The Brown's Take Their Bigfoot Research Seriously

A lot of strange audio gets recorded by bigfooters, and then is left up to speculation of what the sounds are. The Brown's in Washington take things a step farther, and take a look at the spectrographic analysis of their possible bigfoot recordings. Here's an analysis of recordings they took called the valley howlers. Pretty creepy.


  1. Replies
    1. I take my Bigfoot research with a side of astro glide

    2. ...Lol... Whatever was out there screaming obviously didn't.

    3. Though I haven't listened to this yet... These Browns recordings are always the very best standard of recordings. It's all the more exciting when stuff like this comes around, because this area of evidence already has published results.

    4. Sound recordings are worthless when you dont have the actual animal to back up what is making the sound. Worthless.

    5. Lol he went in dry and bigfeets obviously had no pillow

    6. 3:51... They don't prove anything, but you have to be scrambling to try and play it's significance down to suggest audio both above and below the range of normal human primates, verified to be from an unknown primate is not necessary form of evidence... And is agenda driven, quite frankly. Accompany that with the physical sign and hair samples; you have grounds for Occam's Razor.

  2. The Browns have a heck of a project going. Just need to try and imbed their recorders out in the areas these creatures are.
    I know two people that have been out there and are more than impressed.

    1. I wish they would normalize the volume and possibly zoom in on those waves. Interesting.

    2. Mr. Bandini, how the heck are you? Hope all is well, it has been awhile.

    3. The Browns need to be trying to shoot one of these creatures. Stop with th audio/video/tracks and lets solve this mystery by taking a body!

  3. Midweek update: zero bigfoots so far

    Its looking like another zero bigfoot week but will keep you posted.

    Total number of bigfoots remains at zero.

    1. A special message for mental marvel number 3 53Monday, February 23, 2015 at 6:04:00 PM PST

      The aura of imbecility which glows warmly around your comment is quite moving.

      Your talent for counting all the way up to zero also leaves me fairly astonished.

      Your knack for miscounting Monday as midweek is also impressive, nay, intimidating.

      Welcome aboard, low-Q.

    2. 3:53... 1974, the US Army officially recognized the ape like creature inhabiting the Northwest and Siberia known as Bigfoot. The Army Corps of Engineers devoted a complete page to Bigfoot in their 1974 Washington Environmental Atlas.

      In the Atlas, it is revealed the FBI had done major testing on hair samples, and concluded the hair did not come from any human or known animal source.

  4. Sure didnt take them long to try and cash in on their cow thermal after Randles ditched them,T shirts and all,kinda makes one suspicious dont it? If it doesnt it should.

    1. What do you mean tshirt and all I must've missed this part

    2. I have to say, it's a cool looking t-shirt... People have got to fund their research somehow.

  5. The butthut bleevers at bigfotforums go crazy when you talk about the cow.

    1. Is that place still running? Wow. What about DWA? Is he still there telling everyone that he knows better than every single scientist?

    2. DWA often makes good points.

    3. ... Which no doubt get's the troll type of reaction. He must be doing something very right.

  6. So let me see if I got this right,You Yanks will blow someones knee caps off if they stop on your property to ask directions but you cant bring yourselves to bag a giant harry monster?

    1. I shall only quote joe rogan you have a queen that's a millionaire without a job second we keep our guns to keep our government from getting out of control as the founding fathers knew would happen

    2. No, you got it all wrong. We usually whack them on the back of the head with a mallet, stick them in a cooler, and use their skin for lampshades.

    3. lol why do Americans always think that the best way to get to us is to insult the queen?
      We couldn't give a flying f@ck about her either..

  7. I bag a hairy monster every time I wear a condom

    1. You must NEVER wear a condom, thus NEVER bag a hairy monster.

  8. Sounds like male and female Northern Pygmy Owls, Sara. You should have passed it by an expert.

    1. This is far more impressive;

  9. The Bigfoot have a much greater imagination with their howls, than has been captured in the above recording.

    1. Have you listened to the link I provided up top? Check it out.


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