Sasquatch Snow Tracks: Are Any of Them Real and How Can We Know?

In this video, Michigan Bigfoot researcher LordCryptid explains snow tracks and how to tell the real ones from the fake ones: "How easy is it to tell if a track in the snow is from a Sasquatch or a person or animal? The answer is, not easy. Without corroborating evidence or a really, really good set of big prints, it is often tough to tell exactly what made a track in the snow. Weather, temperature, other animals walking over the tracks, depth of snow....all of these things impact what a snow track looks like. Yes, it is easy to pick out a deer trail versus a squirrel but what about a melted double bear print or a person wearing snowshoes? This one turns out being pretty darn skeptical."


  1. First!!!

    Spanking footers one at a time since 1967

    1. Narwhals narwhals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion cause they are so awesome

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. 12:33... "Spanking" a euphemism for "hiding behind anonymity and abusing good people like a sadist". One day you'll grow up and develop an actual argument.

    4. Joe, did you honestly just tell someone else to grow up? The dude pretending to be another dude, who was pretending to be another dude...that then lies about it just to get someone to talk to him and his inferiority complex is telling somebody else to "grow up?"

      That's rich.

    5. Hello Mike Honcho, MMG Sr, "I'm not Daniel Campbell"... The beat goes on...

    6. Perv alert,perv alert at 3:34!!!!!!!!!

    7. Yep Joe,seems that Nadboys memory is fading.

    8. Quick, draw attention from yourself and your actions, Joe.

      I obviously and willingly provide all information about throwaways, I'm a honest goofball. You, sir, are just a deceitful liar that can't manage to spill an ounce of truth even when given the proper outlet.

      Don't have an argument though on that, Joe? Quickly make it a personal response, we know you can't handle the truth.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. My actions? I do believe you are allowing your obsession with this "Joe" chap to get the better of your emotions and rational thinking, Daniel. Pursuing a vendetta and relating it to not having the creativity to devise an argument on the immediate subject matter is not the same thing, I think you may have had this crush a little too long. "Personal response"? Are you aware of the nature of your comments, Daniel? Let it go... I'm sure Joe misses you very much also.

    11. You are a blithering buffoon.

      Continue your charade, PJ. Take Mike's neighbor Louis along for the ride.

    12. ... Such strange delusions... An education is psychology in fact.

    13. Iktomi, why don't you post on the BFF?

      Clearly you have enough time as you've stated you've went through the archive of BFE comments to study poster history and adopt the mannerisms and talking points of someone else.

    14. Why don't you post a link to your genitals over there... I'm sure it'll go down a storm.

    15. HAHAHAH! Yep I seen it too. A bit of sexual perversion with DC. I comes up in all his posts. It really does.

    16. Now why would someone do that?

      After all, if there is no body then the legend continues.

      I would enjoy having dialogue with you on the BFF, newcomer, where we can have the biggest community of enthusiasts and skeptics chime in.

      We all can be and are wrong sometimes. Join me as my guest of honor.

    17. Danny lover, I'll bring the chocolate sundaes, you bring the cinnamon sticks, and meet me in bed at the usual time.

      Be a good boy.


    18. JR-

      I am eagerly awaiting your presence. Please don't forget the extra twine for my snuffler trunk. And the football cleats for stomping. You know what I like smoochie!


    19. Daniel... Being on the BFF counts for nothing if you get your backside handed to you around here.

      Just ask Dmaker.

    20. Quite the pompous attitude.

      Do you even know Dmaker, newcomer? I haven't seen the two of you have a discussion, not to say that it hasn't happened but I haven't seen it.

      Most BFF members don't really visit here.

    21. I've witnessed him endure pastings like it's going out of fashion around here, you're in a club at least, Daniel.

    22. Funny that Dan spelled backwards s Nad.Just

    23. Dan sure has it bad for Joe and Iktomi. This is a man crush that's reached stalker status quite awhile ago. Good thing Joe lives overseas. Watch your back Iktomi. Watch your back.

