The Paranormal Review Announces Amazing Bigfoot Footage

Earlier this week, The Paranormal Review YouTube channel told us they were analyzing a footage they've never seen before. They said it's one of the creepiest Bigfoot footage they've ever seen. When is it going to be released? We're not sure, but hopefully soon. We heard some new details in his "The Paranormal Review Bigfoot Shirt Design Contest". You can listen here if you like:


  1. Mayweather vs Pacquiao

    May, 3rd. 2015

    1. Frankenstien vs The Mummy


      sh*t film

    2. Against Frankenstein, not a chance! Ole Frankie will rip off his head and stomp on it until it becomes a Pizza hut special.

    3. Ooops! My bad, " May, 2nd. 2015"

      @ Iktomi, Mayweather now... 3-5 years ago (when it should've happen) I'd say Pacquiao!!

    4. I'll have mine with chorizo, extra cheese, extra sauce and jalapeño please.

    5. Still a huge fight but way past the expiration date.

      What is this, 2009? Boxing is on its last legs anyway. The only rising star that Hasn't been whooped by and old timer is GGG, and even he showed chinks in his armor.

    6. I think we can finally agree on at least one thing.

    7. I agree with MMC..

      And for the true boxing heads, that Provodnikov vs Matthysse fight in April is gonna be one for the ages!

    8. The mummy tag teaming with wolfman has this in the bag. Wolfman will tear you to bits, while the mummy will set a sand storm on your ass then swallow your soul.

      No contest.... Unless you piss off Verne Troyer and lace him with liquor and that little b*stard will kick everybodies ass.

    9. Nope Galati In 6 or less all day., Trust me I know

    10. I bet you don't know, if you do tell me what I am thinking.

    11. I wish i could really get into GGG like Manny, but I like PAC MAN's angles and hand speed more than just power. Mayweather is a great defensive fighter. Pac Man, would be a small werewolf, floyd is dracula= death by sucking the life and energy out of you.

    12. Let me see, Nothing, is in your head, it's totally devoid of abstract thought.

    13. anon 1:04 has a good educated guess going, I sadly agree. I dig who and what the Pac Man has always been. Age catches everyone, slower hands means weaker hands in boxing.

    14. I concur, the f*cker needs to try galazians thats was tough with the little b*stards flying at you from all angles.

    15. @ 4:59, I'm a die-hard PacMan fan so u can imagine how hard that was for me to admit! lol

      GO PAC

    16. me too, he's the total package.. Pac Man.

    17. Pac man give over to women and allowed Mrs Pac Man to evolve. I lost all respect when that happened....f*cking women.

    18. Mayweather Jr. isn't just a great defensive fighter, he's arguably one of the best defensive boxers of all time. Coupled with his philly shell which hardly anyone uses, he's money.

      Pacman is great but he's a little to old and a little to small to decisively finish Mayweather.

  2. You can make phosphorus from Urine, some charcoal and cinnamon...Maybe they can burn bigfoot to death and present the charred remains.

    1. What happens if you just fart and miss fire?

    2. POOP NEXT to da tree to mark where you have been FOR U SAFETY

    3. ..Hey Poopster...They still cant find Bigfoot..Pooping in a jar is a better hobby then bigfooting: At least you can see the poop if you use a glass jar...

  3. I recently looked at several of Paranormal Review breakdowns and I'm not impressed.

    1. Ya don't say. What give it away? The slow sullied inebriated voice of a baffon or the diabolical editing?

    2. Not researched well, bad conclusions.

      I have no idea where you got the slow voice of a buffoon from. It's just saying whatever.

    3. I made it up as honestly I have never seen one of their breakdowns.

  4. A thread without Joe Iktomi is as a sunny refreshing.

    1. Joe's got a mouthful of caulk.

    2. Joe = Iktomi = unfunny copy/paste troll

    3. It's King Troll to you... The troll of trolls.

    4. At least you started to admit you're just as big of a POS as everyone else around here. This place is full of whacknuts. Bruce Jenners from England, Farmer's Only cattle, drunk disbarred attorneys, exhibitionists, old folks with dementia, a homosexual fantasist from Wales with a complex is all we need to complete this dog and pony show.

    5. shut up you mug "joketomi" incompetent moron..stick to tossing y`self you`re an expert at that.

    6. ... Not to mention exhibitionists, eh Daniel?

