New Footage: Bigfoot Sighting American Fork Canyon near Tibble Fork Reservoir

This new sighting looks legit. The Paranormal Review was notified of this new footage and they produced a pretty awesome breakdown on the footage. Here's what the witness wrote:

I sent this in to The Paranormal Review for a breakdown I will put the link when they send it to me.

I was up American Fork Canyon near Tibble Fork Reservoir. I thought I saw something a few minutes before when I was a little further away. It kinda scared me but I figured it was probably just a moose, elk, or maybe a bear. The area is pretty forested and I wasn't quite sure where the animal was. I only saw it for a second before it dissapeared behind some trees. I had to walk through some snow and trees to get to where I start the recording.

I saw movement in the trees and that's when I move the camera to capture whatever it was. I was scared already but when it stepped into the clearing outside of the trees I was absolutely terrified. I only saw it for a second before I ran. The video captured more than I can remember. I only remember it being the most massive animal I have seen and I can't think about it without shaking. I don't want to say that it is for sure a bigfoot or sasquatch, but I don't know what else it could be. I spend a lot of time outdoors hiking etc, and I have never seen a bigfoot or even believed that they could be possible.

The Paranormal Review breakdown of the subject:


  1. Replies
    1. Hillary in 2016 to save US all

    2. Like a lesbian in a whore house?

    3. Hi chick

      About your possible BF activity

      Purchase an inexpensive pocket recorder preferably usb charged that will record for up to eight hours. Put it in a zip loc bag and pull the bag taut over the microphone end for good sound transference. Use a rubber band to keep the bag taut. Very important to do so. Then set it out at night with microphones aimed towards the woods. Go out in the morning and retrieve it

      Through the USB port you can download the file into any music recording program and look for strong sound signatures to pinpoint possible BF sounds. Garageband in an Apple Mac for instance. This way you can take only a few minutes to find sounds from a whole night of recording

      I will post some quality recorders coming up. Or if anybody else has any advise please post


    4. That is some good advice MMC. Actually I would put it hidden in a tree in the forest line.

    5. Oh look the fake women is back.

      With all the conservative hate here it is funny how many gay men post here.

    6. Hey MMC why don't you guys start a site with some good tecks for beginners. Seriously, it would help a lot be prepared before they attempt a trip. There have been several posters here with good tips, a sit for just that would be a plus. Think it over, I'm a video nut with lots of field experience, be glad to help a serious cause.

    7. Maybe pansies do.

      But there is no doubt a very strange,gay man does.

    8. Hi Chuck,

      There is a difference between a voice recorder and an audio recorder. Voice recorders will filter out everything but voices and that is a limit. An audio recorder can capture all sounds you set it up for. The Zoom H1 is about 100$ and also has stereo microphones. That means if you set it flat with the microphones next to each other instead of on top of each other you will be able to hear sounds in the left speaker or the right speaker or sounds traveling from one speaker to the other. Stereoscopic sound gives you depth allowing you to feel like you are actually there if you close your eyes.

      True stereo is lacking from so many BF videos and this is a crying shame. The technology is cheap. You just have to know how to use it

      Check out the zoom H1


    9. Anon 2:01

      Thanks but this site works for me for now. I sometimes have ideas come to me that I can't make happen right now that I share on this site in hopes that Shawn's friends in the BF community will pick up on


    10. MMC likes this site because he/she can spew their bile anonymously.

      Who do you think is behind the racism and politics here?

    11. I am not racist. I am a realist. You don't like me because I am white. Why should I like you ? Now go back to your NAACP meeting and feel down trodden and 4/5th of a man. Or is it 3/5th?


    12. LOL idiot.

      I am white as well. Just not a racist jerk like you.

      Go on tough guy tell us who you really are.

    13. Get a life and a job white trash.


    14. BTW thank you for admitting you are behind all the racists spam on here.

      Though we all knew that already.

    15. I have both tough guy.

      What do you have?

      Other than living in a fantasy world populated by apemen.

      Have you ever considered therapy and medication? It can do wonders for folks like yourself who suffer from depression,anger,delusions and paranoia.

      Consult your doctor.

    16. lots of pansies on this blog !!!