    24. Watch it, Danny is in the mood for POUNDTOWN!!!!!


    25. !;30,you`re NOT`re Joe Iktomi the dribbler

  2. where`s the sheep "shearer"...?

  3. They're not real unless you see what made them or in most cases who made them,there is not one "Researcher" out there who hasnt hoaxed something.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. ... "It's all fake, they're hoaxers!!! Even 50 miles into wilderness areas, these tracks HAVE to be faked!!! Even the scientists that get on board that have credentials and integrity far exceeding anything I could ever dream of from being an uneducated anon!!! Everyone is a hoaxer, they're all out to get us and fool us!! They're all laughing at us!! It's a conspiracy!! It's a secret society of hoaxers that have spanned ten thousand years!! A huge conspiracy and they're trying to take our money!!! Help!!!!!!"

    4. 50 miles into the interior, LOL. Again that's some nice fabrication of a Jeff Meldrum line from TV.

      Anthropomorphism and wild imagination has spanned ten thousand years, man has always been preoccupied and in hesitation of the dark. Simple - the freaks come out at night.

      Continue to lie to yourself though, Joe, it's the only consistent thing you've had in your life.

    5. And Nadboy rears his ugly excess foreskin.

    6. Hmm...allow me to steal a line from Joe for a moment, ya little snake in the grass...

      Got an actual argument?

      You cannot help yourself when it cums (oh noes!) to deez nuts. Just always in your mouth, always tonguing them softly.

      Now, do you want to address something or do you want to play baby doll tea time like the little f@gg0t cu*t you are?

    7. 50 miles into wilderness interior; fact... Dear Daniel. That's unless you think the conspiring, smoky room maniacal laughing hoaxers are out to get you? Anthropomorphism does not account for the time frame where indigenous cultures have passed oral history down through generations as written text can be manipulated, and it is one heck of a leap of faith to suggest that for ten thousand years, different cultures residing in the US have been a part of the same secret society gorilla suit wearing people saying "boo" to people, when the natives never had an idea what an ape looked like, and so many early Europeans in the US thought native customs undesirable... Bearing in mind this time frame has transitioned into modern mediums with modern anecdotal, physical and biological sources of evidence.

      The "lie" is this conspiracy of everyone all out to get you... Kind of makes you sound "kooky", if I'm honest.

    8. I have to say Daniel... That for someone who likes to remind people of a lot of things around here, you don't seem to like a taste of your own medicine at times.

      Spoon full of sugar?

    9. Uh oh,Nadboy is butthurt.He got his poor wittle feelings hurt.:)

    10. Yes, now that you have arrived PJ, I guess you bring with you your forced emotional view for others. You seem a little quick on that trigger this morning, something got you itchy boy?

      No one said a thing about some secret club of hoaxers, that's called the BFRO. I don't think you understand anthropomorphism like you think you do.

      Until the last 15-20k years, man had other forms of man trying to kill and take everything. These are the times that leaving your tribe after dark lead to death, kidnapping, rape, assimilation.

      We fear other men, not gorillas like you pathetically cling.

      Now I'm getting ready to spark up a bowl, so you have fun with your cackling 7 in a row replies.

      I'll still be interested if nad boy can actually come up with a solid argument.

    11. What's to argue Nadboy?Are you saying that you didn't post a link to your excessive foreskin and little nad?

    12. Show me the picture.

      Could someone have randomly linked another picture?

      Will nad boy ever find a decent argument, or will he spend all of eternity talking about another man's testes while denying his latent homosexuality?

      All these questions answered and on..

      As The BFE turns.

    13. Daniel... Am I quick? I don't think I'm any different than usual... Are you sure you're not bringing your own emotional baggage along in making such judgements?

      You point about sharing the planet with other hominids is in fact one of the main reasons to be enthusiastic about this creature's existence. There is a lot to acknowledge in indigenous peoples' understanding of various cryptids both living in the present and fossil
      evidence in line with present day reports (Bili Ape, homo floresiensis), if there was no evidence then it would be difficult to argue... But we have evidence.

