Does Anyone Know Where The Nordegg Bigfoot Film Is?

No wonder it was featured on Survivorman: Bigfoot. The Nordegg area is famous for its bigfoot sightings, dating back since man has been in the area. Here's a couple accounts by a man named Richard Snell, including a story about an actual creature being filmed.

In the late 1960s, Snell was one of the workers at the Big Horn Dam-area pre-construction, north of Nordegg, and one evening two of his co-workers came running into camp.

“Our friends were scared and when we asked them why they both said, ‘Something big is up there, behind us’,” said Snell. “They were frightened and the rest of the crew made fun of them, but when myself and another co-worker asked around and talked to the natives, they said nothing.”

Snell added that one of the natives pointed north to a mountain and said, “Mountain of the Hairy Man.”

“It seems that the natives of the area knew full well something is up there and it was taboo to even speak about it,” he said. “What made us believe our friends even more was when we discovered large footprints, more than 14 inches, in the snow right where they said they saw the creature. The prints had a large pace and we saw enough to know that the animal, or whatever it was, crossed the road and kept on going.”

The Nordegg experience was not the only time Snell had contact with sasquatch.

Snell, a prospector by nature with decades of experience in the wilderness, spoke of a time he and his brother were searching for gold in the northeast corner of B.C., just south of the Yukon border.

“My brother turned his 8-millimetre video camera on and took some footage of the treed area we were looking at,” said Snell. “We didn’t think much of the video at the time but when he showed it to me years later, we realized there was a large creature in the image, no more than 50 feet away that he captured leaving the tree line.

“As the image was projected onto a screen (high-tech for the time), I looked at the image and it was probably eight feet tall with arms that hung below the knees,” added Snell. “The hair colour was brown, and it walked with a shuffling type motion. It had large shoulders as well. I can’t remember the facial detail too well anymore, but I turned to my brother and told him he needed to show this to people. He refused. He’s passed away now, and the film has just disappeared.”

For the rest of the article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Just some homeless Afghan or Iraq Vets in the bush

  2. ISIS shows what the Islamist group touts as the next generation of jihadist killers, pint-sized terror trainees who appear to be as young as 5 participating in drills and reciting verses from the Koran.

  3. I wonder if ISIS could find and convert the Myakka skunk ape

    1. Thoughts inside the empty head of Islamic suicide bomber "I can't get a woman, Girl, or even a goat to talk to me here, OK I'm ready"

    2. Hey Harry,haven't heard from you in awhile.
      Hell,I haven't been on here in awhile.
      Hope all is well.
      Mike H.

    3. Don't go Harry B, the show should start anytime now, (Brother), yes I said it at the risk of statring a riot.

    4. DUDE them Goats are getting Hammered !!!

    5. Was up Mike H? How's it going man?

    6. I'd rather be a young wildabeast in the dry season in Africa, as a she goat anytime in the middle east. anon3:48 Right.

  4. Anyone get a feeling that this 'missing video' may just pop into Standing's possession?

    1. Standing uses his own clown costumes make up and STAND-INS to make those hideous videos with the eight ball eyes. What a freakin fraud.

    2. Turd Straining is still pounding on the doors of the Jim Henson Institute demanding his money back.

    3. YEP, I knew i saw Kermit on that first video.

  5. no. nobody knows what happened to the film. next

  6. What a beautiful place for anything to exist. I wouldn't mind sharing with bf or anything as long as I have my trusty old shotgun and side arm. Nice place for people to leave wild and alone.

    1. or AK to keep them critters @ bay : )

    2. YEP them critters them pesky critters.

  7. Just in.. the tooth fairy baby teeth value is up 25%.. the value of molars are also up 20%.

    1. Wow! Now all I needs is my baby brodur and a pair a pliurs.

  8. It's been hidden by the gubernment with all the other bigfoot proof.

  9. Santa clause, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny!


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