    17. Thx for advice on recorder I will have to try that. We might have one from before in storage. I just went out and did an experiment at the creek. Put on my rubber boots and walked in the creek until it got too deep. I left absolutely no prints. There is only rock and some floating algae stuff that looks like green carpet. It presses down and then floats back up. In the section I walked there were no down trees. Later when it warms up outside I would like to go farther down the creek. Also I would like to start at the school and try to work my way back and see if I can find a trail to follow. Thanks all- have a great evening!

    18. I myself am very blessed. You talk about spitting on people's food and I know that was you. You are the one with real issues. I am just a proud white Christian American. And if a black or Latino person says that they are a proud black or Latino American I say God bless them

      Don't forget that Jesus loves you too


    19. You probably need a trail cam also chick. I don't have much experience with those yet but everybody sells them


    20. MMC, wtf bro?

      Didn't realize you were akin to Leon and the Klan.

    21. white folk bein heers in amurka ans wes bein runin amurka fer yeers

    22. I'm a proud drunk Nigerian woman

    23. thar bes white folks heers ans mexicuns

    24. Wrongo DC

      Just don't like being called a rascist. But you think whatever makes you feel good. I have learned over the years that peeps are going to think what they will. I don't belong to no white version of the NAACP. I have no need to.


    25. Daniel you Dick, I have never said anything racist here, not even close to the hatred you spew.
      Just a bunch of losers like yourself whop resort to assigning false accusations to people who smoke you in an argument.
      Your a pussy, DAN. A big ole crying vagina with a crush on Joe. Even other skeptards bag on you, you just suck.

      Does this all stem from your alcoholic mother. Were you born with alcohol fetal syndrom????
      Because it's pretty clear to people hear, you have a mental problem.

    26. And were was daddy while your mom was chugging the shine? I think your dad molested you, probably why your mom drank so much. Realized your dad was a perve stalker so she took up drinking. So you got molested and your mom didn't stop it. So now you have to hate on everybody. You are really screwed up.

      come on boy, smallest balls leaves permanently!

    27. AnonymousThursday, February 26, 2015 at 5:49:00 AM PST
      I am happy to listen but when you consider uneducated people from the USA, it would be better and save the governement billions by practising a kind of Euthanasia i.e if your interlect is below 130 you're f*ck, then that would actually wipe out the whole USA.

      f*cking your sister to re populate the Country doesn't count.

      An AmericanThursday, February 26, 2015 at 3:30:00 PM PST
      This is epic. The raging stupidity of skeptard 5:49:

      "i.e if your interlect is below 130 you're f*ck,"

      Yeah, my poor little "interlect" simply can't match wits with the likes of your towering mental powers.

      I promise you one thing though, 5:49, your 'interlect" is "below 130." Your gnashing rage coupled with your "below 130 interlect" suggests you are the product of inbreeding which you feign to despise.


      An American

    28. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Your daddy was a perve stalker and now you follow Joe around like a little lost sheep dog nipping at his heals.

      Please Joe, Please joe give me some attention. I need to have a relationship, ha ha ha ha ha ha Jeez DAN --------YOU ARE A WASTEBAG.

      And then there is your whole photo ordeal. No class, none, nadda, zippo.

      Grow up and see a doctor

    29. whur tham white folks sayin heers thar be commies in tham GOV

    30. But Leon,I posted that link for Science,sweet Science.Plus I'm really just a perv out to get me some man love.But that also is for Science,sweet Science.

      D Campbell.

    31. wes folks heers bein white ans all seein tham mexicuns ans forn folk gitin heers fer jobs ans such

  2. LIKE George Zimmerman - DOJ to Announce No Charges in Trayvon Martin’s Death

    1. Well great I guess.

      If this was a political blog.

      I spit on republicans food at my work sometimes.

      Because you people are troglodytes.

    2. One time I mixed fecal matter into a burrito for a guy because he was a supporter of Palin.

      Keep your politics to yourself unless asked. Or you never know what your next lunch may bring.

    3. NO because Zimmerman is REAL
      and bigfoot dont exists

    4. Anon 1:48. Anon 1:54

      You are why people like me (white) don't visit restaurants where people like you work at. You see, racial relations only work if whitey wants it too. But whitey done woke up. We have been just too nice and giving for too long

      Before long you will be back in the fields earning your welfare check. You can then spit on each other

    5. Oh I am white as well.

      I just hate people like you.

    6. ^^ victim of white guilt= democrat

    7. No I am not a democrat. I am a communist.

      Not sure why that matters to you on a bigfoot blog though.