      "In the ancient world, and even later, when the number of sciences was smaller, when scientists were philosophers and encyclopedists, they well knew of the existence of wild hairy bipeds whom they called troglodytes, that is “cavemen”. One of such philosophers and lumenaries of natural history was Carolus Linneaus, the author of the terms Homo sapiens and Homo troglodytes. For the latter he also used the terms “silvestris” and “nocturnus”. Thus Linnaeus is the forefather of our direction of science.

      Anthropologists are still unaware of the remarkable historical fact that the central and pretentious term of anthropology – Homo sapiens – appeared in science just in contrast to Homo troglodytes, the Caveman, whose existence was known to naturalists of antiquity and the Middle Ages."
      - Dmitri Bayanov

      The point is, if we didn't have good evidences as a transition into contemporary mediums, then cultural references would mean little... But the evidence is
      indeed there. There are over 100 native names for Sasquatch in the US, all describing the same thing to which is then reported by settlers who found their
      customs undesirable. When you have so much cultural identity invested in this creature, then it's very, very hard to dismiss. People will draw on things like
      giant birds as myth and legend, but we also have eagles, bears, coyotes and beavers in myth and legend. We have archeological discoveries of giant human skeletal remains in burial mounds in line with some native cultures who have legends of sharing such with Sasquatch, who they agknowledged to be giant human tribes. We also have a hominid skull paper with the exact morphology that would adhere to Sasquatch traits (brow ridge, receding forehead, large jaw, higher nose bridge, extra bone in neck for more neck & shoulder muscles), from a place where the nearby native peoples have always stated that giant canibalistic tribes resided. This in turn exactly the same as nearly every native tribe in North America that have the same legends intertwined in their understanding of Sasquatch.

    14. ... And now I've seen it all. Is Daniel claiming he didn't post a picture to his meat and two veg? If claiming that wasn't his real name wasn't bad enough...

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. "We fear other men, not gorillas"... And Sasquatch are not gorillas, dear Daniel. This is an anthropological matter and your comment at 4:06 is precisely the circumstances why native peoples have ensured such legends are close to their identity down through the ages.

      You're showing your scars of contempt for a field that owed you that bipedal gorilla for all your time invested... Sasquatch is not a gorilla, as much as you were adhered to the old school perception of things.

    18. It is not up to us to prove Joe Fitzgerald has a serial killer fetish. It is up to Joe Fitzgerald to prove to us he does not have a serial killer fetish.

    19. And there is the 7 straight mouthful posts. Learn to be concise my dear Licktomie.

      I don't know, did I? Where is this picture spoken of? If you cannot locate the pic, then you must acquit.

      Did I ever tell you that Bigfoot was a gorilla? I mean seriously, as in ever? Nope. Just another fantasy you have attached so you can gear up for "battle."

      If you cannot provide me or provide me with the place to personally view these giant human skeletons, or an accepted peer review of them...they probably are too good to be true.

      You sure have a lot of speculation and anecdotes, I'll give you that.

      What you lack is any type of convincing biological evidence.

    20. ... Oh, and I'm confused? It is generally believed by your theory group, Daniel, that the Americas were colonized by humans around 15,000 years ago, and that there is no fossil trail for hominids in the Americas? Have there been hominids in the Americas or not, Daniel??

    21. Joe has little mans disease so any skeloton over 4 feet tall is a GIANT.

    22. We do not have any homos in America unless Joe comes over for a visit.

    23. Daniel... I can however point you in the direction of the antroplogical authority bar none, as evidence of these skeletal finds.

    24. Nadboy has gone off the deep end without his floaties on.He has definitely went underwater.Hold your breath Nadboy,you might drown.You're a piece of work Nadboy I'll give you that.What a waste of skeletal structure you are.Now go take a another nad selfie and go post it on BFF then that could be your claim to fame.Ya jackass.

    25. What theory group do you keep referencing? Another fantasy of yours.

      Where is a legitimate 10ft human skeleton on display? No where.

      Compelling stories, unconvincing evidence.

