I can listen to Henry May all day talking about Bigfoot

It looks like our old friend Henry May is now doing Bigfoot news reviews. It's one of his first video, and it's actually not that bad. He touches on a number of news headlines, including Cryptotourism and "New Bigfoot Sighting posted by ConnecticutBigfoot". Check it out:


  1. Replies

    2. looks like bruce jenner ^^^

    3. Eva, I think you are a jewel to behold on this, the hamper of Sasquatch sewer runoff pools. How your presents uplifts us. So many have gone on to better tables of discussion while you have persisted and kept the faith.

    4. Are you saying I look like Bruce Jenner? Wow. k.

    5. Agreed 11:16. Eva is the best!

    6. And Chick your a shinning star as well, forget those who trough flouts and smears, you two are our ambassadors of honor beauty in language and good will. Needed, much needed.

    7. Hello Ruff and Chick and thank you lovely Anon :) xx

    8. Much welcome Eva, Hey there Ruff, I'm going to be qiet now and enjoy reading your nice posts, it's a refreshing break when you'all are here.

    9. no chick it was meant for the goofy mountain monster nut..sorry if you thought it was you

    10. WILD BILL been called a lot of things but a NUT , NO SIR never a nut

    11. Lol, no worries. Sort of amusing because Bruce Jenner just seemed so random ; )

  2. folks sayin thar bein commies inda white house
    caws historickull thar bein jist tham amurkins thars

  3. Replies
    1. I heer tell in this sesshun
      tham Mountain Monsters ahuntin tham Bigfoots shure is
      Wild Bill ans Willy fixin biger traps fer tham critters

    2. with egg benedict that's nice and a continental dark roast coffee.

    3. Wild BIll campfire vittles, grub the AIMS team can't wait for : )

  4. If you could listen all day does that mean you are out of work?

    1. if you work? you 1 of them 1%ers !!!

    2. basement folks got all the time in the world to do research BIGFOOTS

    3. And basement folks also post idiotic comments on this blog all day and night.

    4. now hold on!!! just because I live in the basement @ my moms house doesn't mean iam not doing nothing i have lot on my plate of things to do !!!

  5. And of course by 'old friend' Shawn means gullible bigfooters he has been exploiting for years for click dollars.

    1. Says the International Gay footer pretend skeptic forum member being exploited by Shawn on a daily basis.

    2. yah but you can go and give your money to people who really know their sh*t that must be worth something.

      PLEASE people before spending your money, ask these morons questions and are they qualified to really teach you?

      It reminds me of NAPE with Kulls and Biscardi, we'll teach you how to backpack, how to cast, how to, how to, how to loose money.

    3. Pansy you say - Pansies researching Bigfoots !!!

    4. 9:46 is probably that mentally ill footer named "Drew/Drewbot". That asshole is still trying to get NAWAC'ers brought up on attempted murder charges concerning a petty incident that was resolved many years ago...lol
      What a loser.

    5. ^ probably thinks Tim Allen is funny

    6. sometimes GRAYs using bigfoots to collect DNA samples so the GRAYs can manufacture hybrids and clones

    7. not gray pansies making clones!
      UFOs and Bigfoot connection !!!

  6. Did he get paid to promote that coffee? Hot Squatcha-late!? Bwahahahaha!

  7. On the last thread I noticed someone called itomi say that the reason for distorted photo's and only unrecognizable images being shown from some investigators trail cams was due to the slow operation of the camera. Do these professional investigator use old cams that have been donated from hunters after outdated? There have been seven different models produced since 2007 that offer both immediate flash as well as laser targeted immediate shutter operation. They also, when properly used offer a much wider field of view allowing several images to be captured when the target is picked up. Immediate translates to less than 0004. of a second in at least two models and one tenth of a second in five others widely used by weekend hunters. They can actually catch two images of a deer eye blink. Why would the researchers not use the best? Multi image laser triggered and aimed trail cams are marketed and used all over the world by various Government agencies as well. These items are available at most any sporting goods store or local dept. store. Bigfoot possible, but excuses like these cloud an already suspect topic. Don't believe everything you hear especially from those who make excuses for failure.

    1. I bought the best if the best and they don't work! If they do work, the BF rip the camera off. Total waste of time and money.

    2. What brand do you refer DS sir? I'm sure you returned to the manufacturer, and what was their reply? And where do you set up and how? very interested, we use each year to map deer movements as well as bear hibernation differences in northern and southern quands here in NY with absolute success. We have had one instant where severe temps caused a malfunction, but even beyond recommendations for use, the manufact, responded with another and some support for these type situations. Please respond if possible good sir.

    3. You won't get an answer anon 12:06. Just excuses. When you call their hands on their ridiculous claims, their heads explode and they get defensive and make more excuses.