    8. lack tham mexicuns ans forn folk takin tham jobs ans such frum amurkins

    9. A communist? In other words you are too fvcking lazy to earn your own way. It's somebody else's fault that you are a looser. FYI Stalin, Lennin, Troskie were all puppets of the European bankers convincing suckers like you that communism was good for the people while they stole everything.

      You deserve everything you get which is absolutely nothing


    10. just because i live in the basement @ my parents house dosent mean i dont get things DONE

    11. Watching several other breakdowns by this guy he just makes all kinds of dumb statements. Like he said if it had arm extensions the hand wouldn't bend down like that. Is that supposed to make sense? How? Why?

      He said it was more credible to him that the guy zoomed back before he took off running. I guess so if you are going to film your feet running in snow, you wouldn't want to do that in zoom.

      This sasquatch could be real but this guy shouldn't give input on videos.

    12. First one I remember seeing of his D DOVER. I know you have seen others. This one could have been wrapped up in 3 minutes or less. He lost me soon. Too bad, there might be something here.

    13. Chuck, from no more than he actually said it could have been wrapped up in less than 3 minutes, but since it was already "prebilled" as coming to BFE maybe he did an extra long one "special" breakdown.

      I went to the site and looked at different breakdowns and everyone I saw was really bad. Also, a researcher had already told me he didn't think much of his breakdowns.

      Recently BFE showed his breakdown of Big Phil, and the guy evidently didn't know anything about trail cams which was the main argument he used to debunk the photo. He also said the arms were too short, and for someone to engage in this kind of assessment they need to have the intellect to notice both the arms and hands were bent, which would make them longer.

  3. I posted a question under the "Howls" post for you Chick.
    Good job dude on trying to get this in film...looks good!

    1. ban 5.56 ammo its for your SAFETY : )

    2. yes - yes - for your safety all agree

    3. What does DS stand for I wonder?

      D---sucker maybe?

      What do I mean by maybe. Of course it does.

  4. hows wes agoin gits tham hawgs caws we needin tham 5.56 rouns shure do

    1. Simple you are going to have to get a new president. Commies always take the guns. When they can not pass laws through congress they just use the agencies they control.

    2. Need a gun to compensate?

      Sorry you where born small.

    3. the BIGER the GUN the better : )

    4. That's not what Dmaker says.

      D Campbell.

    5. Dmaker does like his men small Daniel.

    6. NOooo GUNs kills so more GUN control for our SAFETY

  5. There's a large,blurry out of focus monster roaming the countryside.

    1. GRAYs using stealth technology to collect DNA so they can produce clones and hybrids

    2. ...^True: I passed out in a bar Saturday night and on Tuesday I saw a guy that looked just like me on the subway....

    3. That guy was your mom silly!

  6. Barely in the woodline, reminds of the Key family report during the Dennis Martin disappearance in the GSMNP in TN. If you haven't heard about it, check this story out. 6 year old never found, never a single trace since 1969. Largest search ever. Key family reported a sighting just like this.

    1. yes it does seem similar, but the Father of the Key family ran after it when he heard a terrible scream. Some are fearless, some are fearful.

    2. I have not read the book yet, but did not someone see a kid with a large hairy creature in this disappearance.

    3. Read that story as an exert from the book 411
      Scary and sad.
      I also read about people being eaten by Bigfoot or children anyways. Mainly from Indian legend so who knows but it does seem that children could be ending up on the menu.

    4. The Keys reported this thing having something on it's shoulders and the most blood curdling scream ever. This is still discussed around here. Nobody believes the bone story, everyone know the others, and they are honorable people. The poor father and mother still can't talk about their sweet little boy. sad sad.

    5. Did they ever find those 2 men that disappeared 3 years ago?

    6. Whats really telling about this story is that a 100 marines or rangers were flown in almost immediately after the missing report was issued and were heavily armed!
      They also searched independently and weren't sharing information...
      Who called them and does the military often get involved in these things?

    7. And not a single Marine ever said a word about this?

      Yeah that right there should tell you all you need to know.

      This tale is false.

    8. The Dept. of the Interior, can not say back in 1969 but it works this way today, has some secret agencies that take over in matters they think are Sasquatch related. This is a closed chain and held close to the vest. There are military types that are brought in and quick, from my understanding up to a 100 different groups could be called so they get their quick.

    9. From my understanding you are literally making this all up.

      Name one of these agencies.

