These Guys Were Doing Bigfoot Calls Before Anyone Else!

Matt Knapp and Jonathan Brown of the Bigfoot Crossroads Podcast sit down with two of the most knowledgeable people on the subject of bigfoot, Jim "Bear" Grant and Tim "Coonbo" Baker. These two guys have had bigfoot encounters their entire lives, and have nearly 100 years of combined experience researching them! Some of their stories are absolutely amazing! You need to check them out.


  1. Replies
    1. Good interview. Most shows do well when they get coonbo on.

    2. You are right about that. Both, especially coonbo are big hits over at the Sasquatch Chronicles. Darn few around here even know about them.

    3. One of the more interesting Coonbo stories is not one he experienced, but he tells of two hunters saw a bigfoot, and one shot it with his rifle, and the bigfoot charged the guy and tore his head off. The other hunter threw is rifle down and ran. Despite the eyewitness account the authorities ruled his death was by a bear mauling.

    4. Hi Dover. Normally I am in bed by now but I also have heard Coonbo tell that story. One was a guide and I think a native guide. This was in the region of the Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation, Lincoln County, NM, Billy the Kidd territory when Coonbo who worked for NASA was stationed at Alamogordo, NM. Anyway the guide told the hunter not to shot we do not shoot these. Hunter shot anyway. Guide took off running and turned back to watch as the hunter was chambering another round the sasaquatch
      lifted the head off the hunter. This is why you do not point a gun at them. Go into a submissive stance and they will very likely just go on their way sooner or later.
      Yah, bears are always getting the bad rap.

      I wonder why this was cut off at 51 minutes Any more to it Matt.

      Jim Bear Grant gets every detail into his stories does he not. I have heard this one before but not in this detail. I wonder had his grandfather not been their if the immature booger would have come up to Jim and just wanted to play as he sees it now? I have heard of the immature ones actually playing with youthful children, but always wondered about this.

      Also It was Mike Brookreson who turned me onto Coonbo and Bear back in 2013 before they ever hit the
      Sasquatch Chronicles. These two have experiences galore and they should write a book together.

    5. Spend less time hanging around joke sites like this Chuck and you'll discover many more guys like Coonbo and Bear.

    6. Chuck, speaking of loosing your head over a bigfoot, here's a link to a story of 9 men who set out to hunt down a bigfoot in 1829. Five were beheaded.

      This event was recorded in several newspapers in Georgia and Florida at the time of the incident lending credence to it's authenticity. Skeptics should acknowledge things like this, since the newspapers of the day were reporting 5 dead men, four survivors, and they did manage to kill the bigfoot.

      Back then they used single load ball and powder muskets, not the best thing to go shooting a bigfoot with. After they managed to kill it they measured it, and it was 13 feet long. Michael Jordan is 6' 6" tall. At 13 feet this bigfoot was exactly twice as tall as Michael Jordan, standing 3 feet higher than a basketball goal.

    7. Thanks Dover. I read about this incident maybe six years ago, however I can not remember from where it came.
      I do not remember the 13 foot. If indeed it was 13 foot that would be the king kong of Sasquatches.

    8. On the link I provided it is an Augusta Chronicle newspaper article. I assume it was sourced through newspaper archives. The incident was reported in several newspapers in both Georgia and Florida at the time of the incident.

      If they measured 13 feet it would be the tallest confirmed one. Regarding height, there have been reports of them looking in second story windows of homes requiring them to be 12 feet tall. The most extreme estimates I've read is people claiming to have seen them 15-16 feet tall, which I wonder if it's being over estimated. Some of the tallest reports seem to be from Canadian sasquatches.

  2. 3 articles in 11 minutes has to be a record.

    1. mike's parole officer sebastion k fezzwickSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 5:03:00 PM PST

      end of the month bills are due

    2. Hahaha! Good one, Officer Fezzwick.

  3. They don't last long around here.

  4. Oh my, awful quiet, where did everybody go? Tri-county

    1. Probably off on a steak binge after all that talk of it a couple hours ago.NC

    2. Steak yea, that sounds pretty good. Tr-county

  5. Oh yeah. I love to listen to Coonbo. Thanks Matt.

  6. Don't look now, but your noodle is limp anon5:00.

  7. They were doing bigfoot calls before anyone else? Even before bigfoot? Cool! Now we know who taught the big man.

  8. Listened to all three parts. It was just as fantastic as I knew it was going to be. So enthralling- it seemed like only 20 minutes. Please do more- and try to bring on more of the outlaws too. Subbed and eagerly waiting more episodes guys!


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