Texas Man Claims Bigfoot Smiled At Him

A man is Eastern Texas claims to have had multiple bigfoot encounters over the years, including one of which a bigfoot smiled at him.

“I saw something on the edge of the tree line. I could see it from the porch’s light.”

Curious and decided to find out what the silhouette was, Richard reportedly put out his smoke and walked out of the driveway to try to interact with the animal.

“This thing smiled, and I thought to myself ‘surely I did not see a bush smile’. I thought I was losing my mind. I went back in the house and closed the door, and there was nothing malicious about it, it scared me, but because of the smile, I thought ‘what in the hell am I seeing here?'”

The eyewitness said the purported beast was about 9 feet tall. He did not provide further physical details.

To read the entire article, click here. 


  1. Limes?...I don't see any ...limes.
    - Raoul Duke

  2. Stories,stories,stories,stories,stories,etc etc etc.When will we finally get the evidence/proof that this species does exists or not for once and for all............

    1. Never.....there was a guy from Texas yesterday that says he's not coming back untill he has proof...pretty much dont expect him back.....to bad Joe doesn't take the same challenge.


    2. Joe or not, Prove that it (Sasquatch) exists or not,plain and simple. I can sympathize with these total skeptics/on the fence skeptics who like myself would like to know one hundred percent either way if this species exists or not...........

    3. Probably never. You can't prove they don't exist and I'm guessing we'll never see real proof that they do exist.

    4. how do you prove that something that doesn't exist, exist?

    5. 455, obviously, you can't if you are evaluating the evidence accurately. And that's why I'd be amazed if bigfoot is ever proven. Of course, science is always open to new evidence (quality evidence) so if decent evidence does come along, that would be awesome. But there is nothing of quality at this point... all subjective stuff.

    6. AF... Still sore and thinking of me it seems? Good... People like you never enter my head; telling.

      People like myself are less frustrated with the lack proof at present, because there is enough evidence to draw enthusiasm on and remain patient. For example, if this creature didn't exist, then we wouldn't have the physical sign of it. Now I understand that everyone has different levels of "credible evidence", but the plain and simple truth is as follows... Science is founded on the premise that we exist in a rational reality and from this premise it follows that every scientific belief can and should be based on evidence, otherwise it is not science. To be completely clear as to what is science it can be defined in one simple sentence; science is the unbiased effort to understand reality based on the observable physical evidence.

      There is nothing subjective about physical evidence of biological traits pointing to a living breathing bipedal primate that is twice the size of normal humans. The only subjectivity, is the uneducated, unqualified people in denial of the impartial experts who have verified it.

  3. Anyone who claims to have had multiple bigfoot sightings is lying.

  4. Replies

    2. Of course punks not dead I'm still standing

    3. And you chicky? Hiding Eva. Naw just workin my ass off

    4. Hi Harry! Harry's here again! Yippee!!


    5. Glad to see you back, Harry. You got a big greeting from the 3 best girls on the blog. Uno!

    6. Awe- surprise party with Uno and Eva too!! Im doing great Harry.

    7. Harry Bandini! Good to see ya bro


    8. Thought of everyone and wondered how ya guys and gals were doin

    9. Hope you all had a merry CHRISTMAS a happy new year and exciting valentines day

    10. No wait not exciting naughty naughty valentines day

    11. Bandini!!!!!! Where you been man!!!! I've imagined a jawa from Star Wars doing this noise;


      ... But saying "Bandini!!"

  5. Anything looking in my window that looks like that it is going to get blasted with my 12 gauge shotgun.

    1. I hope you're following that up with something so it don't bite you lol

  6. Just anotherrrrrrrrrrrrr story folks, don't get excited...........

    1. A 40 years in the making story apparently. Sooo no tracks then?

    2. no pictures and no videos

  7. It states that after the man put his cigarette out, Bigfoot smiled at him. I think he was trying to show him his cleaner, brighter, non-smoking squatch teeth.