      What branch of the military is involved?

      With the nation having been at war for over a decade why would the military....already stretched thin....waste men,time and money on such a thing?

      You are just lying.

    10. Dood, when somebody is missing in the GSMNP for more than 24hours, piss on the fire and call the dogs. Speaking of dogs, they(Park service) won't bring them in for anything less than 24 hour beyond original report. They won't bring in outside sources unless media gets involved. Go figure.

    11. Actually, it was Green Beret, and two did speak at a much later date. One from fort Campbell KY and the other from Marion Ala. Both were unable to talk on the record but spoke to the family of the missing child. They flew in and set a perimeter around their off limits to all camp. They hunted the area from outer circle in, and reported and responded to no other searchers or officials. A Col, handled what little media attention they commanded in Knoxville. I'm a Knoxville Native, without making another issue, I will tell you the best local search and rescue canine team in the south was ask and banned from the search. I know much about this tragedy never reported in print. Most people around here still have questions, but the Park service is mute!

    12. So all you have is a story that no one can or will verify.

      Yeah sounds like everything related to this topic.

    13. And you never did address my questions from 2:05.

    14. To hell with the Books! anon 2:205 Look up the Knoxville News Sentinal, June 25,-30 1969. Nobody's lying, we know and grieve with this family. This happened, and yes GREEN BERET were here apparently searching for something. They were heavily armed and answered to their own without being briefed or shown the mapped out search grid. Most of the people involved are still here and many will still talk about it. Many papers carried the story. Egghead.

    15. You grieve with no one. Stop pretending you know anyone involved in this tall tail.

      OHHH the GREEN BERET was there.

      Ok should be very easy to name them then.

      Just one name of one man will do.

    16. its like back in the 90s a deer hunter gone missing found a year latter stuffed in a hollow tree stump!!!

    17. You piece of useless shit, A child was lost, a little innocent 6 year old boy was lost or taken and hasn't been seen since. A fine family along with the entire community was scared with this tragedy. Tall tale, God how I wish. How about the Martin Family of Knoxville TN. Or the GSMNP service, call their 800number and ask about little Dennis Martin. Put these little words in your computer Knoxville News Sentinal June 14-30 1969 and you'll see names of search and rescue ind, as well as witness names and statements. These people most of them anyway still live around here. Then be man enough to come back and apologize for claiming this little boys disappearance and families tragic loss A TALL TAIL. If you can't find some names I'll supply them for you.

    18. what a poor antagonist you are 2:33 anyone with half a brain can see that you're just trolling the guy

    19. WHAT U talking about BIGFOOTS are not real

    20. You expect far to much anon 2:50 that looser is just looking for anything to fight about, all he or she has to do with their life. Can't do anything else, cant' do that well. anon 2:33 Queen Shemale of useless troldum.

    21. Thanks for all the extra info. I think you are the tri state guy I talked with yesterday. I heard David Paulides give his account of this some months back on c2cam from his book Missing 411.

    22. I followed your post anon 2 50, looked up on tube. That's the scariest mystery I've ever heard about. Hard to believe this actually happened in broad daylight. McCarter Interview tells it all. Good story sad end.

    23. Thanks for hanging for the truth Chuck. I'm the Tri state man, David's version is enlightening, to say the least. I would love to know what the soldiers had to say to the family, but they won't talk to anyone anymore about the tragedy. The key family knew without actually understanding why at the time, something was terribly wrong. Big D McCarter was never the same after this event. You can tell how it gets to him in his interviews. We had two other similar disappearances in the park since. I don't take my kids to the woods without being totally prepared, I know you get my drift, thanks again Chuck.

    24. Why wasn't Arley Phillips ,The Wild Man of Cataloochee, considered a suspect?

    25. Just for the record. ..I would run in fear

    26. I think several person's were of interest, but no evidence of anything could be found. Hour after the search started, a torrential rain started and lasted for days. No physical evidence was ever found other than possible footprints a few miles away that led to a creek bed toward where Keys had their experience.

    27. Just for the record, They thought the scream sounded like a child, the father admitted he was terrified, but being a father forced him to try and act, If I were anyone other than one of the fathers, I would freakin shit my pants while running in fear RUMFERLIFE. Tri county man.

