Tim Fasano And Company Really Knows How To Have Fun

That's it. We're definitely heading out to Florida this summer to hang out with Stacy Brown Jr. and Tim Fasano. Listen to the campfire jamfest below. Fasano and Brown are currently in Myakka, and as far as we know, they're still looking for the elusive skunk ape.


  1. From what I have seen, I think there is more of a possibility of Bigfoot elsewhere than a skunk ape in Florida. I'm sure T-Fats disagrees.

    1. Has anyone else noticed that bigfoot evidence seems to promote certain bigfoot hunters? Like now Mr. Shawn "NO" Evidence and Fatsano are buddy buddy! Not so long ago the Man boob Doctor was on here daily. Before that Dirty Brown and his thermal camera was all the rage daily. Then there was the whack-o Merchant! I think shawn evidence charges these dudes for space on this web site. cause they would all be here daily if he wanted.

    2. I think that you need to lay off of the model airplane glue.

  2. Iktomi verified Monday, February 23, 2015 at 12:52:00 AM PST

    Yea that's not Joe.....

    1. I thought Stevie Strings was a guitar player ? He needs to change his name to Stevie mouth organ !

  3. That is so awesome and genius too! Getting wasted in the woods now that is whats gonna find you a Bigfoot right there.Tim is a loudmouth cry baby because nobody wants to play with him and stacy is a arrogant ass with one thermal of himself running through the trees filmed by his daddy.Just throw Sharon Lee in there and have a gang bang,That is real American research at its best.

    1. I got to admit dude, you have me laughing.

    2. Can you imagine, Sharon Lee, on top of Timmy boy? Ride-um horsey!

    3. That would be some serious weight.

    4. Does Sharon Lee advertise herself on "Farmers only" too?

      That site, should be call Farmer Dogs only! Bow-Wow

  4. Replies
    1. Dont think for one min that anyone with this blog likes or respects Fasano because they dont,they make fun of him and laugh at him behind his back all the time.The sad leftovers of Team Tazer need the clicks and they know lardass Fasano can bring em in just like Filipovic and Dyer need eachother,Its just the way it works and if you dont believe it just stick around.

    2. Actually, I don't necessarily think a lot of people featured here necessarily bring in a lot of clicks. They just need stories to run in general to get the clicks. Michael Merchant didn't seem to be that popular. Kelly Shaw hardly gets any attention and that Jim Lebus guy certainly doesn't.

      But yeah in the case of Fasano you may be right, people love to bag on him.

    3. Michael Merchant didn't complain when his videos got plugged here. When that ended he sure started bitching about this blog.

    4. Shawn has been doing this a long time and he knows people like the above mentioned get attention mostly negative but still attention and as far as Merchant goes I wouldnt want anything to do with these fools either,his choice not theirs.

    5. If you mean it was his choice by imploding and alienating everyone, yeah then it was his choice. It's funny all those ex-Tazer guys don't necessarily like each other, but they all hate Merchant and his girlfriend. Shawn hardly says a bad thing about anyone but he didn't have a problem casting him aside.

    6. 2 Sides to every story dude,if you choose to buy theirs go ahead Myself I couldnt care less.

  5. At least Stacy's other music video has a hot chick in it. This one has T-Fats. That's a big trade off.

    1. There was a chick,she was hiding in Stacy's greasy beard.

    2. So harmonica playing and T-Fats saying "you guys rock" and complaining that smoke is getting into his eyes isn't that exciting?

    3. It looked like they were having a great time! And the Chick in the beard was the cleaning lady. When he turned to the side I saw her vacuuming so never fear. : )

    4. If he REALLY knew how to have fun, he'd be chasing girls instead of bigfoot. Although he'd probably get the same results.

    5. Hey chick, can I vacuum your beard? I got real big feet too. I will leave you spic and span, I'll roll you from side to side till the jobs done.

    6. We already know you broke your vacuum cleaner on your moms monkey back.

    7. This Vac don't break baby, If your implying I'm an animal, well yes they call me king kong..

  6. I don't often rim a beautiful woman. But when I do I prefer her to use Meguires Final Inspection quick detailer spray on her taterhole. Stay hungry my friends.

  7. I acknowledge the possibility for bigfoot to exist (always have). I begin with the premise that there is an extant, continent-wide population of giant, bipedal, intelligent hominins in North America, with additional populations in Asia, Europe, and perhaps even Australia. My premise includes an evolutionary history in which bigfoots and modern humans shared common ancestry more recent than that we share with the extant great apes. Given this starting premise about what bigfoots would most likely be and from whence they came . . .

