The Bragg Road Light Claims Two More Victims

The Bragg Road light is a mysterious light that appears at night on a road in Southeast Texas. Known as a "spook light" no one is quite sure what causes this phenomenon. A Native American woman and her young niece claim to have seen the source of the light however. They claim they saw a headless apparition carrying a glowing green lantern. Which would certainly freak me out.

Suddenly, she explained, she noticed a “dense green light” coming from the distance and “slowly moving” toward them.

“We were looking South. I adjusted my glasses to my face and closed my eyes, then opened them again. I could make out that it was an apparition of a man, dressed in overalls, like an old timey train worker. He was carrying a lantern in his right hand that was glowing green,” said Celestine. “I didn’t pay any attention to what kind of footwear, if any, that he was wearing, because I was too shook up to say anything. I glanced over at Mikayla, and she was frozen with fright, her little eyes as big as saucers. The main reason neither of us could speak is because he didn’t have a head on his shoulders!”

The “entity” reportedly walked about 12 feet before vanishing into thin air.

To read the entire article, click here.


  1. This is Super Cereal
    Half Man, Half Bear and Half Pig

    1. Just some more homeless Afghan or Iraq Vets in the bush

  2. sometimes BatSquatch eye shine looking like a phantom green light, so you thinking thats a phantom green light but its a BatSquatch

  3. historickull tham bigfoots be aseein by folks fer yeers

  4. 4 hrs and 27 min to get to Bragg road from my house. Anyone want to meet me out there??!! Its probably a moonshining bigfoot scaring away the people.

    1. Hey Chick,I'm an hour and 38 minutes away from Bragg Rd.
      Mike H.

    2. Have you been there Bigdad? Anyway I am jealous, you get to go to the beach all the time! So nice to see you around :)


    4. Used to hunt in Liberty County which is right by Hardin County so I'm thinking that I've been by it.
      I'll probably take a ride by there and check it out.
      The beach is my hometown of Galveston.
      Was born there in 61'.
      But FOX is right,that stuff is
      Hey Rushfer,hope all is well.
      Mike H.

    5. Sorry Rummie,my bad.
      Mike H.

    6. My iPad autocorrect is to fricken fast.
      The wife and I tried some rum from Louisiana and I have to say it was pretty damn smooth.
      Can't remember the name but I think it was called Bayou or something or another.
      Anyhow it's good to see your still around.
      I see Harry on the upper thread.
      Good to see him on here also.
      Got to go and rebuild a carb on a atv so y'all stay safe.
      Mike H.

  5. That's quite odd. I'm 4 hours and 27 mins exactly too.

    1. Trapper and the AIMS team taken 6 episodes in Season 3 in hunting down Bigfoots

  6. BREAKING NEWS !!! The ASPCA objected to the feeding, filming or killing a bigfoot.
    . The animal rights group declared that it was cruel to the bigfoot, so researchers had to find one that died of natural causes before proclaiming to have found a bigfoot, according to CNN.

    1. and basement dwellers have lots of free time to do research on bigfoots

  7. Britain to send military advisers to Ukraine, announces Cameron.

  8. I ask for the person Known as DS to qualify the statement about Trail cams not being viable to capture images of Sasquatch. This statement may or may not be a agreed upon theory by most in the field, however, if it is, it raises a lot of questions about some very notable recent evidenced claimed by some. Please answer the question pertaining to what and why some feel the new trail cams are not profitable tec for this field. Thank you DS or anyone that can answer from experience or an understanding of the qualities of these tools.

    1. tham mexicuns bein heers in amurka caws thays wontin thay jobs heers

    2. You must not come on this site very often. Asking DS or most of these tunnel vision BF focused believers to defend their positions on any topic won't get you anything other than more fantasy or silence all together. Looking for logic,concerning anything about bf you've come to the wrong place.

    3. Bigfoots are real ,
      Jeff Meldrum, Matt Moneymaker, BOBO Fay, Trapper John all agree BIGFOOTs are real

    4. No anon1:44, I'm not asking for a defense just an expanded statement of explanation. I don't want to make any points for or against, I've seen the videos and posted pictures myself. But the fact of not being useful tools with today's upgrades and added functions made me wonder why not. No I haven't been to the site before, I was ref by a friend who enjoyed the site in 2014.

    5. Bigfoot can't be seen with anything but 8 mm film. Video, trail cams, FLIR -- none of it works. Yep. Only 8 mm film and a few people like Todd Standing, Dr. Matt Johnson, Rick Dyer, Tom Biscardi and Bobo.

    6. apparently this is the truth. Where in the hell do you get one, nobody returned them in the sixties.

    7. It's called special pleading.

    8. Humorously, should you be shown FLIR, footage, trail cams photos... You people would go into denial mode. We have all these things, I'll post them if you wish and I can assure you that you'll make all kinds of excuses and get touchy by then end. Special pleading is maintaining that scientific methods should be altered, bent and twisted to suit preconceived preferences and heuristical conclusions.

      Haints... Weren't you on record the other day saying you were affiliated with Biscardi and you didn't see evidence of him hoaxing?

  9. Pansies out in the bush folks weeing them heer for years

  10. HILLARY in 2016 to save US all
    and Remember Hillary knows nothing about Benghazi

  11. Symmetrical book stacking. You're right, no human would do that.

    1. whut tham wurds yous ausin caws thays bigin ones fer shure

    2. ah seed, a heedless bigfeets he be caryin that lantreen. whut a dumass. don bigfeets now if'n he got no heed then he got no eys and a lantreen dont help him sees.

  12. This is very similar to the "Paulding Light" in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I believe that light was debunked after several decades though. Could be the same explanation?

    1. paulding has never been debunked


    3. Thank you Anonymous for proving Anonymous wrong. :)

  13. A heedless bigfeets he be caryin that lantreen. whut a dumass. don bigfeets now if'n he got no heed then he got no eys and a lantreen dont help him sees.

  14. Chakka s ee Holly getting dressed Chakka like very much....Chakka kill Marshall and Will when sleeping


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