    28. Thanks for the shout out...I would chase if it was my son too or dog...the wife...she'd finish him on her own

    29. Yea, that sweetheart little woman had other small children there, and I'm sure you can imagine what she went through. This was just terrible, my father still can't talk a lot about this without getting tore up. The Martins by every account are the finest of sorts, that would help anybody and hurt nobody. Shame. In 79 the ten year anniversary, many reporters questioned the searchers and still no answers about the whole Green beret's and the Park service lying to the father about the Key's report. Not A single Trace RUM. Now what do you make of that? I'm a skeptic, but there is nothing to say accept 700 people fanning the area for days and hundreds looking for months reported anything, no word from the Green Berets and the lie about the Key's reported sighting. What do you think?

    30. One other thing. DOGS are not permitted in or around the hiking trails EVER. Been like that for many many years RUM. Dogs are an alarm to danger for people without means to protect themselves. If a dog had been present, a warning might have saved this child. Who know? Have you ever heard of GREEN BERET involved but not involved in a search and rescue? What's your gut tell you RUM? This deal and a couple others leave me stumped man. TRI-COUNTY.

    31. Damn tri country, I was going to troll you but this is to close to your heart footer wanna B. Pass from me. Troll u next time Tri cuntly.

    32. A large military response is strange. ..on who's request

    33. They were on a training exercise in Nantahala. The head FBI agent on the case later committed suicide.

    34. Yep, The FBI agent incharge was also incharge on other missing person cases in the area. I have no knowledge of who actually called for the Green beret's help. The craziest part was how they refused any help from those who were coordinating the other search operations. Nobody ever gave any info from them to Mr. Martin. What they did was circle the area from an outer perimeter approach, very odd for a missing child in a dangerous area. No coordination, communication, or grid map completions were ever passed to D McCarter. McCarter was one of the leaders and closest to the Martin's. He knows this area better than anyone around, he hasn't a clue what and why from the Military. And everyone questions the FBI agenda and information, no to mention the Park service.

    35. 5:53- What also strikes me as odd is that the military dismissed a small child's footprint that they had discovered as a footprint as one of their own. One thing is for sure, I'm keeping the little ones within arms reach when next we visit the Cove or the Chimneys.

    36. Not just the Military, the FBI and Park service dismissed it. They also dismissed the Key's report of their sighting and the scream of a child. Big D McCarter said he didn't know what to think. These two things were the only bits of info that has ever been released as possibly being linked to that child's disappearance. The Martin's found out about the Key's sighting days later when the media found out and leaked it. The FBI agent didn't tell them anything about it directly. They say Mr. Martin was ready to off somebody over this omission. You keep them right beside you every minute, my thoughts exactly.

    37. Good stuff,6:16. Thanks for the info.

    38. I've spent lots of time in and around the park. I haven't seen anything that I couldn't explain, but I have a lot of friends and people I've spoken to over the years. You hear stories like this one, that defy logic. I will never take my children around Clingman's Dome, or the watershed Lake area. To many stories from to many people that are not in any way dishonest. Follow your own heart anon 5:59 good luck.

    39. After reading your words of caution and now,reading about the Cocchini case, which is also full of holes, perhaps I'll keep the kids within the confines of the Gatlinburg strip and Dollywood. That case has me baffled.

    40. chuck et al, what I gleaned from David Paulides comments and another person involved in the search and rescue is they were playing and Dennis Martin literally went missing within a minute or so, with his father calling out trying to find him.

      Within the hour 2,000 feet down the mountain the Keys familiy saw a bipedal hairy creature carrying something on it's shoulder that screamed, which could have been Dennis Martin screaming.

      A unit of Green Berets came into the area but refused to coordinate with search and rescue but worked alone. Wes Germer recently had a man on his program that is part of the military that allegedly hunts down and kills problem sasquatches. According to him they try to kill the whole clan when they have incidents like this.

      Of course that is part of the cover up conspiracies, which if true could explain why there are no bodies, the government takes charge of them. I know this might sound farfetched, but that is one view.

    41. I live here friend, and Mine never go around the big woods without me.

    42. Tri country allready told the whole Dover, he lives there.

    43. In Paulides books some parents claim they just took their eyes off of them for a moment and they disappeared. And of course some children get lost. His books also mentions accounts where small children who were found claim the bear man or the wolf man had fed them and kept them warm at night. It could be that sasquatches are also responsible to rescuing children.