  8. Now that Harrys back the year has started

  9. bigfoots smile at me all the time until they get my bill

  10. All the excitement for the guy named Harry means he's a hell of a guy. Nice to meet you Harry sir. All the bad weather seems to congregate people around the magic screens don't it? Me too.. HG

    1. Right but here in fl it's always nice except for two days last week lol

    2. Fla, your def a lucky man friend. Here it's now starting to flood from snow run off, a few days ago it was 19 below after 7 inches of snow. No fun at all. HG

    3. My brothers and mom are still in Chicago so I hear that

    4. It was 77 today still 17 up there so I can't complain moved down in '12

    5. HG hunting girl, still sucking after the idiot believers? Your real tight with the brain dead fantasy frauds to be a Skeptic. Are you a Government plant? A spy maybe for the Bigfoot secret underground movement? what are you, skeptic your not.

    6. i agree very odd indeed...has the hulk hogan complex as well calling everyone brother...he is not what he claims to be.....a skeptic that knows the hunting style of the almasty? really...sorry hg your a fraud

    7. anon 4:48 he reads you dilwad, even might look it up on the enter net fool. Don't knock it just because you can't do it.

    8. No Harry, don't call anyone brother, you will be instantly attacked by the masses and we don't want to lose you again.

  11. when you see a bigfoot smiling at you that is an indicator he is friendly. so next time go up to him with your hands out as if you were going shake hands and as soon as you get close enough reach around and grab a handful of ass hairs. these are the best for dna testing.

    1. what if its an evil smile?

    2. In that case, Anon 4:57, after you grab a handful of hairs, run.

  12. Well it's been fun and I thank all who have given insight and info for my personal study. I truly appreciate it. The good back at you Dbaits were great to. I try to keep all personal stuff out of my words and thoughts, and always be ready to learn from another point of view. It seems however by being respectful to the others who are convinced, I somehow loose face. The other side thinks so too, oddly enough. Or maybe I just get on nerves without meaning to. Either way, it's caused the talk to become more about those things than the reason I came here, THE DBATE about THE BF. I will hope something happens to prove or disprove soon for all involved and wish all, even those who apparently detest my being here the absolute best. Thanks for allowing me this time to discuss this mystery and good luck and God bless. I hope to speak to you'all again someday. The real HUNTING GUY.

    1. k.....don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out

    2. Ahhh don't let them bother you man that's all they've got is to try and make others days as miserable as theirs man fuck it

    3. Fu(k him her them they you not me don't let them get to you that only means they win

    4. Hello Harry good to see you man. That guy was awesome you would have dug him man. He even made me think and I'm a positive believer, I saw it. That's the way it goes, shaun should ban some of the trouble making people. Real Men and grown Women won't name call and say silly things all the time people quit coming dood. There are fewer and fewer here now. Good to see you man. at least your back!

    5. Awww man,HG. Don't turn your back on fear. Keep it in front of you, like a thing that might have to be killed. Fucking Weasels!
      -Raoul Duke

    6. I hope you'll reconsider HG.

      BFE can get nasty sometimes...even the sewers have diving boards.

      Just hold your nose when jumping in !

    7. HUNTER GUY!!!!!!!!!!

      Listen buddy, I hope you can now see why we got off on the wrong foot when you have psychos like this running around. You have to be tough around here and that means getting a little defensive sometimes. This is the guy who was celebrating you the other day, can you see how deranged these people are? They literally have a personality disorder and this has been verified by Canadian psychologists;


      ... Keep your chin up, you contribute well and though we don't agree on much, and though I strongly disagree and ask you to reconsider John W Jones' credentials, I'd like to see you post more often.

  13. Bigfoot, when you smilin', when you smilin
    The whole world smiles with you.
    Bigfoot when you laughin' oh when you laughin'
    The sun comes shinin through.