    26. It might be news to you, but the Smithsonian is sometimes referred to as "the nation's attic"for its holdings of 138 million items, the Institution's Washington, D.C., nucleus of nineteen museums, nine research centres, and zoo, many of them historical or architectural landmarks, is the largest such complex in the world. Additional facilities are located in Arizona, Maryland, New York City, Virginia, Panama and elsewhere, and 168 other museums are Smithsonian affiliates... Could be anywhere!!

      It's a bit of a mystery... But when you have paper trails from the anthropological authority bar none... Then it certainly happened.

    27. DC following Iktomi around every corner today like a pervert follows his prey. Chilling.

    28. Did it? Quite certain of that?

      I believe they would be readily available if a 10ft human skeleton was actually found.

      Remaining unconvinced by these weak sources of evidence.

    29. Well according to the anthropological authority of the past and present... Yes it did happen. That's unless you think three generations of anthropologists and archaeologists have conspired in a smoky room, maniacal laughing and out to get you? I also don't remember reading of a ten foot skeleton... I think the biggest was around nine feet.

    30. Joe, I've seen Search For Lost Giants also, compelling stories but unconvincing evidence ever put forth.

      Snake oil so far. Remain unconvinced.

    31. About as "snake oil" as the anthropological authority of the day... Studies of this nature don't lie. I'm not the one peddling manaiacally laughing, smoky room scientists planning to stitch up the world. Now that's unconvincing...

    32. What? Do you ever read what you type?

      Jim went investigating the strongest cases and was left with misread skeletons, hoaxes, dead ends, and snow.

      It's all very interesting but highly unconvincing.

    33. Oh I see... Three generations of scientists had in fact "misread, hoaxed"? Sounds like you're educated enough to pass such conclusions on so many scientists, sounds like a conspiracy too there dear boy? "Dead ends" could account for much when you have storage and actual statments from he head people of be time regarding what will not be considered of the origins of human antiquity of the day. Facts are, we have 150 years worth of giant skeletal remains documented by the scientific elite of the day.

    34. This comment has been removed by the author.

    35. Back up, now you claim that there is 150 years worth of giant skeletons being found? That's even more incredulous.

      And still not even a single finger bone, double rows of teeth jaw bone, femur, or any piece is or has been found to provide physical coborating evidence to anecdotal evidence.

      Compelling at times, though still unconvincing. It's quite incredulous that footers like to make up some convenient excuse at every turn when pressured for real convincing evidence.

      Few will ever bluntly admit to a darn thing.

    36. I'll end with this before I shoot off and return in a few hours;

      "In the monuments of antiquity found throughout North America, in camp and village sites, graves, mounds, ruins, and scattered works of art, the origin and development of art in savage and barbaric life may be satisfactorily studied. Incidentally, too, hints of customs may be discovered, but outside of this, the discoveries made have often been illegitimately used, especially for the purpose of connecting the tribes of North America with peoples or so-called races of antiquity in other portions of the world. A brief review of some conclusions that must be accepted in the present status of the science will exhibit the futility of these attempts."
      - J W Powell

      The discovery of human antiquity was a major achievement of science in the middle of the 19th century, and the foundation of scientific paleoanthropology. The antiquity of man, human antiquity, or in simpler language the age of the human race, are names given to the series of scientific debates it involved, which with modifications continue in the 21st century. These debates have clarified and given scientific evidence, from a number of disciplines, towards solving the basic question of dating the first human being. A key date was the 1859 re-evaluation of archaeological evidence that had been published 12 years earlier by Boucher de Perthes. It was then widely accepted, as validating the suggestion that man was much older than previously been believed, for example than the 6,000 years implied by some traditional chronologies. In 1863 T. H. Huxley argued that man was an evolved species; and in 1864 Alfred Russel Wallace combined natural selection with the issue of antiquity. The arguments from science for what was then called the "great antiquity of man" became convincing to most scientists, over the following decade. The separate debate on the antiquity of man had in effect merged into the larger one on evolution, being simply a chronological aspect. One of the cornerstones of the Smithsonian Institute was the theory of evolution/natural selection, and that in a nutshell says we keep getting bigger and smarter over time. This means that you can't be having 7-9 foot giant skeletons being found everywhere over the US in ellaborate mound systems and argue the case. Oh... And before you try and counter this as "conspiracy nonsense", it's not a conspiracy if you let it known.