      Here are some stories of sasquatches rescuing children:

  7. I can not see what this guy sees. Who is he anyway. This Mark Anders routine tired me after the first 30 seconds. Someone else want to stabilize this and quit with the psychoanalyzing. It did not scare me one bit.

    1. But seeing your wife scared the heck out of us!

    2. Chuck, will there ever be conclusive footage? honest opinion, no bullshit. Proof without a body? what do you really think.

    3. Oh yea,anon 1:47 your the hunting guy, right, your an anon, like me, no need to lie asshole. Chuck won't get you, but I wish he could!

    4. There will be eventually, but it will never be good enough for the skeptics!

    5. How can there ever be conclusive footage of a myth?

      D---sucker indeed.

    6. 1 48. Best get a body. The footage is already out has not been good enough. Modern dart guns could get the blood sample. These are the ones that fall off the animal after it gets the sample and has a tracking device to find the vile.

    7. Yea some poster was talking about that a few threads ago, getting blood but protecting the animal. I don't think anything will be good enough besides a body, so many hoaxed video's plus who can honestly tell what is real now. People are going so crazy tearing down each others work, sad state of affairs chuck.

    8. You know a lot awful you research

    9. I'd like to hook up with one of these shit kickers from TN, they seem to have a lot of sightings and some real mysterious shit going on in their area. These old boys are for real to, armed to the tooth and deadly with the gun. A friend had a sighting on I-40 4 years ago, never been back. Hello TN people, do you' all folks guide BF hunter? I'd like to visit the TRAIL and do some video work. Are any of you interested?

    10. This is the real deal folks.
      Mike H.

    11. I do know a lot Rumfer, more than most, less than some. My experiences with these forest giants goes back to 1975 when I saw one the first time. Had several other encounters since then. I wish I could get out more, past year was a blow off since spinal stenosis, but it is working its way out now. Truth is these guys find me, it usually works that way.

      4 43 a sighting on the I-40, I assume on outskirts of Knoxville. Pretty crazy how close these giants will come sometimes. I heard of a guy that had a daylight sighting on the I-75 in Kentucky maybe 2 or 3 years ago. Dang thing was out next to the interstate somewhere around Berea area. Driver ahead of his saw it also. Guy did not stop, but the driver ahead of him had pulled off and was backing up. If I lived down there I would go out. I plan on making a trip there this year but that would be to ride the Tail of the Dragon and the Cheradowa Skyway, maybe hit a bit of the Blue Ridge Pkwy also.

    12. I always ask...what do you think it is

    13. If you decide to visit the GSMNP Chuck, check out the area around Clingman's Dome, and the Cherokee Boundary watershed Lake. Just some good local intel for you. It might be a good trip for you Chuck. Tri county.

    14. Watauga Lake is one the cleanest lakes in the country. Wife is from the nearby Tri-Cities area.

    15. It's beautiful anon6:12. Yes a very clean natural limestone water source. Tri Cities is covered in a blanket of snow, as are we.

    16. Rumfer. Best guess is a relic hominid. On that stayed to the bush and was built for the bush where it has stayed safe instead of interacting in our world were our superior brain and diseases we carry surely would have landed them extinct thousands of years ago. Just my opinion.

    17. DS, crappy evidence will never be good enough for skeptics and should never be good enough for you.

  8. Looks like another missed opportunity for some good footage.
    I know I'd be crapping too but SH!T we all need to grow some...
    Do it for Science!

    1. Or do what I do when outdoors, Keep a weapon with you at all times. Also drink some caltrate for the weak spine syndrome.

    2. My thought too.
      Be brave but be armed. Odds are you won't encounter but I agree now that if you can, take one down.
      Its unfortunate but its got to be done and call a news agency first!!
      If you call police, then they'll call Government and that will be the end of that...

    3. Agreed, make copies and mail to various agencies around while you deal with a local one on one. The Gov will not take their eyes of you, but the info will be out.

    4. GUNS yes you need to take a gun, not sure about 5.56 rifles ammo going to be expensive, if you can find it

    5. Get a couple vile of blood and store it the right way. Before you call anyone film it yourself with the best camera you have or can borrow, with measurements on all aspects of the body. Make it thorough and clever. Lay down next to the subject and have a trusted one film you from above. Many things you can do. I am not sure local news would believe you and show up. You need a group. If one guy just showed up and said wow I have to get the rest of the news here someone is going to call law enforcement to protect their ass also. Delicate situation.

