Check out the lyrics for a new Bigfoot rock music

Thanks to BFE reader Richard Turgeon of for this awesome rock lyric, Bigfoot's an alien:

There's something lurking in the woods
A hairy beast from out of time
It's been around for an eternity

Will we ever find the answer
Will we ever see the truth
Could we even handle what we find

Some say this creature can't be found
Some people claim to be his friend
Still others say he's mighty dangerous

Music & lyrics copyright (c) 2015 Richard Turgeon, Autogod Music/ASCAP. Lyrics and recording may not be posted, sold, or distributed without the expressed written consent of the artist. For permissions or usage rights, please contact

You can listen to the actual rock song here:


  1. Replies
    1. Turd Tortellini -- Isn't that the entree in one of the new MRE meals?

    2. haints mentioned turds. That means he is the same anonymous troll. Per the logic of DD

  2. Here are some potential band names for bigfoot themed bands:

    Mid-Tarsal Break

    Horrible Stench

    Patterson and the Gimlins

    Fraud Standing and the Liars

    The Meldrums

    The Tree Knocks

    Ostman and the Pads

    1. Lol,!!! Gotta love it,, how about these!!!

      The Idiots.
      The Fools.
      The Dolts.
      The Stooges
      The Hoover vacume Cleaner Salesman,
      The I'm Ok's your So So's
      The Smelly anus bar&grill's
      Ect...ect... ect...

    2. Rictor and the Blow Jobs

    3. ^
      All 3 posts above written by a JREF/ISF footer.

    4. TK and the Wussy' s,,
      B Dover and the axle greaser's,
      Joe F an the cut&paste's
      MKB and the nice Guy's
      DC&the grounders!!
      Big Ginger&the H Timber!!

    5. Randi and the Butt Plugs.

    6. Abholi is another Joe account who has been exposed by Dmaker and Daniel both. Abholi, and her filthy iranian picture come from the sick mind of Joe.

    7. She accidentally posted as Khat Hansen. Kat Hansen is real and was on an interview for Dogman Encounters with Vic Cundiff. I think she may be real.

    8. So Abholi is Khat Hansen? Wouldnt surprise me, also wouldnt surprise me if thats joes real name, as we all know he doesnt live in wales. Either way, its a dude pretending to be a woman. DD likes to call us sick and demented, but what would you call a man who posts under womens accounts? Merry May was also another female account of joes that was exposed by Daniel and Dmaker

    9. Joe F and the Cut and Pastes. LOL.

      How about:

      Joe F and the Believe Anythings

      Joe F and the Multiple Identities

    10. Lets not forget DD and his scientific breakdown of troll comments.


      YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!!

      LONG LIVE TROLLANDIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    12. Stop it shawn, i almost choked on my pollo asada! lol..

    13. You keep saying "we" and "our" like you are many trolls because you don't want people to realize it's mostly one main troll here, just like you wrote all these trolling comments above; it's not by different trolls. Like above you wrote, "The Smelly anus bar&grill's," which is your typical abnormal/infantile comments.

      But what you do by saying this is our blog, long live trollandia, is admitting you're a troll, which by the psychiatric definition I've linked to previously -- online trolls are psychopaths and sadists.

      Here's again is the article about your personality disorder titled: "Online Trolls are Psychopaths and Sadists Psychologists Claim"

      The article includes this comment:

      "The researchers defined online trolling as “the practice of behaving in a deceptive, destructive, or disruptive manner in a social setting on the Internet” for no purpose other than their pleasure."

      You get some kind of sick pleasure in disrupting the list and harassing those that post here.

      The article also comments:

      "It was sadism, however, that had the most robust associations with trolling of any of the personality measures. . . . It went on to claim that trolls are “agents of chaos” that exploit “hot-button issues” to inflame and exploit users’ emotions. If an unfortunate person falls into their trap, trolling intensifies for further, merciless amusement. This is why novice Internet users are routinely admonished, 'Do not feed the trolls!'," the study warned."

