. Which screws up a lot of minds that are on the verge of cracking at any time. Just listen to how they react about the paranormal Bigfoot, and you have found the flesh & blood believing nutcase.

    1. Too true. Too true. The more ganja I smoke, the more squatches become paranormal. The more psychedelic mushrooms I eat, the farther squatches can swim.

    2. What a coincidence. The more acid I drop, the more bigfoot seems less like horseshit.

    3. ..When I did H, it really did not matter whether or not bigfoot existed...lol..

  8. Of course they did! Just ask Joetomi he will supply several links showing how bears can swim miles and the exact routs they swam. And if you question him he will through up a few munns/meldum links and if all else fails a link to the lovelock scull that nobody can find.

    1. You're showing your scars bro! Any more occasions you can remember where you got your backside stretched?

  9. Ok, I just had to post on this one. Bears and dear and cougars and moose, etc. are all on Vancouver Island too. How did they get there? The answer is simple. During the ice age 15,000 years ago the ocean sea level was down by over 300 feet. All the animals including bigfoot simply walked over there. The island wasn't and island at the time but part of the mainland.

    For more evidence on this, simply remember that the land between Alaska and Russia was connected due to the lower sea level and man walked over here from there.

    I grew up near Vancouver and know all about this. Archeologists even found evidence of man made settlements under the water just off islands there in the Vancouver area. Here is a link to a news article on it.


    Thanks Chad W :)

    1. Great information Chad, thank you very much for sharing.


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