    6. I sleep with me AK for me SAFETY : )

    7. Not to beat a drum but some rum would help that weak spine

    8. me AK + me whiskey + me night vision = for me safety

    9. A person would have to do the right things before allowing the info out, no doubt. Making copies and extra's and getting them to those you can trust prior to reporting, a safe of info never disclosed unless challenged. This might be a touchy situation when you think about it CHUCK.

    10. And make sure you put an extra two or three layers on that tin foil hat of yours.

      Oh, and I heard the government is publishing the secret locations of bigfoot via encrypted messages embedded and scrambled in the stories of the new your times.

  9. Hey CHICK. Said I would get back with you today. You may well have something going on around you. 500 acres of woods is plenty to hunker down in for a few days or more. There is a guy 30 miles to my east that has 10 acres that backs up to about another 100. There are also patches of woods on all the farms around here from 10 to 50 acres for them to move around at night and water sources galore. He had at least one on and around his property for 6 months before it made its way over to our side of the Miami Valley. That is all they need. Since you seem to have insomnia at night, spend the night on your back porch. Act normal, make a little noise ( no calls or knocks ) just some general talking even if it is only to yourself and see if something happens. The yelling or talking in the tourettes type voice is very interesting and a good description of their speech.
    Good Luck and let us know if anything more happens.

    1. Oh and Chick. I read your post from above about walking the creek. Great idea to familiarize yourself with everything out there. You could ask around if anyone has heard or seen anything strange in your area. I know this may be tough as you would not want to be labeled the subdivision nut case, but there are ways to be subtle and know one will catch on unless they have experienced something. Could even call the local authorities and see if they have got any reports of strange going ons because you are experiencing strange behavior. I am sure you pretty much know what to do.

  10. Another supposedly Bigfoot video for the circular file cabinet...........

  11. Dmaker and I are having MAJOR buttsex right now!Took pictures.I'll post a link later.

    D Campbell.

    1. I'll take that as a compliment sweet cheeks!Post your email we'll hook up.

      D Campbell.

  12. LOL nice touch with the heavy breathing and supposedly being scared with a 1/2 sec video that goes out when its time for the money shot. that's his buddy that he drove out with to the site. same suit as the other failed attempt videos. keep it tough i'm sure a 5 yr old might buy this hoax.

    1. Dayam! That ChrisBFRPKY fool is getting his ass handed to him today at ISF! Why does he continue to make such a public idiot of himself?

      Oh, yeah, he's a footer....

    2. so says the guy with a butt plug inserted in his anus

  13. If bigfoot exist, I have a surefire way to prove their existence.
    Record wood knocks and play them back in a loop with loud amplification for at least a week straight in the dense woods around Mt. Ranier or in Gifford Pinchot National Forest, miles from civilization.
    After a few days, a bigfoot is bound to be attracted to the knocking sound and will move in to investigate.
    Place landmines all around the broadcasting gear, in a complete circle within about a 50 foot radius.
    When the squatch moves in to investigate the sound, it will be blasted to smithereens.
    There will be enough remains left to prove their existence.

  14. That Sasquatch is pretty big but Trapper got that knife

  15. The guy pretends to be out of breath on the video but goes on to describe that he just got through walking to the area before he began filming. What kind of hiker gets out of breath walking in the woods a short distance? If he was so scared that he was hyperventilating, why did it start before he saw the image the second time as the first time he just assumed it was a moose or bear very far off in the distance?

    Once again, the ridiculous back-story proves the hoax.

    1. I Think it's real and I think there might be 2 bigfoot in that video

    2. ..New Flotsam: Stick a Fork in Hopes of Sighting Bigfoot In America and Can the Dribble.....

    3. I have lung damage (after being in a fire several years ago) and get out of breath sometimes even laying down...I do however go hiking in the hills and as long as I take it easy am fine...however,I too would become breathless in this situation...not everybody is as YOU may be in situations.

  16. I think the video shows the same creature we see in the Patterson Gimlin film. Same. SAME. SAME!!! (it can't be the same if it is a hoaxer) But why run away from a creature that is 350 feet away and walking away from you? I'm not saying hoax...I'm saying BE A MAN AND GET THE MONEY SHOT!!! tyia. LOL

  17. I am new here...are bigfoot real ?

    Really real ?

    1. Yup
      Get off yer arse and look out the window at the building across the road...


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