Was The Skunk Ape at Lettuce Lake Park Hold a Fish or a Stick?

At first we thought the recent skunkape footage from Florida was holding its tail. Several people have suggested two other possible objects the subject was probably holding, including BFRO Colorado researcher Scott M. who tells us it's probably a very large snake:

FYI – the figure in this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcgHKMbYYNw, is actually scooping in the water not to drink, but to reach in and grab what appears to be a very large snake, which it then walks away with.

We asked a professional skunkape hunter in Florida about the object in the subject's hand, and Stacy Brown Jr. believes it neither a tail or a snake. "I believe that's a fish in its hand," says Brown.

Check out the footage if you haven't seen it:


  1. Replies
    1. Here's another one to add to my list of "plenty found".

      : )

    2. Wait so the big-shots at bigfoot evidence actually thought the skunk ape(a.k.a. Tim FATsano's girlfriend) was holding it's TAIL? And you didn't come to the conclusion that it was holding a snake till the jag-offs at b.f.r.o. told you? Wow i'm wondering why I stop at this blog-site in the first place.

    3. I really have no clue what you're on about, sorry.

    4. It has a stick in its hand. You can see it before it stands up, and its carrying a stick in its right hand when it wades off in the water. It is stiff, neither a snake or a fish. It evidently is using the stick as a tool to forage in the water.

    5. It has a stick in its hand. You can see it before it stands up, and its carrying a stick in its right hand when it wades off in the water. It is stiff, neither a snake or a fish. It evidently is using the stick as a tool to forage in the water.

    6. I'm starting to like his footage more and more. Dover... If the subject does have a stick, this is a serious evidential source for tool use.

    7. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that the one thing he hates about getting up each day, is that he knows he will have to clean Dovers stinky man diapers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8. It's odd the way my comments double posted. Yes, Joe, there are other examples of limited tool use. Although Chimpanzees have used twigs to get termites out of nest to eat.

    9. It's odd the way my comments double posted. Yes, Joe, there are other examples of limited tool use. Although Chimpanzees have used twigs to get termites out of nest to eat.

    10. It's odd the way my comments double posted. Yes, Joe, there are other examples of limited tool use. Although Chimpanzees have used twigs to get termites out of nest to eat.

  2. Replies
    1. Looks like it's fishing with its right hand and then whacks hard into the water and pulls out a snake, pretty amazing actually!

  3. I believe it is a fish and a large fish, probably catfish, caught by using a technique known as flogging as was told to a group of us. Now it may be a snake but snakes will curl up and this one is thrashing its tail and it even hits the water.

    1. Chuck, if you slow the footage down, you can clearly see the creature grabe snake ny the tail with its left hand, turn sideways, and sack the head off a rock or log to kill it. A fish would be too small and slippery for this...you can see the wind up swing, and smash off log!

    2. Here is my take DS and I respect yours. Others have said the same as you. This is a fishing method. First you curl at the water which it does with its hands. This brings a catfish to the top without spooking it to blast away for safety. When the fish gets to the surface it makes a quick and powerful snap at it with its hand kind of like snapping a towel which is evident. This snap is directed to the head. This creature does whack or snap at the water. This will stun the fish but not necessarily kill it. As the fish lies next to it it picks it up at which point the fish goes into convulsions and kicks its tail around which is evident. The tail even hits the water. A snake on the other hand will not thrash its tail about but instead will curl itself up around the arm of the creature. It sure looks like the creature is holding it like you might think it would a fish, and as it walks out you can see still see the tail. I think fish are these creatures favorite source of protein. Many a sighting has been from a witness in the wood line witnessing a Sasquatch with its hands in the water and slapping at the water. Now when you go back and watch with this scenario in mind, you might be able to see what my wife and myself and several others that this was brought out have also.

      Incidentally last week on dual survival Matt Graham taught Joe Teti a fishing technique very similar to this. They curled at some brown trout in Southern Utah and got the trout to stay still but the trout did not surface, instead they grabbed them out with both hands.
      I would suspect that Sasquatches are masters of this.

    3. Cary Grant did it in Father Goose decades ago.

    4. Could be a large salamander? Can you see it wack it off the rock/log to kill it?

    5. I think the answer you guys are looking for is a young gar. A very ugly , long skinny fish when young.

    6. Hey Troll Killer. Maybe it was a gar. The person that clued me in named Ryan had seen some fisherman treat gars in the same way at Lake Okechobee just a couple of weeks earlier. It would make since to bang there head quickly due to there teeth.

    7. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he knows how many accounts Joe posts under, and it would boggle the mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. At first I thought it was a dingleberry hanging from its tater hole. Now I'm convinced it's a swamp eel hanging from its tater hole.

  5. Read the title of the article. Hold? Really? It should be Holding.

  6. First establish it's a "skunk ape".

    Please, this has the most potential to be something real seen in years. Don't screw it up with a lot of wild conjecture about aliens and mafia. Don't bring in vans towing trailers filled with raccoon guts on ice. Don't spend years doing drugs and making shady films in Paris TX. Don't assemble a team of blowhards to stomp through the swamp. Don't try to establish the presence of twenty of these due to cloaking. Don't make claims of horse braiding and child abductions. Don't bring in slappy film makers and establish idiotic facebook pages of shame.
    These are among the many things we know not to do.

  7. Re-posted on current article:
    Guys, I zoomed in 5000x and I can see his dong!!! Look closely, that isn't a fish my friends. The "john holmes" of skunk apes. This is proof positive, who could possibly think to put a rubber dong on a costume. And if they did, wouldn't they make it more realistic like the 2-3" package an average male has. Trust me, I have seen a lot of dongs in my day. Rather not talk about that though.

  8. Replies
    1. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that you have to decide whether you are a man or woman, there is no in between!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. It looks as a creature grabbing some small animal or fish that is native to that swamp. It really doesn't matter what it is as much as that it appears to give some authenticity to the video.

  10. It must be kind of annoying to have to trudge through a swamp wearing a black snowmobile suit while carrying a toy rubber snake.

  11. Just saw something everyone missed--
    After it swipes at the water it take a stomp into the water with it's right foot--
    It steps on whatever it is fishing for by stomping and holding it down with the foot--
    How could everyone miss this--I'm a god--and nobody take credit for it--G

  12. So is this actually real?? It moves so fast hard to tell honestly. Very interesting though!

  13. Bigfoot is real.
    Sasquatch is real.
    The Skunk Ape is real.
    Yeti is real.
    Yowie is real.
    Skeptics are a myth, they don't exist. And for anyone who thinks they're a skeptic, you'll have to prove to me with EVIDENCE that you are a skeptic, otherwise I call bullshit.

    1. BatSquatch reel
      SheepSquatch reel
      Yahoo reel
      Grassman reel
      thays shure is reel

    2. Fuck yourself with a baseball bat.

  14. it maybe true or it maybe not, just respect others opinion about this


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