Did Mitch Waite Find a Bigfoot Cave?

Out of all the researchers in the field, we believe Arizona Bigfoot research Mitch Waite may be the closest to discovering where Bigfoots live. Over the years, he has found several signs that he's closing in and it includes things like a Bigfoot grave or bed, an intruder stealing soda from a cooler, and now this -- a possible Bigfoot cave. Whatever was living hear made a nice him for itself. Check it out:

The famous Bigfoot grave or bed:

Mitch Waite had a "visitor" one night:


  1. Replies
    1. Be quiet or I will fly over you.

  2. I thought I was done with this but I can't help it. o and bigfoot was seen chummin' around with Harvey .the rabbit recently

  3. An old, abandoned station-wagon was found not a half mile from this spot. Mitch's next video will be determining based on the position of the front seat if the vehicle has enough legroom for an average-sized bigfoot. Previous research pointed towards their fondness for minivans so this is all groundbreaking field work.

    1. wow that is groundbreaking.. not only do bigfoots throw rocks and knock on trees they may be driving minivans.

    2. Watch for poop cluster bombs or be quiet.

    3. please tell me you don't really believe this crazy shite!! abandoned cars now? I guess one can find an imaginary home for an imaginary beast anywhere one can imagine. Mental midgets are leading the bf craze.

    4. Fact: In the state of Washington, bigfoots are not required to obtain a driver's license but they still are expected to obey all other traffic laws, including hands-free cellphone communication.

    5. Hey skeptards, prove that bigfoots don't drive minivans. BOOM.

  4. Don't footers get tired of looking stupid? They must enjoy looking like idiots. After time, you would think they would see the writing on the wall. FFS

    1. ^
      Are you the mentally ill JREF footer who was pretending to be fighting off insurgents in another country while posting about Bigfoot or are you one of the numbskulls that believed him ?

    2. If you're referring to a footer named "AlaskaBushPilot", I see that asshole had recently added "former professional fighter" to his list of pretend exploits and the ISF footers just keep eating it up...lol

    3. It seems to be a recurring theme for people who label themselves "skeptics". The clown who pretended to find the P/G suit also pretended to become an International diplomat then gave that up to post about Bigfoot 24 hours a day again. Not to mention his pretend music career.

    4. How bout the bigfoot site where a washed up costume designer pretends to be a scientist?

    5. OMG, where is JOE and the Hunting guy? This crap is mind numbing. Total thread IQ=36 and that's giving the first answer and adding 5 for spelling name correctly.


    7. Anon 12:24 I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss them too. Hunter man was cool,but I even miss the crazy Joe show. It beats hell out of this dead zone.

    8. Oh Joey Bro, Oh Joey Bro, where for art thou? Joey come home the cupboard is bare, there is no stimuli and your not there!

  5. The home of another American blitzed by the odumbo economy

    1. The lowest unemployment rate in more than a decade and the highest stock market index in US history. Yes, this is the Obama economy he rescued from Dubya and Darth Cheney's destructive reign. Thanks for reminding us all.

    2. Absolutely right, it took Bush Cheney 8 years to destroy and steal the historically best economy in his the world CLINTON"S). Now it's taken Obama his entire presidency to undue most of their damage. I'm an Independent and that is facts no matter what you choose to believe. There are no BF.

    3. What I do isn't the question, it's what they did idiot, what's the matter, can't read? Change your name to Bush and run for president. Don't worry, if you don't win, the family will buy it for you.

    4. These right-wing brainwashed morons only need to look at their 401K statements the first few quarters after Bush & Cheney left office and compare them to their statement the last quarter, then explain exactly how Obama has wrecked the economy.

    5. I'm 60, we have had two presidents in my lifetime that had a healthy achieved economy boost that mattered to the general public. Reagan and Clinton. One left the country with a healthy work force low taxes and our first big deficit. one left with a complete turn around from deficit to a large rolling surplus with solvent SS for 25years in the future, also a healthier work force including 38% drop in welfare dependency. Both took failing economies following recessions and did a good job turning things around. One Republican, the other Democrat. Truth is Truth facts don't care about political parties. Tell the truth about everything.

    6. If your going to stand up for Obama's economic policies get your information straight 12:20 and tell more then half the story. Unemployment is not at an all time low real unemployment is still in double didgets just because the the administration refuses to count those that have quit looking doesn't mean they aren't there. And the stock market is being artificially inflated because of quantum easing ( the government dumping trillions in printed money to buy back bonds) as soon as thats stoped look for double didgets interest rates and sky rocketing inflation brought to you by the ineptitude of your leader Obama. I could go into why the housing crisis happened because a bunch of libtard Congressman and Senators thought it was unfair that people that had no means to afford a house should get one but I think it would be wasted on you.

  6. Sorry idiots, People yes People have been boxing in caves for years, I have personally made camping spots like this in VA. I wonder if the BFRO will proclaim them home of the Sasquatch now? When deer season rolls around he'll have to share with me, I did all the work! fools.

    1. Be quiet or poop bombs are on their way.

    2. Did you cook the bf living in this cave, Mr west VA? what did you do with the carcass? we are on to you, deer hunter. Where's the body? spit it out now! bf steak causes hallucinations. Is your name Smejgema? We have drones now, watch out!

  7. #TEACHSHAWNTOSPELL. Lets make a difference folks!

  8. Out of all the "Researchers in the field, everybody knows Mitch waite is the biggest BS'R in the field, second only to Matt MoneyMaker.

    The "Cooler" video was one of his kids get his Meth out of that cooler. Anyone with even bad eye sight, can easily see it was a kid!

    This guy posts this crap (Like most Researchers) to stay relevant. Anyway, according to Matt "I know everything about Bigfoots, and been Tracking them for over 30 years now, and have NOTHING to show for it" MoneyMaker Bigfoots, are afraid of Bats!.

    1. If you watch MoneyFaker and crew for anything other than comic relief, your a real WILD BILL with extensive brain ills. I would be ashamed to profess to the world my inability to get one viable shred of scientific accepted evidence of anything after 30 days. Much less thirty years. Now their using Drones and Balloons. How about napalm or just nuecem next I guess. What idiot would buy into such madness? Believers!

    2. why that would be icky-joe

  9. Interesting videos but, next time, could you film using a simple process named "from general to specific" where you start from a large view showing the landscape first then after, a zooming on the interesting spot. The videos will be, in my sense, more interesting. Sorry but nothing is more annoying than trying understand something with just small shots here and there. I noticed an over-zooming from much squatchers and this don't help to understand the phenomena.

    1. yes but shaking the camera, over zooming, and constantly spanning from side to side makes it impossible to make out the various frauds in the image as well. In other words, guess what you are seeing, oh wait! I'll tell you what it is, it's a sasquatch! can't you see it? look look again, there it is! Yea yea, I see it, there it is right where you say it is. Sound familiar? This is how it all starts and where it all ends. Nothing but blurry shots of nothing while the hoaxer whispers bigfoot over and over in your ears. What a con.

    2. Yes, a wide shot will give everyone a quicker understanding how ridiculous this all is.

  10. Coincidentally this is the same cave that Bill O'Reilly camped out in while being a fearless war correspondent in the Falkland Islands War in '82. Of course, it was located much further south back then due to continental drift.

  11. I'm Hunting Guy, I think Joe sucks, I have dogs that eat squatch cakes for breakfast and your all full of shite. Now what you got to say?

  12. True: An ordinance has passed in the town of Burien, WA prohibiting people from having offensive body odor. Looks like we'll get our first real proof of ole Skooky in small court of all places.


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