      3:19... You seem upset?

    7. Dear Daniel, while I do not have a boyfriend, I do have a friend who is homosexual and I once asked him "Do you ever think about having sex with me because you are gay?" to which he replied "Do you ever think about having sex with Rosie O'Donnell because you are straight? Same thing." If I was inclined to have a boyfriend, I would select one my height and weight to save having to readjust the driver's seat position. I am not interested in doubling my wardrobe as I wear the same outfit everyday to facilitate speedy identification should I ever be in a boating accident.


    8. Joe Fitzgeralds favorite serial killler is Jeffery Dahmer.

    9. Daniel Campbell, your last post is comedy genius.

    10. Now that was COMEDY GENIUS right there at 3:24 Joe/Iktomi.

    11. If you're another hate bug seemingly incapable of love... Most certainly.

    12. Despite thier inference, I have managed, up to this point, to avoid putting most things in my bottom. Primarily due to the possibility that I might enjoy it, get carried away, and move on to watermelons or midsize family autos. When I was about eight, I drew a face on my hand and practiced kissing it, which I will admit is a little gay, and I have often thought there would be advantages to homosexuality such as Abercrombie & Fitch reward points, successful couch fabric selection capabilities and the gift of dance. With or without a top on. This would come in extremely useful if I needed five hundred dollars and saw a poster advertising a dance competition with a first prize of five hundred dollars.

    13. DC- when adding to your list of what this place is full of, you did forget one very important character didnt you? What about the flashing one balled wonderless troll that makes unwanted lewd sexual overtures to the men on this site. And probably has a tail and a third nipple.

    14. Just becuase deep down inside you can't accpet your true sexual preference and dream of your sister and her siblings. Denial is hard, isn't it? Give in to your feelings...

    15. I'm actually very happy!

      If you crackheads could read more than 4 words then you'd see what is listed between drunken disbarred attorney and old folks with dementia.

      Bigfoot is rotting your brains and your senses of humor.

  5. Replies
    1. You must be one of those people who don't know if they are coming or going?

    2. yeah...but your girlfriend didn`t...again !!

  6. Here we go with 'the absolutely most amazing footage that will be released soon' BS again.

  7. Don't you just love these cheap pr!cks who put on contests to get people to do free artwork for them.

    And if that's not enough, he then asks people to submit material for his website so he can make money off of it. But don't worry, you'll receive full credit for it to 'get your name out there', you dumb b@stards!

  8. Anyways guys, I talk real fast and slur like I'm drunk. Its FBFB younger brother.

  9. I'm gonna design shirt that has a big jar of poop on the front and ;-) on the back.

  10. Well joe posted here for years. Day after day paragraph after paragraph and as a net result did not manage to prove bigfoot exists and ran off with his tail between his legs. I wonder how long before iktomi suffers the same fate?

    1. The sad thing is, you read all of those posts while us smart people never cared.

  11. Remember when gimlin got caught in a lie when asked about his horse by rictor?

    1. Gimlin might have gotten confused by silly horse questions, but yet to be caught in a lie about the experience. WHAT HE SAW!

    2. who gives a flying f*ck who was there who wasn't there, prove it fake.


    3. When you've trained as many horses as Bob Gimlin has, you're gonna forget things as an old man.

      Anything but find a damned monkey suit.

  12. I decided to find out about this myth once and for all and spent a month alone in the Olympic national park in an extremely remote spot. In that time I found plenty of sign and evidence of many types of animals but absolutely nothing that would suggest a 9 foot primate. Sure there were times where sounds were heard and although I could identify them as known animals I could see how they could easily be mistaken by someone not experienced in the outdoors. I can now say with certainty that bigfoot does not exist. I would recommend anyone else to try the same.

    1. I can also say, you are a lieing b*stard. One month, come on you could have said 3 days and made it sound at least believable.

    2. Nope. 1 month, not enough provisions for that duration but sustained with water/food source. If no luck with sources then obviously would not have stayed out there as long.

    3. Doesn't mean they didn't see you, grandpa.

    4. While I myself have doubts, going out a month in one location doesn't prove much.

    5. It proves that footers are really mistaken by real animals and will exaggerate and lie to support their agenda. I think bigfooters really do think it exists. Admirable but mistaken.

