Do Bigfoot Even Throw Rocks?

On TV and the Internet, you can learn a lot of stuff about a lot of things. Even bigfoot. If you watch Finding Bigfoot, it seems like we know all kinds of thing that bigfoot does. One of which is throwing rocks. But do they really even do that? Veteran researcher Thomas Steenburg gives his opinion.


  1. It's the pipe that makes me believe him.

    1. The more pipes you smoke, the more real bigfoot seems.

    2. True dat.

      It also depends on what you put in the pipes.

  2. Is that Winston Churchill or Peter Lorre ?
    A lot of my fellow Drs also enjoy a good pipe after dinner

    1. Peter Lorre. Casablanca era.

    2. Ah yes, that is it !
      His role as Ugarte (which sounds like a yeti type creature) was a scene stealer in that Hollywood classic.
      I feel like dusting off my copy and watching it with a giant bowl of hot buttered popcorn.

    3. Archie Bunker with a devil may care face?

      Dude is awesome!

  3. Throwing objects is one thing I believe a Sasquatch definitely does to intimidate someone for one reason or another and there have been a handful of eyewitness/visual reports stating so............

  4. I've experienced them throwing rocks or other objects on several occasions. It's so common a researcher doesn't need to make a video asking if it happens.

    He says fortunately no one has been hit with rocks yet. People have been hit with rocks thrown by sasquatches. I hate when people couch definitive statements like that. He should say, "As far as I know."

    It is like at the BFRO there is an article there about if sasquatches are dangerous that states there are no known incidences of people being injured by sasquatches. It's idiotic to make positive statements when no one is privy to all the incident reports.

    1. Anyone else see the irony here?

    2. Bigfoot and Rocks.

      He does make some good points if anyone was interested, of which some only come here to trash everything.

    3. I just feel very strongly that some pipe smoke is better than others....

    4. John W. jones is a big pipe smoker.

  5. Yep, pipe smoke, the absolute worst possible human in the woods dead giveaway to all wild creatures. Second only to gunfire as an automatic get the hell out of here message. This guy is the one to find and prove bf., Yep when you can bet your life on the honesty of Dyer,,,,,and live. He's the one. Yep that's the guy. Just look at the determination on that fat little face!

    1. Archie Bunker says to 6:28: Get out of my chair, Meathead!

    2. Can anyone notice the hatred in 6:28's comment... Mind blowing.

  6. Just another useless Lardass that found his way to the gullible bf crowd and now is taking their money. Homelessness or bf, yes I choose bf. You mean I don't have to give them anything, just dress in camo stumble through the woods with the camera on and get paid? America, what a country.

    1. LOL WOW! just freaking WOW!

    2. 6:37 needs one swift kick to the groin. That would bring a large smile to my face.

    3. For every accusation of "gullible people", one can reference the extent that angry idiots like you, 6:37, are so seemingly reassured by any "excuse" for not considering the consistency of reports.

      Homelessness of Bigfoot? When homeless people start throwing boulders at 60 feet, then you'll have a little avenue to pursue your perverse level of reassurance. This is known primate behaviour, to throw rocks, even Capuchin monkeys throw little stones. Homeless people don't account for humanoid figures in the region of ten nine feet tall, build like a footballer... Aren't they meant to be malnourished? Learn a little about the wilderness of other countries and not rely on that Attenborough Box Set you had for Christmas. Just because you've seen televised corners of the planet, doesn't mean people, in your case hobos are camping out wherever you may look. That's just as big a claim.

    4. No proof of ten foot tall squatches

      After seeing what Mick Dodge has done for go axing BF in the PNW, Hoh River Valley, and them actually secretly filming the find by local squatchers....

      Compiled that he's been doing it for decades, and all his other Forrest dwelling buddies doing the same thing..

      Just another bad day for Bigfoot.

    5. "No proof" does not amount to "no evidence".

      Yeah... One hoaxer hoaxing all the sightings of recent times in the entire PNW, accounting for the indigenous cultures that have sprung up around there over time... Kind of a leap of faith like the fairy tail "one bigfoot" running around causing all the sightings, right?