      Laters, gators.

    37. So you see dear Daniel, this is why you might not be able to put your hands on giant skeletons, regardless of them being documented from the early 19th to the mid 20th century.

      Just think of all that storage.

    38. I dont know whats funnier, basically this whole commentary from Joe which ive copied and pasted and saved because this is probably going to go down as one of his more memorable humiliations of himself. Or the little anon that kept chirping in with some sort of mentally challenged backup of Joe. Its oh so hilarious to watch as Joe, who despite his deluded ways can at least provide a good argument, then watch his supporting cast try and chirp in. These are the kind of people I see at the Finding Bigfoot townhall meetings, rednecks who can barely speak English, let alone read it and understand it above lets say a kindergarden level. The "credible" witnesses as they are called. If you are going to back Joe up at least do him a favor and try to pretend your smart like he does.

    39. Oh... And you are confusing anecdotes with actual published bureaus... Not like you to get confused now, is it Danny?

      See you later... And you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be back.

    40. This comment has been removed by the author.

    41. This comment has been removed by the author.

    42. This comment has been removed by the author.

    43. Plenty on record, yes. Think storage Danel... Think storage.

      8:32... Inferiority complex.

    44. Sure. Discoveries of the past 2 centuries are not on display, or even being studied.

      Compelling conspiracy, not convincing.

    45. Like I said Daniel, it's not a conspiracy if it's set as the rule... By the main man of American anthropology I might add; now that's as unconvincing as you would "prefer" it.

      Try harder.

    46. MJ Ewers, Jim Vieira, Ross Hamilton, Chris Lesely and about dozen other authors and lecturers have compiled somewhere between 1,500 and 2,000 accounts of giant burials in America, Europe, and Asia of skeletons 6-1/2 to about 9 ft. Hoaxes could explain a percentage of these, as well as press sensationalism... However, quite a number can be traced to primary sources, field journals, anthropological papers, museum inventory records, or science papers. Cecelia Hall drafted a google map of North American finds based on 1,800 cases;

      Notice how the map matches the pattern of Sasquatch reports?

    47. Interesting. Compelling even, but not convincing.

    48. Nobody's trying to convince you, Daniel. Just adding to the pile of data that ultimately supports my point.

    49. No amount of compelling data will be convincing if you continue to lack something concrete.

    50. science journals = statements from the authority = all that storage

      Your case for it being unconvincing lessens by the comment. They're on record Daniel... It happened and if you're down with conspiracies, you'll have to at least present a reason as to why three generations of scientists would lie about what they were uncovering. What might be less than concincing to someone with an agenda-vendetta, is pretty much self evident to someone who's not so inclined. For example... I could source you any one of 138 million items, documented in the 19th century, and tell you it didn't exist because we can't put our hands on it, regardless of the institution in question having the biggest storage system in the world.

      I hope that puts things into context for you.

    51. Not even close. I require real evidence, modern if you will. You're the one telling everybody that Sasquatch is 100% modern homo sapien and that 200 years ago big bad people hid every single giant human bone.

    52. All roads lead to Rome Daniel... This is about as real as science journals, you always bang on about how we need things published, right? When you have miles of storage, it's a safety net argument, and though I agree that we need bones in the present to verify this... I am less paranoid and far more trusting of three whole generations of scientists who have the it in writing from the anthropological authority that such findings were not in line with what was "important" to them at the time.

      If the theory that Sasquatch share our DNA is correct, then they would be ancient, not modern, in line with their archaic features. Stop deflecting.

  4. That looks like my old neighborhood. Maybe because it was back in 1980 -82. We did not have sasquatches there at that time either, however something had taken Jimmy Hoffa just a couple of miles away about 4 years earlier. Now no one ever new what took him. My guess is it was the mobsquatch, but no one is talking.