  14. You freakin bunch of children have pushed away another decent poster with your idiotic bullshit. Every time a person comes to this site and shows some intelligence, you idiots without an argument for either position start your attacks. I've been coming here to hear about this subject for about three years and it's always the same. You mentally challenged rejects are only satisfied when everybody acts like a gang from the local juvi center. This guy used real common sense and battled the BF frauds and did it with respect instead of name calling and school girl stupidity. I AM a skeptic that wishes I could call it like that. You fools should go back to comics and get a job after school. I won't let the door hit me in the ass either. losers.

    1. The ass wipes that never add any substance to the conversation always attack those who do, sad sad. He was way to big for that.

    2. HG was alright. He added a whole new element to this blog. But the half-men gotta flex their cyberceps,y'know?

    3. give me a break 5:14

      if he was half the man he pretends to be he would of stayed.

      Hell that panzie no nothing Joe is out here all the time and everybody laughs at him

    4. I know, he really was. i don't know a damn thing about dogs but he made a believer out of me. I wish I could have got to him in 2009 when i saw my first sasquatch.

    5. yea and your a real man hiding behind your anon identity in your mom's nice warm basement. anon 5:50

    6. ..sorry..just practicing...Anyway, why let others force you off the blog..Just ignore what you think is trolling and scroll past it without responding....

    7. 5:50 likes to smell his Depends after wearing them for a week

    8. Hunting guys gone, quality posters are getting fewer than bald spots on a sasquatch behind around here. to bad.

    9. I don't think he was forced off, he's a little to mature for this particular crowd. He was a class act.

    10. Awe, I enjoyed reading what he had to say. Some of y'all just can't behave.

    11. @ 5:54 thats real funny coming from the pivot man in the bigfoot circle jerk

  15. Well another one bites the dust. HG was a good skeptic, he looked at the proof and came back with something of substance. I didn't always agree with the guy but he never tried to offend anyone. This site has become the circle jerk and the jerks are not going to allow the circle to be broken.

  16. Alright whos the f-er from the bfro on here making dhit up about harry. Who is harry? Bolles? Bolles makes shit up to. An hes a smsrtass. You f-ers leave muedrrum alone to hes trying ain't he?

  17. That picture is my worst nightmare. Slide right thru all comments..only a few mature comments here so I do not bother. So sorry for the few who are truly interested and mature enough to make good comments!!

  18. My name is Tessy Cole from Finland, I was I a relationship with Steven and we loved and cherished ourselves for 3 good years and every thing was going on smoothly but February 14, 2014 a day I can call a lovers day we both had misunderstanding because I answered a call from a guy that is asking me out for a date but I refused, and he told me that the relationship is over and that he is fed up with me and I begged him because I love him so much but he refused me I was so down cast and I felt the world has come to an end for me but my friend told me about a spell caster that helped her sister out in getting her relationship back, a good job and favor in any of her endeavor but at first I was scared but I have to give this man a trial via his email ( Doctorebakorspelltemple@hotmail.com ) because I love Steven very much and I am not willing to loose him to any woman, so I ordered returning my love spell from this great spell caster that made me a happy woman again to say it all my ex came back to me with much love and a caring heart... i am testifying to this great spell caster Dr Ebakor spell caster. if you need his help of any kind like;

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    You can contact him on his email; Doctorebakorspelltemple@hotmail.com

  19. I want the world to know a great man that is well known as Dr.KIZZEKPE TEMPLE has the perfect solution to relationship issues and marriage problems. The main reason why i went to Dr.KIZZEKPE TEMPLE was for solution on how i can get my lover back because in recent times i have read some testimonies on the internet which some people has written about Dr.KIZZEKPE TEMPLE and i was so pleased and i decided to seek for assistance from Dr.KIZZEKPE TEMPLE which he did a perfect job by casting a spell on my lover which made him to come back to me and beg for forgiveness. I will be drop his contact of Dr.KIZZEKPE TEMPLE for the usefulness of those that needs his help, They are via email: (((kizzekpespells@outlook.com))).............Katerina


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