Falcon Project Time Frame Released

It looks like the Falcon Project is going to happen sooner than thought. A month ago, Falcon Project founder William Barnes released the names of team members, and who will be the "boots on the ground" people. The most expensive Bigfoot research in the history of Bigfoot will be starting up in about 70 days.

"The first phase of the project will be 70 days from now -- Boots on the ground" Barnes wrote in an email to BFE. "We have 15 man surveillance team. They will be out there for six months collecting data and info and forensics."



  2. Stupid asses are going to get shut down in less than a week trying to fly that around,Your wonderful American Gov't wont allow it.

    1. They will send a chemtrail spraying plane over top of it and it will melt out of the sky. ; (

    2. The American people might have more freedom than your government that you want to project onto ours.

    3. WE the people, means exactly that. If the Gov continues to stray from OUR constitution, we shall reign her back in. after all this ain't England or Canada, This is still the home of the brave, land of the FREE... USA

    4. Most all of us love our country, with the exception here and there like Obama. And yes, we the people means exactly that.

    5. Don't let the Lefties and sand heads back you up an inch D, you got some real American born and bred back up here. I'm a gun toting bill of rights quoting, constitution packing son of the southland American. I am a Vet, and I don't have to ask anybody for my rights, I own them, paid for with the blood of my brothers, and a drop or two of my own. Chew on that a while liberals.

    6. @ 5:59 If you don't like our wonderful American government don't come here

    7. anon 6:51 is really Wild Bill the insane marine. I knew he seemed familiar. D Dover he's the little fat rookie, come on in rookie, smell the bait, smell the bait!! Tee Hee Hee!

    8. Sorry you hate marine vets. I suppose you will not be pulling for American Sniper in the Oscars.

    9. D Dover, you are a right wing arse. I don't like Obama much either, but I don't have to make up a reality to vilify him. "He doesn't love America", "He is not a citizen", "He is a covert Muslim"...Are you buddies with Giuliani and Trump?

    10. "WE the people, means exactly that. If the Gov continues to stray from OUR constitution, we shall reign her back in."

      All well and good if truthful, but not when it's extremist talk of "we will shoot you if you don't agree".

    11. Yea 8:30 I'm buddies with Giuliiani you left wing nut. Obama has associated wit theh hate America first crowd too much in his life. When Obama won the Iowa primary in 2008 Michelle O said it was the first time in her life she was proud of this country. That reflects the Obama household.

    12. Hate America first crowd? LOL that's funny as hell. He sure didn't stop those military actions that the world hates did he? Didn't shut down Gitmo like the left wingers and the world wanted. Like I said you make up your own reality. It's not enough to disagree, you have to demonize.

    13. You said he didn't stop those military actions. Dummy, he pulled all the troops out of Iraq when the Government there asked him to leave some and look what happened. He plans to pull them all out of Afghanistan too. What will happen there.

      You said didn't shut down Gitmo. Congress has fought that, so he's been releasing the guys, some of which went back to terrorism. You're in the same class as Obama.

    14. Dover, look up U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement. Your hero Dubya was responsible for signing the agreement for combat forces leaving Iraq, not Obama. If you need help with any of the big words, let me know.

    15. Lol, they only wanted those troops back when ISIS started kicking the ass out of the Iraqi army later. Those troops weren't removed until Obama had been in office years anyway. Speaking of which, he hates America so much (and loves Islam) he commits military power to the region to fight ISIS extremism. Hardly sounds like a guy ashamed of American "imperialism". He hasn't done much to repel the patriot act either. In fact most right ringers are happy about that, but hey he hates America.

      Forgive me if your history of supporting delusional people in Bigfooting doesn't inspire confidence in your judgement. It surely doesn't.

    16. YOu didn't pay attention, by design I suppose. The Iraqi govenment requested we leave a contingent of troops in Iraq, and he could have, and if he would have Isis would not have been emboldened to overrun the place like they did, and he wants to pull all the troops out of Afghanistan too. He's a poor leader. He;s been very slow to respond to Isis, only doing so when the outcry got too great.

      In Lybia they beheaded a whole lot of Egyptians, and in response Egypt bombed them (Isis). What did Obama do, he condemned the Egyptian military action. That''s our leader.

      Look at the mess he left in Lybia, bombing it and now Isis terrorist control a good part of the country. 19% of all suicide bombers in Iraq came from N.E. Lybia that rose up against the government there, and we bombed the government in support of them. That's our leader.

      but what do I hear from you guys. Blame Bush.

  3. So does this aircraft even exist? Other than just some sci-fi artwork and a logo?

    Something tells me 'boots on the ground' will be the first and the last phase and then Barnes and Dr. P.T. Meldrum will be in an eternal 'evaluating the evidence' mode while they burn through all the footer donations.

    1. Well, you should find out what that something is that is telling you these things. I like to know what's speaking to me. It could just be a voice in your head. Remember the Son of Sam, he got bad advice.