  5. Man, you're right, there is too much negativity here homito, now how do you shut this computer off? No, man I think it's on voice command or something. Hey, you think you're girlfriend could make us some pancakes? Oh I'm sorry, Dude, I just assumed ....

  6. Let's ask Jenny McCarthy to use her mommy instincts.

    1. I have something else in mind for Jenny to do.

  7. Hint... this universe is not prime bigfoot territory.

    1. Tip... Learn a little about anthropology.

    2. Open your mouth Joe. I have a big tip for you. AND YOU WILL LIKE IT.

    3. anon7:13, does Joe Iktomi make you Homo-rectus? I think anon 7:19 like you!

  8. Why we can study the habits of lessor beings right here JOE IKTOMI, your a great case study. Have you been studied by Goodall yet. She'd get a kick outa you.

  9. I just passed through the last few threads and I must say, I'm shocked! Some of the things said to each other, and especially the terrible personal attacks. You all are acting like a pack of middle school bullies on the afternoon break. Enough, even that poor defenseless old guy with the funny look was food for the party. It's time to grow up and come to college for your education, attack like adults. For instants, If a guy looks like he's about to keel over from morbid obesity, don't call the poor guy Poopeye, call him a fat ass old fart with funny sad face. Don't debate his ability, his only concern at this point, is getting to the fridge and bathroom by himself, obviously. When someone makes up a name or sign, like IKTOMI, allow them to remark about the use of ANON without discussion. Oh woe be unto you HYPOCRITE!, no reason to get involved with one making an ass of them selves, it's childish. When one attempts to speak of fantasy as if it were reality, leave them alone, it is reality to that nut job, why get involved, unless sent by the state or Hospital etc. Grow up people, If someone is on self destruct mode, don't be a childish on the band wagon hater! These fruitcakes are entitled to loose what small mental capabilities they may poses anytime and in what ever manner they choose. Sit back like grown ups in Central park watching a mugging, and keep your mouth shut. It is acceptable to laugh your ass off at them, just do it in a grown up fashion. Thank you, school is out.

    1. OMG, WOW! REALTIME Could use a guest host, you should audition right away! funny funny.

    2. Not believing in something that you yourself have not seen is perfectly rational. Hanging around a topic to belittle, insult and attack people has its own scientific diagnosis however;

      ... I would suggest if anyone is a "nutjob", it would be he who has his very own diagnosis, a personality disorder that's getting highlighted by the scientific community... Throwing cyber rocks at people who are advanced of his cognitive abilities, a "nutjob" would most certainly adhere to sadistic tendencies because of this.


    3. See Kids, he made a total fruitcake ass of himself and I, being the adult, sat quietly, while laughing my ass off, and allowed him to do so without any comment. It's so fulfilling to watch these dimwits implode.

    4. Super angry mentally deranged sexually frustrated troll with a low IQ will never best Iktomi.

    5. Oh dear... Did you manage to get an angle of argument out of all your contradictory oxyMORONIC babble?

      Turns out the "kid" is you.

    6. I think Joe needs to go find mummy, he might have just peed on himself.

    7. 7:41... These people are psychopaths, they probably keep their heads down when they visit the shop...


    8. See people, watch as he gathers the other wacko's together, watch as they speak while looking in the mirror at the image that haunts them. These kiddies, oh how entertaining they are. At home alone and close to mom, the other kids aren't able to continually slap the ass off them, thus they tend to get a little testie. Little rascals you!

    9. It's been confirmed that insanity is copy and pasting the same thing for 2 years and expecting different results.

      Shall we go on to define hypocrisy? Perhaps deception?

    10. I don't care what name you go with Joe, you are good


    11. OH Shite! this guy is killing me! Anon7:48 your in the wrong biz.

    12. what would you call showing your hacked sack to the world wide web?

    13. Naw, 7:49 is just a destructive freak.

    14. You got it MMC, Joe is good at getting his ass smoked by some anon today! Well done anon, spank that IKTOMI.

    15. That childish anon is none other that golden boy the slathering idiot. Iktomi trounces trolls in his sleep. This little guy is no exception.