      This is you. You want to bring chaos and harassment here. You get pleasure hoping you can shock people with your statements often involving feces, anuses, and other infantile jargon.

    14. When thinking back on the history of this website, there have only been 2 supposedly different people who posted that very article about online sadist trolls. One is Joe, the other is DD. It really is quite funny that joe is attempting to still claim he is not DD.


    15. You just made that up because another of your attributes is liar. No one besides me has ever posted a link to that article to my knowledge, and if they did it would be someone else realizing the online psychopath here trolling.

      As the article states, those with your disorder are deceptive, destructive, and disruptive. I think I should start posting more of the article's contents, like manipulation, etc.

    16. Here is a reading assignment for all of you viewers who might be tempted to believe DD that no one has posted that article.. Go back in the forums to last year around the time of the troll wars. And you will see joe post that same article over and over and over again. It will take a little digging, but youll find it, as he posts it many times over. Sorry there joe, but you messed up. Your exposed, as if anyone needed to at all. Your really messed up joe. Do you even know who you are anymore?

    17. Okay joe (DD), here is one example of you using sadist troll websites. Still wanna deny it DD?

      joe fitzgeraldThursday, February 20, 2014 at 2:43:00 AM PST

      Online trolls are psychopaths and sadists, psychologists claim

    18. Uh oh Dover, how do you explain that. Your identity is now proven as Joe. And your lies above noted. You even state the same a few lines later Joe.

      joe fitzgeraldThursday, February 20, 2014 at 2:51:00 AM PST

      "They were also given tests that measured their responses against psychology's "Dark Tetrad": narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy and a sadistic personality.
      Questions also surrounded sadistic statements including: ''I enjoy physically hurting people,” “I enjoy making jokes at the expense of others” and “I enjoy playing the villain in games and torturing other characters.”

    19. And here you are yet again posting the same article joe. Should i go on.

      joe fitzgerald verifiedMonday, March 10, 2014 at 4:33:00 AM PDT

      Online trolls are psychopaths and sadists, psychologists claim;

      "In a survey conducted by the group of psychologists, people who partake in so-called trolling online showed signs of sadism, psychopathy, and were Machiavellian in their manipulation of others and their disregard for morality."

      "They were also given tests that measured their responses against psychology's "Dark Tetrad": narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy and a sadistic personality."

      ... Hey Harry!!

    20. And here you are again joe. Here is proof of your lies. Just in case you delete your reply above DD (joe). Here it is again:

      "D DoverMonday, March 30, 2015 at 2:49:00 AM PDT
      You just made that up because another of your attributes is liar. No one besides me has ever posted a link to that article to my knowledge, and if they did it would be someone else realizing the online psychopath here trolling.

      As the article states, those with your disorder are deceptive, destructive, and disruptive. I think I should start posting more of the article's contents, like manipulation, etc."

      So you want us to believe DD that you and joe just happened to post the exact same article, even the exact same quotes from that article. lol. what a joke

      And here we are again joe

      joe fitzgerald verifiedSunday, June 29, 2014 at 2:54:00 AM PDT

      Online trolls are psychopaths and sadists, psychologists claim

      "In a survey conducted by the group of psychologists, people who partake in so-called trolling online showed signs of sadism, psychopathy, and were Machiavellian in their manipulation of others and their disregard for morality.

      The team concluded that those who enjoyed trolling more than other activities, such debating and making friends, had tendencies in line with the psychological Dark Tetrad."

      ; )

    21. Something you also do a lot is lie. Of course I'm not Joe. And if anyone else has ever posted that article before good for them. You, the site troll, would certainly remember having your personality disorder exposed if it was.

      So, do find it and provide a link to the page it's on if it exists. Here's another quote from the article:

      "In a survey conducted by the group of psychologists, people who partake in so-called trolling online showed signs of sadism, psychopathy, and were Machiavellian in their manipulation of others and their disregard for morality."

