Oh, Snap! Stacy Brown Jr. Actually Found A Footprint In Myakka

We had a feeling Tim Fasano and Stacy Brown Jr. were going to find something in Myakka. This location is near the area where witnesses reportedly spotted a skunk ape a couple of years ago. Here's a footprint they found today:


  1. So what did Harry do to piss Timmy off?

    1. If I remember right, they met, Harry introduced himself, Tim acted like some kind of snob, Harry posted up about it.--------- Oh hell, better ask Harry cause I could be remembering wrong. I start enough crap telling what I know to be true.

      Hey Harry, how is the car?

    2. Eh the body is shit but I'd like to put the motor in something else I asked Tim where everyone was he sent me down a path pissed me off so I called him out for his hoaxing bullshit he cried here we are

    3. Oh wait then he called for a peace treaty I never ran my mouth again then he started talkin again on the last thread so I said "the only thing you're researching is how to find your own dick you fat bastard" now here we are

    4. Yah, he is a bit hi strung right now. I actually think he might be right about Lettuce lake, but there is no damn way to proove it, and of course he has been acting like a jack-ass because Finding Bigfoot came to Florida and didn't pay him the attention he craves. So he is on the rag, ha ha ha ha ha ha

      What happened to the car ----- rust?

    5. Thanks for the clarification, HB. And I read the previous blog...Lol

    6. Who's the chick in the poky dot bakini? she's the one that craves ball park weenies, All the swingers inside love her beanies, she's everybody's bitch that they call BANDINI!

    7. Awe aren't you sweet a love poem all for me

    8. Hi Harry

      I would like to see tim walking in the same place as the creature was filmed,, or close too it. We need to see if the ground is firm enough to suplport a bigfoot. That will give us another piece of the puzzle


  2. Of course they found something.

  3. The print was 15" found by Jeff Cook (featured in the next Myakka Finding Bigfoot episode) and I got some great images of that and other stuff. This weekend rocked.

    1. Are you in that episode tim?

      Of course you are what a dumb question on my part, why wouldn't finding bigfoot not invite the #1 skunk ape researcher in florida.

    2. They did. Its just not him

    3. One has to be able to bend over to see footprints

    4. Was that a print of your stomach?

  4. you made the print with your clown shoe's...im sure the print is 6 inches deep with your 400lb lardass making it...and by the way cowbelly.....go away isn't the buffet open?

  5. Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits (trolls) who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in that gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.

    1. your so full of shit your eyeballs stink

    2. Well then dare to do it without taking cheap shots and jabs at other researchers like in your newest video. Be they hoaxers or not, it does nothing to elevate your credibility. I agree with TK, There probably is something out there in those swamps, but turning this whole fucking thing into a daytime soap opera is not going to help if something is found.

    3. Tim Tim, why don't you use dogs to track your swamp ape, stink monkey, whatever you call them now?

    4. Mr Fasano, I'm a real fan and I saw the skunk ape. He or she is real. We were camping just inside the everglades national park last year when it came onto a hump just across the slew from us. We got 5 pitures 2 were very good, but we weren't able to get intouch with you. T Biscardi sent a nice gentlemen to meet us but he wanted the rights to our film and story, we refused. Why did you not contact us back after we sent you our message From D Evans. You should remember since ours is much better than the pictures we have seen released by anyone else so far. Please look back through your e-mails and letters and call us asap. We are going to contact someone before this camping season to set up a film video trap around this area.

    5. Wow you dragged your fat ass to the park...wow...how far from the hot dog wagon did you get?

    6. You should change your name to Chubby Checkered by Failure

  6. o snap! close , almost but not hardly

  7. stick a fork in it, it's done. this place is deader than Abe Lincoln.

  8. How much you wanna bet T-FATZ deletes his comments when he sobers up tomorrow? Poor guy obviously can't handle what he got form Stacy's "magic sack".

  9. that print looks alot like the arm of an alligator, sort of like Stacy's last finding.

  10. I can't believe a thing Stacy Brown Jr. presents as evidence ever again. Every since he invited Rick Dyer to speak at his conference, it casts HUGE doubt on everything he does. I'm thinking he faked his celebrated thermal footage as well at this point.


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