    4. Hell if they don't work why do we constantly get the blurry pictures and videos here all the time? Do you believers agree on anything other than a giant ape man in running around the world and not one person can catch kill or obtain any scientifically accepted proof of it's existence. Get at least one story straight.

    5. Anon 12:06 I appreciate the questions, and I will always give an honest answer, never an excuse.
      I have a video on you tube, titled "Bigfoot Research - why we can't get BF on trail cam Dr Squatch" I would recommend watching the 3 tree structure evidence videos, and make sure "CC" is turned on.
      I hid my cameras, after having some stolen. I assume a BF took the camera. I've had SD cards taken, but not the camera?? What person would take the SD card, but not the camera? Most hunters leave the camera in the woods, tied to the tree, and just change out the SD card...If a BF is watching, it wouldn't be hard for them to figure out how to open the camera, and take the card out...they of course do not know what it is, but I figure they know it is something. As silly as that sounds, I have no explanation on how they are finding my hiding spots, unless they see me putting the camera up. I think it is actually good that they are destroying my cameras, proves they are doing it, to me! Trail cams have come down a lot in price, I was paying upwards of $400 several years ago, and they are half that now. This is one of the cameras I have, and it's the only one I would recommend.

      The key to trail cams, is to conceal the camera, in a squatchy area, without them seeing you. Good Luck! You can't bait them in. These cameras stick out like a sore thumb! I notice new breaks every week, at a park I scout every Sunday. My niece and nephew actually play a game, to see who can find the 1st break that wasn't there the previous week...so they notice a camera right away! I have a monster truck, lifted up, so I tied the camera to the frame, inside the wheel well. It is a genius idea, if I say so myself! They cant see it, nor did they see me put it up. I only tried for 2 weeks this past summer, and stopped, because it's a pain to drive there, and then have to walk home...but I'm determined to prove, what I know exists. I'd recommend spending your money on a good cam corder, with night vision, and scout, scout, scout! If you watch my videos, I guarantee 110% you find the same structures/markers, and if you study them, you will come across a BF, sooner or later.

    6. That's interesting to me DS and I will be looking for the things in the video. I would ask that you try the newest versions of cbacks, very small with infrared and simult shutter, no flash for night time pics. Put the cams on Yellow tulip poplar, we try to lace them around 18 feet off the ground facing a hill, animals including bears do not like to climb the tight barked trees due to dismount difficulties. It's a thought for you. The quick shutter and laser aiming with such a wide view is a real plus on super fast game. We haven't gotten a BF but really not setting cams up on anything but known game trails. Thank you for your answer DS and the ideas and location of the video.

    7. My pleasure... anything else feel free to email me, I don't always go back thru and read old comments.

  8. This fat ring ding eating piece of shit cant even leave the shed behind his mommas house to go for a walk. But he is an armchair exoert

    1. the basement works just fine as a research Lab and center

    2. To whom are you referring anon 11:26?

    3. basement dwellers have lots of time to do research on bigfoots

  9. Bigfoot is folklore. That's all it is.
    There will never be a bigfoot specimen provided to science because they don't exist.

    1. Trapper and the AIMS team taken 6 episodes in Season 3 in hunting down Bigfoots

  10. ***I must and totally agree with Anon above that, Chick and Eva R are and have been two class acts for this blog and unlike many here they, Eva R and Chick have a lot of common sense and are nice and polite folks. A BIG hug to you both :) ...........

    1. That is a lovely compliment! I must say though that Eva was here before me and I only try to follow her class and wit. Sometimes I fall short and wade too deep into mire. Eva really is the original BF class act!

    2. ***You both are class acts to this blog,period! no matter who is in first or not because it's all about the individuality "SMILES"............

    3. Yep, when we loose a good honest polite poster, it's a real detriment to all who are here for the right reasons. You guys are the glue to this rag, we can't afford the balance to shift any further toward the dark side, let your good bright lights continue to shine. It's a pleasure to read yours words. Eva, Chick, and more.

    4. omg anon 3:54, hug a root you dirt bag groper. Buy a blow up doll you pathetic looser. Your never going to hug a real woman unless you start working at the funeral parlor. Aren't you working on the corner tonight? better get on it studs.

    5. ^^^see pal, just my point because "you" are the complete opposite of a person with class............

    6. Good lord anon 5:30, what the hell is wrong with you? didn't parents give you enough love and attention? You don't even know this person, you need prof help. Do you feel better trying to make others look or feel bad? Sad sad, for you, what a life you must have.

    7. The only sex life 5:30 has is when the doctor tells him to cough.

  11. I dont understand why people that do not believe in bigfoot keep coming to a bigfoot sight . if i dont believe in something i would not be on that page all the time


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