Finding Bigfoot Is Headed To Branson!

The Finding Bigfoot team is headed to "Show Me" State in hopes it will show them a bigfoot. The Ozarks is prime bigfoot territory, and they're looking for people who have had encounters.

Email your story to, and you could be invited to attend a town hall meeting to share your encounter with the "Finding Bigfoot" team. You might even be chosen to have your experience recreated on the program, according to a release.

The public is also invited to attend the meeting but space is limited. You must RSVP to to be added to the guest list. Tickets are allocated on a first come/first serve basis, explained producer Sean Mantooth.

The meeting will be at 6 p.m. March 6 in Branson. The location has not been announced.

For the full article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. First for Uno! Hope you are staying warm up there!

    2. Richard Porter!

      hows things?are you better? xx

    3. Thanks Chick! I'm in the desert so I'm good.

      How's your bigfoot(s)? Any more signs/vocals? Be careful!

      Hi Eva!!


    4. Hi Eva & Chick and Uno !!

      Been rain all day here :P

      So I'm just hanging... :)

    5. Glad to hear that Uno! Someday soon I want to take a road trip into New Mexico. I think it's really beautiful there. Hey Eva and Ruffster! Stay dry and warm!


    6. We could use some of that rain here, Ruff. We just have terrible winds here today. I might find Toto!


    7. Why does Joe still insist he isn't this Diktomi guy?

  2. They could dress Ranae up as a girl to lure Bigfoot in. That hasn't been tried yet.

  3. Many people don't know that Roger Patterson took his footage on tour and charged money for people to see it. Then a fake Bob Gimlin would come out and talk about their encounter.

    1. That was a great Idea, sad Poor Bob didn't get any of the money.

    2. What? Patterson had an actor playing Gimlin?

    3. Apparently so. Now we have to settle for the real Bob Gimlin playing Bob Gimlin.

    4. Yes he did. Kind of shoots down the "Patterson was a great guy of upstanding character" argument.
      Patterson had "Bob Gimlin" come out and introduce himself as Gimlin and tell the audience that he was there with Patterson, and then the Gimlin actor talked about their bigfoot encounter.

    5. Whoa - that doesn't look good! Here is where the "WHAT THE???" guy needs to make a post.

    6. Roger Patterson tried to make money with bigfoot before he shot his famous 1967 footage via a fictitious low budget bigfoot movie about a group of cowboys who track a bigfoot with the help of an Indian guide played by (the real) Bob Gimlin wearing a long haired Indian wig.

      The real Bob Gimlin is making money from his talks. He's in it way too deep to ever admit that the footage was hoaxed, if it was.

    7. So he lied without making a dime for 41 years, and now he in way to deep. Sorry, If he's way to deep it's because he witnessed something in 67 the world and he wasn't ready for. Funny I've been to 4 of Bob's talks, none, not one person has ever had the balls to tell him face to face he's a liar. That can change, show up at his next appearance, he can still walk and talk, maybe you'll be a man and say it loud to old man Bob.

    8. Yes Bob lied for more than 40 years without making a dime, nearly loosing his wife family and home. He continued to lie without accepting many initial opportunities to profit. Then finally after being called a liar, from a distance, by those who mostly weren't even born in 67, he decided to tell his story again. This time he would accept the money and finally allow any with the spine to look him in the eye and scream liar. Funny, I've been to 4 of Bob's appearances, and no spines yet. He's still telling the same story, and at a very ripe age, he still walks talks and works. He also appears at conventions and only if there is a live audience. He's right there offering any with spine enough to face him the opportunity to call him an old bald faced liar,,,, face to face chin to fist. I'm waiting for this enchanting event, any tough guys ready? He's coming to a location near you, please please beat mother nature, and don't loose your chance at Bob.

    9. It was reported by a close family member, that Roger ask Bob to tour with the film. Bob realized this had become such a huge embarrassment to Bob's wife and family, he declined. Bob knew there would be an actor, he was glad at the time, it wasn't truly him. Still with the possibility of loosing everything he held dear, the story he initially told never changed. One story told that his wife asked him to tell that it didn't happen or that it was all a lie or prank. Bob never changed his story, and wouldn't lie, even for the woman he loved. If he's lying, what reward could possible make sense, as it clearly wasn't money for at least 39 years or so.

    10. That is troubling to say the least anon2:02. I have a tough time believing there is a 9 feet tall wild man ape running around N America. But why would anybody suffer what B Gimlin suffered. All those years and nothing but heart ache and harassment, especially after Roger past and all the hype. Why would he continue to lie?

    11. There were law suits going around in the 70s, including by Gimlin, related to money coming in from the footage.
      No one involved was going to admit a hoax (if it was a hoax) because if they did, the footage would have zero monetary value from that point on.

      When money talks, bigfoot walks.

    12. @2:02. What you're saying is contrary to other stories saying that Roger and Bob were at odds with each other during this time period when Roger was using an actor to portray Bob Gimlin at appearances.

    13. At 1:50, just because people won't look Gimlin in the eye and call him a liar doesn't mean that he isn't telling a tall tale. Who knows, he may have told this story so many times that he is blurring fact and fiction (this does happen).

      Although unlikely, Gimlin could have been hoaxed by Patterson. Patterson could have set it up in advance and engineered it so that he and Gimlin would ride into the prepared scene. Gimlin himself has admitted that this was a possibility.