    2. It's called the voice of reason, something that is a rare commodity in footlandia.

    3. What will you say when pictures,video=proof comes from one of these new operations anon6:16? will you come on here give your name and profess your ignorance? I think not.

    4. anon 6:31, think it might be the sound of emptiness or silence in that balloon you call a head? POP!!!

    5. I try to keep up and get here sporadically but this was something I was wondering about and lo and behold the subject has come up. Now here are two articles which gives me pause in thinking the actual flight is going to happen anytime soon.



      These articles make it sound like the actual lift off date is still far off. I know the Kickstarter campaign failed and it will take a lot of money to see this thing through. Perhaps there are some here who are closer to the project who are more knowledgeable who can address what was written in those articles.

    6. This is all a silly pipe dream to bilk money out of the gullible.

    7. William Barnes has not yet figured out, that Bigfoot evidence never arrives at it's destination, when using the US Postal System. Consequently, if he gets something, it will be stolen through the mail.

  4. Hey to all the Hunting guy was terminated on the previous thread, his funeral and wake will be announced at a later date. Family receiving friends sometime in TN, who the F knows. Gone but not forgotten HG 2015-2015 post in peace friend brother skeptic.

    1. I'd say he flat out quit. His decision, whatever.

    2. Sad ignorant attempt at humor anon 6:18 He was a voice of reason among the unreasonable skeptics. anon6:33 quit, or decided to call home the dogs for chasing the wrong prey. He refused to argue with children it appears. maybe he'll come back someday when the proof comes in.

  5. Brookreson is going to enjoy playing pretend Bigfoot Hunting with a balloon after doing it so long on his ranch.

    1. To get in some playtime is why skeptics come to a bigfoot site. Brookreson and others are doing serious work unlike the playful antics skeptics entertain themselves with.

    2. That right Dover. These fools turn on each other when they can't deal with the evidence. They trashed the Hunting guy for listening before trying to debunk with ignorant antics. He was there best weapon because he at least looked at both sides. This new expedition will yield something spectacular, then what will they say? something stupid.

    3. Enough about the hunting man, did you take his part? did you take up the cause for anyone being attacked for telling the truth? I told my story and was attacked for a entire thread, I know what I saw, nobody spoke up for me and I should have never come back to this shitty site.. We will get the last laugh, the truth is coming, the work is being done, deal with it skeptics.

    4. Snookerson the new footer savior. Put you eggheads in his basket and let him attach to his beautiful balloon. What a ride for the footlandia kiddies.

    5. Serious work? Sorry if the guy snowed some people but he is either seriously delirious or dishonest. Have you guys looked at his videos and photos?

      I have no problem with people doing whatever they want, but as the saying goes don't piss on me and tell me it's raining.

    6. That's not true 7 28. I took your side, I told them "leave the delusional footer alone or he will cry and come back at another time and whine about how we didn't back him up."

      had your back the whole time bro.

    7. Serious work that your so blinded to by your small mindedness. the world awaits this announcement and you scoff. what does that say about you and your vision.

    8. That's absolutely not true D Dover we do not come here for play time, we come here for the laughs and to see what outlandish excuses and stories footers can come up with.

      Play time I reserve for the golf course,

    9. anon 7:47 Ted Bundy and all the serial killers of evil fame enjoyed causing others pain. Do you always joke about watching others being tormented. I was so excited to have seen this thing, I couldn't wait to share my story. Karma remember Karma.

    10. You mean the driving range don't you? You are the BALL BOY aren't you? Did you get fired again? got to tell the truth about that conviction, remember your registered.

    11. If Bigfoot proven to exist that's fine, it will be exciting. Not all skeptics are close minded to the possibility however slim they think it may be. The problem is the hoaxing and self hoaxing. Personally that is what I have a problem with.

    12. I don't have a big problem with the likes of Derek Randles or Bart Cutinos of the Bigfoot world. Do I agree with them all the time? Not at all, but I don't believe they are hoaxers or are deluded so much that they are untrustworthy. The problem is a lot of the people who are known are trying to make a name for themselves.

    13. yea anon801 the ones that aren't closed minded, are of no mind at all.

  6. These mfers are funny. Trying to make out as if they're imoirtant. Hey look at me I am a bigfoot investigator with the fbro. Im smart you're stupid. I'm buddys with bobo and matt. Big fking deal. You're all a fraud. Lying sacks of crap.

    1. I didn't think this had anything to do with the BFRO. In fact, I remember Matt M. criticizing the plan when it was announced.

    2. don't confuse them with facts. They are not interested in any evidence, rather only taking swipes to look like bigshots in front of their cohorts. They think, hey guys, look at me at how important I am in putting down BF researchers.

  7. Mañana, always mañana. This reads like a mexican contract to do work, where it never starts and it never finishes.


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