      People like you NEED these things explained away so badly, you'll do full circle on loony logic and shoot yourselves in the foot just to get it down in writing.

    6. Icktomi, I want Bigfoot to exist. This reassurance schtick is just another fantasy situation conjured up in your mind.

      I will not desperately grasp at straws for a biological species. I am an educated chap after all.

    7. One doesn't have to grasp at straws to look at the evidence in an impartial manner. If you simply weren't aware of it, then let the ego go... We all learn from eachother at times.

    8. Your proposed evidence has been examined and it falls short of convincing the world that Bigfoot exists beyond myth and mind.

      I'm open but I will not bend the rules just because I want something to be true.

      Have you ever saw a Bigfoot, Icktomi?

    9. My actual evidence has been examined and it in fact points to a bipedal primate twice the size of a normal human leaving it.... Sorry, I hold my hands up with convincing anyone that it's from a "Bigfoot".

      You are not open, you are both agenda-ridden and too stupid to see how you contradict yourself with your literary acrobatics that scoot around loose logic.

      I think you meant "seen" and I have, yes;

  7. rock throwing are hoaxers. by the way tooth fairy value for teeth has gone up 25%

    1. Awh... Do you get a little dollar for every little toothy-peg you lose? Bless! The tooth fairy don't leave tracks Einstein...

  8. What do these bigfooters do for a living?

  9. Keep up the good work Kelly Shaw !

  10. How's that little Stacey Brown girl? Has she found bigfoot yet? She's adorable.

    1. You should see her jump rope with that beard.

  11. I generally don't make fun of ones looks, nor ever judge a book by it's cover, but the anon who proclaimed another Lard_ ss has nailed it. What a joke, he can't even believe he's getting paid for this stuff. If this fella can even walk in the woods without having a stroke I'd be shocked. Come on people a popeye Mr Mcgoo cross is now the man to follow into the sasquatch wilderness. I hope he sucks spinach through that pipe, with the extra lard and all that camo garb, those cholesterol filled arteries and fat lined lungs can't stand even one mouthful of smoke. God be with our new bf hunter=POOPEYE the BF man, he's got numbness in both his hands, his eyes are all yellow cause his liver is jello, He's POOPEYE the BF man toot toot!

    1. ^HA HA good stuff! TF and POOPEYE should team up.

    2. Yep, good team anon, what up clive.

    3. What a mean bunch of people. Steenburg has paid his dues, even hanging out with old Rene Dahinden and authoring at least four books. He may not be a young man anymore, but why make fun of his appearance (or anyone's appearance)? Disappointing.

    4. 10:33... You must understand that it's not "people" it's one guy with a personality disorder;

      ... Either that, or these people have no self esteem, are dominated by their peers and must try and claw back a sense of SOMETHING by being hateful behind the safety of anonymity. Either way, these it takes a particular type of person to do what they do, and the saying "actions speak louder" really does apply.

    5. Kinda like Joe Licktomie pretending that he hasn't just made crap up and hides behind anonymity as well?

      It's amazing that every time you try to belittle others, you end up belittling yourself completely in the process.

      Hey Icktomi, come on over and visit Durango on theBFF. You're not ehscared, are you?

    6. Though I've heard a considerable amount about this "Joe" chap, I would certainly like to read of where he's been shown to have made anything up.

      Do those over at the "holier than thou" arena, know that you have an unhealthy obsession? One of many in fact... I don't know which one's worse; the Joe one or the reassurance against the boogeyman one?

      Being on the BFF counts for nothing if you get your backside handed to you around here. Just ask Dmaker.

  12. Hmmpphh- he may smoke a pipe but he's no Sherlock! Rocks indeed! The only rocks involved here are those inside his head!

    1. Learn a little about primate behaviour, not to mention the fictional characters you're "portraying".

    2. Who the fuck are you Dr Watson? Are you a Sasquatch researcher? Are you an author of any books? I suggest you keep your fucking piehole shut and learn to appreciate what this man has to say!

  13. Thomas S looks like Winston Churchill. "This was Squatch's finest hour."


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