    16. Yea anon 7:56, he is totally destroying Joe IKTOMI, I agree he's a FREAK! Hilarious.

    17. But that's the problem anon8:03, when your asleep it isn't really happening. Get it, Reality bites!

    18. That guy up top simply comes across unhinged and a little creepy.

    19. ^ certainly you would know all about THAT.

  10. This thread guaranteed to reach 200

    1. You get a free cell phone and a mandatory no health insurance coverage fine!

    2. See, See, all you of age and intelligence. I've sat and enjoyed,just picturing those little assheads covered in peach fuzz with the same expressions they have when in school. They need to go number 2 but the teacher won't give them the hall pass. Those little purple faces, the sweat beads trickling down their wrinkled little brows. Try as they might, this corruption must come out, their little cheeks try to hold back, but out it comes as they scream their frustrated hearts out at the screen. My my, what a mess they make of themselves and all that is close to them. It smells worse than their own little breaths, but it's to late humpty dumpty couldn't keep his head out of his own ass. What fun watching the seed of chuckie, the kids here..

    3. A spine tingling psychological horror - Psychologist Peter Bowers' life is thrown into turmoil when he discovers that his patients are the ghosts of people who all died twenty years ...

    4. Only one enjoying 8:24 posts is himself. He's really not that good. amusing.

    5. How did you know my name was Eric?

  11. Rick Dyer following big worldwide bigfoot hoax: There's no such thing as bigfoot.

    And then Dyer goes on to commit more hoaxes and fools even more footers.

    Footers are a die-hard bunch. There will never be a bigfoot specimen presented to science because bigfoot is only folklore.

    1. That was Dyer's make a mockery of Bigfoot, and make the skeptics think its nothing but folklore! LIES LIES LIES!!!

    2. Wow, you really think Dyer is that smart that he had an endgame? You really are a believer, aren't you?

    3. 8:43 is one of the especially funnier types of denialist folk who conjure up scenario's of enthusiast support for known hoaxers, probably because make believe (ironically) is his level.

      There in fact has already been giant human skeletons been presented to science, and this means it can be repeated. Sorry to urinate on your reassurance parade.

    4. He's not that smart, he was just a pawn!

    5. ^^ 10:28 more fantasy from joes alter ego...nobody has ever shown that "giant" bones have been "presented to science"...s`all utter turdtalk...but no shock there coming from the joeboy

  12. I did what you said man, I read it all, this Daniel dude is consumed with hate. He totally hates your Japanese buddy who seems like a oool dude. This other guy comes in at the end and tries to sound smart and play the analyst and he's just trying too hard man. I don't know how you ever did it. Way too mean in here. I'm gonna head home dude, you may wanna shut this off. I left you something on the coffee table and oh yeah, I borrowed your leaf blower.

  13. You can't tell real from fake as you can't prove the 100% existence of the creature known as bigfoot. And, unless you see and video them making their 'real' photoprints all you have is sketchy ideas of what is real or not.
    Until the bigfoot itself is found and authenticated, nothing else proves much of anything. It could all be made up by men.

    1. Oh there is a way to tell. Go out in the dead of night into an area that is reported to have them. Go all by yourself. No flashlights. Deep into the woods. Look for yourself. Do it often. You will never ever find what you are looking for by demanding from you little chair in the basement that someone else do the work for you. Oh, and try not to crap your pants out there in the woods.

    2. because as we all know everyone that goes out in the woods at night alone gets attacked and or a class a sir are a complete be a good little footard and grab a zima and go watch the voice

    3. 225, so you're recommending as the best way to prove to ourselves the existence of bigfoot is to go in the woods, in the dark, by ourselves, and get scared? Two thoughts. 1) Isn't that a prime opportunity for the mind to start playing tricks on itself? Seems like anything but an objective data source. 2) If it's that easy to have a big foot encounter, why not go a bit further and capture real data from that encounter rather than just rely on getting the willies?


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