      So, you hope to manipulate people with these false accusations because you lack morality. And what's really it doesn't matter if someone else has posted this article here before, it still addresses your daily online trolling of this comment section.

    22. And here is just one of the links you can find these replies at. You can search out the others

    23. And look at that joe, you use the exact same quotes from the article as you did last year, which i pasted your reply of above. Explain that one to us joe?

    24. Are you too stupid to provide links back to where you supposedly found these comments. How could you go back and copy those and not copy the link so anyone could verify it.

      Furthermore, it doesn't matter if Joe posted that before or not. It's just part of your games. It's the truth of your personality disorder, of how you post about turds, and poop, and make sexually suggestive comments, and utterly fill the list with little nonsense statements to clog up the comments with. You are a sick individual who is not fooling anyone.

    25. Here is one such link for you joe, where you make this reply. With that i leave bigfoot evidence, as i feel that i have done my job of proving joes multiple identities. I have done my job, and now i bid this sight farewell.

    26. Here is another link for you joe. Now dont go deleting those comments. it will make you look much worse

    27. And yet another. Deny it now joe

      An with that , farewell BE

    28. Yes, good of you to provide a link. Here is what was posted at the link you provided.

      joe fitzgerald verifiedSunday, June 29, 2014 at 2:54:00 AM PDT
      Online trolls are psychopaths and sadists, psychologists claim

      "In a survey conducted by the group of psychologists, people who partake in so-called trolling online showed signs of sadism, psychopathy, and were Machiavellian in their manipulation of others and their disregard for morality.

      The team concluded that those who enjoyed trolling more than other activities, such debating and making friends, had tendencies in line with the psychological Dark Tetrad."


      Good for him. I've never once quoted the part about the "dark Tetred" yet. But maybe I should start quoting that for how you disrupt this list day after day. You don't deny you are the troll making all the turd comments and other unflattering comments do you?

    29. That's the real issue. All the raunchy statements you make, and how you answer your own comments like you are a different person. The article states that online trolls like you who disrupt and destroy like you do, do it for no other reason than their own pleasure. You're sick, and that's the real issue, not this lie that lktomi, myself, and others are this same person named Joe, which is your deceptioin.

    30. You write, "I have done my job, and now i bid this sight farewell." And you also write, "An with that , farewell BE."

      Bull Sh*t. You'll find ways to troll the site.

      They way you just reacted to this article aimed at the site troll confirms you're the site troll who clogs the comments section with cryptic odd ball statements and attacks on patrons.

    31. I never was to sure about whether Joe or whatever his name is, was actually posting under other accounts. It did seem like it at times, but I have to say that the above does not look good for Joe or D Dover. After reading the above replies, i have to agree that these 2 accounts do seem to be run by the same person. I could be wrong, but that is my opinion on the issue. Either way, i dont really care, but i do like to know who im addressing. Have a good day guys.

    32. You're the site troll writing like you're an independent person reviewing your own comments. You don't fool people. You re-affirm what you so often do, write anonymously like you are different people, and you have to turn the tables on that accusation by saying lktomi, me, and some others are all the same person.

    33. D Dover, i am anything but the site troll. You keep accusing every person who disagrees with you or who is trolling, to be this one person. You were proven absolutely wrong in the comments section above. And you are absolutely wrong now. Your extreme defense on this issue, just makes you look more and more like lktomi. Sorry, but in my opinion you are the same poster as Joe. And anyone reading these comments will see the same. The evidence speaks for itself im afraid.

    34. Another thing i might ask Mr. Dover. When someone agrees with the opposing point of view from your own, does that automatically mean that person is a troll? Because thats exactly what your statement above seems to hint at. I gave my opinion on the paragraphs above and thats all. I do enjoy some of your posts, as well as lktomi's. But i dont take it seriously. Attacking me for giving my point of view on what i read is childish, and i will not stoop to that level. Good day to you sir.

  3. I'm one of the original Trolls of this site and I gotta say Shawn's let things go downhill.

    Start flinging shit. Flinging shit is what made this blog great.


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