    6. Sorry, Got you beat anon, I've spent thirty years camping fishing and hunting all across the US. Now I take outdoor Photos and video for some rags, Never one positive thing to suggest a sasquatch. Friends tell me I'm not looking in the right places, and I don't realize when I see something BF. They must be right.

    7. Ten thousand years of cultural and contemporary acknowledgement, tens of thousands of reports and physical evidence rests on your month's excursions (that no one can verify)?

      I might add here that I know people with almost twice your experience who have had multiple encounters. It's perfectly rational to invest belief in something that's within your own immediate experiences, audacious to think the world of Sasquatch revolves around you though.

    8. Your is a story heard most often by real people who spend time in the wilderness. Only those "researchers with those credentials, are able to find BF everywhere" Then your told that your eyes are not trained to observe, or your to skeptical to see. Then some lowly traveler has a BF walk out in front of him just behind someone's home. Yes, your not the right candidate, they choose who they allow to see them.

    9. The problem with people in the USA is all the inter breeding and ya'll comments. If for once a pure blood would go out and hike we may find some actual evidence instead of stories of scream little pig scream.

      and never p*ss them off about their integrity our honor as that really get's their back up.

    10. hmmmm, wrong again. If you actually take time to actually look at the people invested in research, a high percentage of them are that off the back of impartial experiences... Experiences shared by all sorts of professionals from all walks of life... People like police officers who have eyes trained to observe under stressful circumstances.

    11. Yes Mr. Iktomi, I know those people too, but they have yet to show anyone any concrete evidence. Some can and have pictures capturing the flight of a bumble bee, or humming bird. No picture clear enough to see, that contains the beast. That's my point.

    12. The problem is, that few enthusiasts are aware of the scientific evidence that points to something very real leaving it... How cab we expect sceptics to be aware of it? There is at present, no proof of Sasquatch being a living breathing creature... There is in fact evidence of an unknown primate leaving it;s sign in the US. And while I loosely agree that footage will never prove anything, it is still a very necessary source and we have footage endorsed by a long line of very relevant, very qualified scientists.

    13. You're obviously a pleasant fellow and not a troll. I retract my "grandpa" comment, sir.

    14. You point is actually I have an ego and a very small penis so as I have no life I will hover around a bigfoot forum. If you were smart as you purport this would mean nothing to you and you'd get on with your life. But being bullied at school and laughed at due to the size of your worm you need to vent somewhere and bigfoot is ya'll thing.

      ppsssttt it won't grow by being here.

    15. The voice in my head I use when reading Iktomi's posts is the same one I use for Joe. This 100% proves Iktomi is Joe.

    16. 5:30... Never a good thing to have voices in your head... The first step to getting help is talking to someone about it though... Well done.

    17. I am happy to listen but when you consider uneducated people from the USA, it would be better and save the governement billions by practising a kind of Euthanasia i.e if your interlect is below 130 you're f*ck, then that would actually wipe out the whole USA.

      f*cking your sister to re populate the Country doesn't count.

    18. Thank you Mr. Iktomi. I will not attack anyone for what they believe. I understand your point of some valid signs for belief, I really do, but if it exists, there is a reason the thing doesn't show it's self to some, some people with trained eyes and a camera at the ready. I have a friend that told me, Marty Stouffer, Saw a BF when out in Canada's Rockies, and was unable to get any footage. Now understand, although second hand, I would believe Marty as honesty in the flesh. So then would you agree, even with reports by good people with no agenda's to lie, no real proof has been qualified Yet?

    19. Yes... "No proof" does not equate to "no evidence" though; this is what keeps people plucking away. I enjoy your posts sir.

    20. This is epic. The raging stupidity of skeptard 5:49:

      "i.e if your interlect is below 130 you're f*ck,"

      Yeah, my poor little "interlect" simply can't match wits with the likes of your towering mental powers.

      I promise you one thing though, 5:49, your 'interlect" is "below 130." Your gnashing rage coupled with your "below 130 interlect" suggests you are the product of inbreeding which you feign to despise.


      An American

  13. The level of knowledge bigfooters in the media have are astounding. I recall John Cartwright asking what was the warmest tent available and was then told tents come in seasons by the goobers, to with stand the weather (rain, wind, etc) not cold.....ahhhh to be a bigfoot researcher and in the media or public eye must be fun.

    Spot question for all bigfoor reaseachers, shit this will be fun!!! HOW do you stay warm at night without shagging your sister?

