Strange Audio Recorded By Group In Florida

The Trail To Bigfoot channel posted this video footage of an area they are investigating, where their digital recorder picked up some strange audio. They state that they did not hear the audio at the time it was recorded, but had a feeling of being watched. Check it out:


  1. Shackalacka bam....again...tkoenig

  2. Slow here. Bet everyone ate a bunch of bbq for dinner and is now suffering from the meat sweats.

  3. I like this comment posted on YouTube: I totally dont understand what you are sharing. Do you feel something was recorded? Are listeners supposed to hear something in particular?

    That about sums-up my response as well.

    1. Haints, I suppose I'm not alone on this another video showing a couple guys acting interested and nothing happens. Then someone points out an unrecognizable something, or a funky sound comes from? wtf know? what's up with all this show nothing video? is there nothing better?

    2. Did anyone know that Haints was affiliated with BISCARDI?

      Just saying... You might want to take his judgements with a grain of salt.

  4. The only sound is the guys talking and flies buzzing. There are no gruff sounds on the video that anyone here can hear at all.

    1. Yea, but so what if there was A GRUFF sound? what does that suppose to show? What is that suppose to prove? I'm lost, is this suppose to be like BF reality research, including cast and outtakes? Help!

  5. I'm just shakin my head. If the sound isn't clear as a bell, then please don't waste our time. There is no clear sound other than leave crunching drowning out the sounds that are claimed to be there.

    1. Seriously, freaky sounds, no image, and nonsense conversation. I hate to admit it but I miss the days of the better more elaborate hoaxers. Smejma was always good for a laugh, and that guy in Canada, with those marble eyed muppet creatures. Those were the good old days.

  6. If you can't hear it, it's because you don't have a open mind, or the bigfoots can't be recorded, or the government is covering it up, or (insert favorite excuse here).

    1. All them scientist are lying about that proof. Damn them liars, especially that low down blow hard SYKES, he's their leader.

    2. Why is everybody against us? We are nice people and we try to convince everyone we talk to about sasquatch being a real person. Why oh why are we hated for our faith and beliefs? The proof is in our hearts, science is the enemy of our faith. Services to be announced at the New falcon Hall, With the Honorable Dr Meldrum providing the sermon. All are invited and welcome. Love offerings always accepted and appreciated. Come hear "THE VOICE OF THE LIVING SASQUATCH"

    3. Sad that you put so much thought into this hateful halfwitted propaganda. What a jackass.

  7. All these negative and childish remarks, uncalled for and definitely not needed.

    1. Oh yeah. Well, I'm rubber and you're glue. What you say bounces off of me and sticks on you.

  8. Goodnight and God bless to all. Tri-County.

  9. Great example of the audio equivalent of a blobsquatch (a soundsquatch?). I didn't even bother to listen more than once but I'm sure if you were hoping to hear a sasquatch you could, since nobody knows what they sound like.


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