Thomas Steenburg Talks About The Late Rene Dahinden

These interviews with Thomas Steenburg are great. In this one he speaks on the late Rene Dahinden, and his friendships with the legends of the bigfoot research community.


  1. Replies
    1. ans old Marine WILD BILL gots that thar BIG KNIFE sayin come gits U some

    2. Wild Bill famous quote iam as nervous as a prostitute in church .....

    3. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he likes to give figgy pudding to all the neighborhood kids on Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. maybe HE knew to much about BIGFOOTs !!!

  2. Skunkape! (no one cares probably : )

    1. word on the street is the lettuce lk footage was hoaxed by some usf film students...the park is in tampa city limits and joined on one side by the university of south florida..time to search for the link

    2. I would like to see that link as well. For what it is worth, I do know (for what it is worth) that there are many opportunities for filming studies in that area. If the film is a hoax then I certainly would have to applaud them as this was one of the better ones I have seen. I would add that if it was staged by students then we should hear about it pretty soon as college kids usually can't keep quiet about anything.

    3. i was 12:33 i can't find a link for this anywhere...i heard that it was a facebook post that claimed they did if true as curious stated it should be all over soon..if true

    4. Hmmmm, if there's no evidence of anyone saying it, then it's nonsense.

      I'll wait for that link.

    5. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he still sleeps with a security blanket that has several old stains on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. No need to wait for the link.

      Several red flags surround this footage which should put even the most avid footer on alert.

      There is much to like about the footage itself but will it survive the intense scrutiny over at the BFF?


  3. JEFF from AIMS without his beard

  4. Mike Huckabee in 2016 for your SAFETY : )

  5. Thomas Steenburg seems like a nice guy. Pretty sharp as well!

  6. My gosh,even these better meaning Bigfoot researchers such as him(Steenburg),Green and the late Rene Dahinden plus a "few" others and yet has never seen one or not one good photo or video of this species existence............

    1. It's kucky they've put together one of the most comprehensive collections of physical evidence of an unknown pimate then, isn't it?

    2. "kucky"? Is that a new word for odd?

    3. yes and no Joe,but I do think good quality photos and a few videos of the species would make a world of difference, would you agree............

    4. Yes and no.

      Yes, in that footage endorsed by an anthropologist, a wildlife biologists, a primatologist and a pioneering plastic surgeon is one of the most important sources of evidence enthusiasts have (PGF).

      No, in that even though people cannot point to reasons to not consider said sources as legitimate, they're always rhetorically branded as "men in suits", odd that they should require more footage.

  7. Rene would shite all over the state of Bigfoot today. In fact, he would probably come to the conclusion that bigfoot doesn't exist after all. There is nothing but crap.


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