  14. Your correct, and I know full well about that irony. I was sent to 3 states in the Smokie mountains a few, actually two years back. We were taking part in the Eastern cougar association's documentation of this cat. Try as we might, we were unable to get conclusive proof of a viable population, so the cat was changed from endangered to extinct in the wild. Truly sad day for the few remaining wild cougars. We saw many pictures taken by home owners, police and one very good Photo journalist. Because these pictures weren't taken by someone from a recognized field, they were all discounted. These pictures were so good, children could conclude what these animals were. It is a real problem to prove something's existence without a credible sanctioned body being present. It should not be this way, but all fall under the same scrutiny without this presence and involvement. I do believe there have been some findings that are pretty solid for the existence of the thing, but so many hoaxed or doctored pictures and videos out there now, one has to wait before conclusions are pronounced. The two sides of this issue shouldn't be offended or offending. I will be a concrete believer, when the proof is undeniable, no matter what anyone else thinks. If I see one, or someone close to me does so, with or without science. We don't need scientist to conclude one's personal beliefs, but it's a must for total acceptance. I agree with a lot of what you say.

    1. You should have added and I f*cked my sister amongst all that and it may have been more believable.

    2. If it comes from Joe Imatamalie, it's probably from some old book of Myths and legends. He wouldn't know real evidence or proof if it was glued to his head. He's been promoting these hoaxers and their agenda's for so long now, he's lost in his own head space. He can't even admit to himself that most everything about bf community is built on lies and deception. These poor people are being led to the poison river, and made to swim. Just tell the truth and stay away from the KNOWN frauds, tell the truth or keep your opinion to yourself.

    3. 6:22... Fantastic comment sir. People with your insight should post around here more often.

    4. anon 6:26, how would you know what I've done to your sis, Do you ever let her out anymore, or keeping her all for your self again? I thought that jail time when she was 6 might have put you on a different path, but once a perv always a perv.

    5. The problem is, Joe doesn't covert his sister which you say he has lost his own head space. The whole world knows 99.99% incest creates your population without you and the inbred hicks your country will die and burn in it's own pile of vomit.

      Just look at these comments above and in the past are these really the comments of normaly people? No, they are have a deficiency and are mating with carrots and dislike Joe as he is normal.

      The whole world hates the USA and you wonder why?

    6. Thank you Iktomi Sir. a shred of paper has two sides, one has to review both, if one wants to be taken seriously. That's my thoughts Sir.

    7. Your right about the world's hate for the US. Did you see last years commentary on hated mistrusted nations? Only England and Israel hated more, where are you from?

    8. Inner earth I just observe and speak what I see.

    9. ^^^, My thoughts on this subject(Sasquatch) to the tee, whether or not it does exist or does not exist. After ALL these years/decades and still no concrete proof is like yourself still makes me much more of a skeptic, "plain and simple" and as yourself I still have kept an open mind over these years because in life one just never knows...........

  15. hey chuck and mmc ( fellow michiganders)... i live in L'anse small town in the up,,,,there has been a sighting in the michigamme area area..details are sketchy at the moment but the story is that some loggers came across two large subjects in a deer yarding area

    1. The report from KY yesterday was for real. It's being reported on some radio and TV stations. A lot of people have come forward with some great sightings now that the cat's out of the bag.

    2. If you call your sisters snatch out the bag, so be it.

    3. The way you speak of your own sis, I bet your not even the black sheep of your litter, your the goat with an ass shaped like a catchers mit aren't you? Remember what your Mommy and the Judge told you? Leave that sister alone, or you'll have to be castrated, AGAIN.

    4. I don't have a sister, so those comments the judge told you, you had better heed well as it must be getting to you, not being able to shag her.

    5. You did it didn't you? Now she's gone. You can't make her less a sister by calling her by another name. That judge was not happy with you, and mom told you what would happen if you kept on diddling little sis. You better hope your Uncle Daddy doesn't find out sis is missing again.

    6. OMG, Uncle Daddy? WTF,, lol lol lol!

    7. 7:32 is pissed as he's speaking from experience.

    8. Great come back anon 7:41, you've out done yourself this time. How did you come up with that? Did you take the sock from Sis's mouth and ask her? Do you write down these word sof wisdom? Your a walking encyclopedia, and your listed under two categories in the dictionary. You=pedophile. You=incestuous. Your famous Jethro!

