Attention Squatchers: Is This A Bigfoot Tooth?

Fate, luck, coincidence, whatever you want to call it. YouTube user and bigfoot researcher Something Hairy In The Shadows was shocked while during a conversation with an acquaintance about bigfoot, the person pulled out what very well might be a bigfoot tooth! What do you all think? Is this the real deal, or does someone have an explanation of what this item is?


  1. Replies
    1. gee you really are obsessed with anus aren`t you ?

    2. Why that looks just like one of Sharon Jean's Lee Press-on nails. I sure as help hope they don't DNA test it. She tried to scratch Jeff Gotdon's eyes out at Talladega and I believe the evidence is still in there. She can't be gettin violated by her PO. She's hung more paper than Home Depot !

    3. As hard as it is to admit, I struck-out with Sharon Lee. It was going good until I asked her to take out her uppers and lowers.

    4. That doesn't look like a front tooth to me; its way too flat on the bottom. In humans the front teeth are sharper, for tearing flesh. If it's humanoid it looks like a premolar.

      I wish he had done a size comparison, like hold it up to his teeth or something. It looks big but I can't tell how extra big it is or isn't.

      In any event, if the guy has been to the dentist in the last 20 years, since he's had the tooth in his pocket all that time, he should have asked the dentist his opinion of which tooth that is, and if he thinks it is human.

  2. Hmmm Interesting. No of course not just messing with ya. Any ladies with 'Nice Hair' hanging here out today?

  3. It's a rock.

    Why am I not surprised he is a neckbeard.

    1. mebbe you`re well used to hanging around them

  4. Where is the root or roots from the tooth?

    1. Why, Randy -- They're still in the Bigfoot's mouth, of course. You skeptic! You are nothing but a hater and a Joe Iktomi troll. As Gomer Pyle would say, shame, shame, shame.

  5. LOL. That's a polished gator tooth.

  6. Its the insisor of either a female or juvenile moose

  7. Its a bigfoot Kidney stone!!!!!!!!


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