    14. The fact is Gimlin did say that anything was possible, but Roger and whom ever would have been hoaxing him, would have been taking a terrible chance with their lives. Bob had a fully loaded with one chambered 30.06 rifle watching the creature, what if he got spooked? And the fact that nobody has confronted Bob and taken the opportunity to call him a liar doesn't mean he isn't,it just means there hasn't been one person brave enough to do so face to face. People have gotten really good at slandering at a safe distance. I don't know what to make of the BF phenom, but I think Bob would have been much better off claiming this to have been a fraud for the first 30 plus years. Every part of this story has been changed, added to,new people have new developments over the years, etc.. One thing has stayed the same, BOB GIMLIN'S story. I stick with what appears to be printed in stone, and hasn't been busted by the many that have so tried. All that's left is one's own opinion. I respect yours, and I'll stay with mine.

    15. 3:18, that would require Patterson having control over Gimlin's ammunition, as G was prepared to shoot an aggressive Sasquatch.

      Patty wasn't aggressive; so what? G could easily still have shot Patty, P couldn't control that, he couldn't control G's reaction, he didn't know if G would fire or not.

      So P needed to control G's ammunition supply, and make sure the ammo used that day was all dummy.

      This is kooky.

      If they'd encountered a moutain lion that day, P would know G's gun was full of duds; dangerous. If they'd needed live ammo that day, it was dangerous for P to make sure G's gun was loaded with blanks.

      Otherwise, if G had live ammo, bleeving they'd risk murder and twin murder raps for the sake of a hoax is a sceptic's screwy fantasy-stretch-dream. It's stepping from sceptisim into fantasy.

    16. I agree. But Gimlin did say that Patterson could have hoaxed him.

    17. Dr NO, Bob said he knew the ammo was live, he had used some before and after from the same weapon same ammo box. As far as Roger and Bob's big hatred or lawsuit over the film and money, look at what Bob says about it. Find out what any or the money issues were actually about. What monies were being argued or debated might change the scope of this Them being at odds. When that issue was resolved, wouldn't you think a disgruntled friend would have certainly come clean about the lie he was being blackmailed to perpetuate? Anyone that really wants to know facts about this issue should travel to Bob's next appearance and ask him. He takes Q&A all the time. Good post Dr NO.

    18. Yawn.

      We've done all this years ago.

      Every angle has been covered. We're no further forward.

      Those that see a bona fide Sasquatch will see just that and those that see zippers and seams won't be swayed either.

      Roger Patterson was far from a saint but 50 years on he's still got a few folks wondering....


    19. Well Bob is Bob, and I can't speak for his nerves, but when Patty turned her head and my friend fell Ican honestly say, It's a good thing for BF or the hoaxer in the suit, it was Bob and not I with the .06 I can't imagine such a deadly scenario among friends. Someone Dies and you've made your friend a murderer, all for a bf film.

    20. anon 4:15, You've totally changed one opinion tonight. I've never heard this issue talked about from a common sense, put yourself in those shoes perspective this way. Great post.

    21. Everyone can believe what they want but I'm still holding out for a body to change my mind.

    22. Well that's the safest rout for sure.

    23. Yes and it require no thought process.

    24. Just turn on the tube and let them tell you your opinion, pretty easy, yea I like it.

    25. . . . or you can join the Church of Bigfootology and believe everything that supports your foregone conclusion that bigfoot exists. Hallelujah - he lives - praise him, praise him, Blessed are those who believe!

    26. Or don't believe, but be secure in YOUR own opinion either way. Then there's no need to attack others for their's.

    27. anon 5:26 Just because you believe in bf, you shouldn't use religion and your faith to preach others into your beliefs, that's just not right.

    28. Gimlin didn't shoot because Gimlin knew.

  4. Money Faker,Blow Bo, Cliff Clump, And Rhino. The gangs all here.

    1. Bo Bo is really a saquatch that shaves. But then so is Renee.

    2. Maybe cliff and Matt are their little offspring.

    3. or the afterbirth of their offspring.

    4. Words of great wisdom, anon5:40 Great Wisdom.

  5. I'm going out on a limb and say they won't find a bigfoot.

    1. They need team up with the Mountain monsters team... These mountain men hunt down monsters !!

    2. yea and they know right where to look, start at your kin's house. and then move to the barn.

  6. ***I had hoped when this show first aired that they would fine "some" good evidence form time to time,but since this show has been on air there has been absolutely/positively nothing they have found/seen as good/reliable evidence to add to this species existence or no, and not that it matters that is why I had stopped watching it after just the second season............

    1. Didn't you see the one where MoneyFacker said "There's something On The Hill!!!" What excitement! and Renee said "Matt Your Stupid!!!" and Bo Bo said "Aaa Yea!!" Now that's action!

    2. ^^^Must of been after the second season I'm thinking...........

    3. Yeah - that's the kind of exchange that has captivated audiences for six seasons. Pathetic isn't it?

    4. ^^^Yes pathetic for sure! and also just plain old bad/terrible research if one can call it research even...........

    5. Yep, one of the top comedies on today. And I heard it is not rehearsed, all off the cuff.

  7. i hope they get to check out some of Yakov Smirnoff's shows while in Branson and it would be way cool if they could get him to go squatching with them !
    "Hey bigfeet, In Soviet Russia Women would find you super sexy ! You remind of some women I dated long time ago"

    1. Hey isn't that what your dad said too? Your mummy's from Russia isn't she?


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