    9. OH SHITE! I SMELL FIRE! 7:41 is going down in flames!

    10. Nope, the guilty scream the loudest.

    11. hey BOBBY LANE. Thanks for that information. I know where L'anse is. Lot of little rivers around Michigamme and I suspect a lot of thick cedar forest where the deer yard up proving once again they will follow the deer herds in the winter and one reason sightings go down some during the winter.

      About the second week of July, God willing, we will be in the Curtis area as we do every summer at the family cabin on Manistique Lake. Have plans to take a couple of days, weather willing, and do a motorcycle ride to at least Marquette and would really like to go all the way to Fort Wilkerson and look out over Lake Fanny Ho.

      If you find out any more details please share them with me, and thanks again.

    12. I can't follow that as I kind of like cbrippee....damn

      No offense cbrippeee, but I am just f*cking with the idiots, it's nothing personal.

    13. Nope the one getting ass-aulted generally does most of the screaming. An expert like you, surely knows this best. anon 8:25

  16. Would you shoot a BF? Do you think anyone has already done so? What do you think the total population of BF creatures in the US is? Trolls can and will certainly answer too.

  17. MENSA Has nothing on this place!! Pure geniuses here!!

  18. This will be sensationalized and milked for all it's worth...and then, when the hyperbole is at its apex, bits of the 'footage' will be released and it will be uber anti-climatic. Here's the deal - unless its being reviewed by anthropologists or biologists, its not being 'studied' by anything less than misinformed morons that fancy themselves experts in something that has zero information to baseline against. The angle of 'being studied and will be released after it's been vetted' is a total crock. Just show the freaking video if you have it and it's worthy of discussion - otherwise STFU with all of the fake 'expert' garbage.

    1. How did you know my name was Steve?

    2. This is not a matter of National security. If someone, anyone had proof, it would be out as quickly as you could spell BF. Not a theory, no argument against has any merit.

    3. How about you could prove the ....... was fraud what would you do then? NOTHING.....therefore.....why waste your time with idiots.

    4. Imagine if media outlets also held off on releasing footage of news stories, until the 'experts' has a chance to examine it? They don't. And the reasons why are fairly obvious, as are the reasons for NOT releasing, as well.

  19. 7 45. Population is substantially more than what most used to think in the past. I say over 50k for sure, most likely over 100k and how far over not sure. Bigfoots have been shot and shot at. Personally I would not shot one no matter fame or riches. You have to live with a murder.

    1. I would never kill to prove a point, or for sport anything trying to make it in today's cut up wilderness. He's got enough trouble without taking pot shots at him. I agree chuck.

  20. BF have been observed following horses. Many believe there is some kind of link to these animals (horse-BF). BF are seen in states that have the greatest number of horses, horse parks, horse racing, wild horses etc.. One lone researcher, believes he witnessed the reason for this connection. Horses supply the BF with the most important dietary item, The Horse Apple. Yes a BF will follow a horse all day to get a steaming gullet full of nutrient enriched, fresh, and mostly digested, green horse apples. These creatures have been known to sometimes catch the horse and using it's super long hairy arm, remove unripened horse apples when hungry. The way to capture this animal has been found. A barn full of greezy, goowee, well formed horse apples should bring in the entire pack. This practice and knowledge may have already been used and covered up by the Gov. As most agree anything pertaining to this subject has long been concluded to be full of Horse shite. Coincidence, I think not. This is the reason for loss of total BF numbers. BF once thrived on Bison or Buffalo Pie. When whitee destroyed this great animal, the BF was forced to change his diet to horse apples or face extinction. BF was able to evolve with this new diet, while having to deal more closely with humans, thus these numerous sightings. This once proud free creature migrated following the trail of prairie pie. Now He's reduced to Horse farms and stall cleaner hand outs. Hold your furry head high, and may you remain always filled with horse shite, you majestic BF.

    1. That sir is the most well thought out rational theory I have had the pleasure of reading on this blog.

      Carry on.

  21. OK, WTF? Horse apples huh.Strong theory dood, strong.

  22. So you are saying Bigfoot--like to bet on horses?
    Their only flaw--a gambling addition

  23. Horses find apples but BF can't, LOL! I know a lady who had her horses attacked, one lived, the other didn't. There are tons of horse farms around, and plenty of BF around, but they don't touch them? It happens on occasion, but not frequent, at least not here.


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