    1)Bigfoot fossils should appear in at least Pleistocene deposits of North America, Asia, Europe, and Australia.

    Other than speculation that Gigantopithecus is bigfoot and that its fossils have already been collected and described, #1 = bigfoot fail. Such speculation fails too because no Giganto fossils have been found anywhere but India and Southeast Asia, and not more recent than mid-late-Pleistocene.

    2)Unlike other Pleistocene megafauna, bigfoot is supposed to be alive and well right now, in 2015. Thus its remains should appear in Quaternary and even more recent deposits, including to the present day.

    No such remains have been found, therefore #2 = bigfoot fail.

    3)Bigfoots should have been known to ancient peoples on multiple continents and their parts should have played important roles in religion and mysticism, as other animals did/do.

    Not only is there not a single piece of a bigfoot among cultural items of native North Americans, there are no such artifacts among ancient Asians, Europeans, or Australians. The simple fact that Tibetans saw fit to make a shrine to their "yeti" but forge an artifact of it from a takin skin illustrates two important things from the land where bigfoot mythology really got going in the 1950s: a) the ancient cultures would have worshiped such creatures and collected their body parts, and b) there were no such body parts for them to collect. We're now 3 for 3 on bigfoot fails.

    4)From the European Colonial Period 'til today (and on three continents), the history of the last several centuries has been one of exploitation of wildlife (and people) at every turn. Bigfoots, yetis, yowies, yeren - all would have been mercilessly hunted for their skins, for sport, or to eradicate something big and scary.

    One need look no further than the records of the Hudson's Bay Company to be convinced that there was nothing remotely bigfooty in Canada during this period, and that is just one example. Bigfoot fail #4. No bigfoot has even ever been caught in the crossfire during a war.

    5)Human settlement and land use change associated with cutting railroads, logging, mining, agricultural development, etc., was so great during the 19th and 20th centuries, that there was a total flip of forest/open cover in the eastern US from about 70–80% forest to about 20–30%.

    Bigfoot fail #5 comes from the fact that habitat changes were so drastic, even deer couldn't survive in the new tamed landscapes. We had to import them from the frontier out West to White-tailed Deer re-established in places like Pennsylvania. Deer couldn't survive this, but bigfoots could?

    6)I'm getting tired . . . Scientific collecting - bigfoot fail.
    7)Millions of cars, trucks, and railroads but no dead bigfoot - fail.
    8)Photography - bigfoot fail.
    9)Game camera photography - bigfoot fail.
    10) Genomic analysis - bigfoot fail.

    Wait wait - hold the phone! Some guy named Chris saw some bigfoots in Kentucky, so 1–10 above are null and void.

    Yeah, I know, he claims to see all sorts of crap in some photos that are just pareidolia-infused delusions so he can't provide anything to back up his claims, but he really did super-duper see some bigfoots, mmkay?

    1. All that typing, all that information, and you got it all WRONG!

    2. "Bigfoot fail #5 comes from the fact that habitat changes were so drastic, even deer couldn't survive in the new tamed landscapes. "

      This is wrong.

      Actually, Old growth forests are not beneficial for deer. "Tamed landscapes" as you say are more beneficial for deer populations.

      Few other items not exactly accurate but that one stood out.

    3. Yup. Hear in the suburbs of K.C we have more deer than we know what to do with. Along with turkeys, coyotes, bobcats and even the occasional mountain lion. If an 1830's mountain man dropped in he'd jizz himself over the amount of game. He could set up a blind in a used car lot and get 6 months of meat in 20 minutes.

    4. 5:34 ticks all the boxes to qualify as a Comment Fail.


      P.S. Rotten cliches such as 'mmkay' sound highly effeminate, prissy, snotty. Do you wish to sound highly effeminate, prissy, snotty?

    5. I don't see any comment at 5:34, seeing a lot of empty posts (not white out, or removed) any one else having this happen.

    6. I do, nothing to see, wtf is going on, could be censorship?

  8. I think someone kept you in a jar, now they need to put you back in.

  9. I love Tim Fasano. He's a total maniac but who wants to see a sane person chase Bigfoot?

  10. They are getting all liquored up so that the Bigfoot can have their way with them, when they go to sleep. Can we say, "Deliverance", boys and girls?


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