This Manitoba Bigfoot Footage Has One Great Story Behind it

In April 16, 2005 a ferry operator named Bobby Clark filmed what he believes to be a sasquatch. This interview is really impressive and captures every detail of the sighting. Could this be the elusive white Bigfoot, or something else? Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. Maybe you guys @ BFE could show us the moon landing also! What is older big foot evidence or this video clip? Or is this something else?

  2. The interesting story is that the guy intentionally filmed this thing out of focus because he knew that thousands of gullible footers would buy it and that maybe he could make a buck or two with the footage.

    1. He made some money, but said the whole experience was the worst thing that ever happened to him. Ridicule from many, and hounded by others who thought got rich. Wishes the whole thing never happened.

    2. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he used to have a phillipino boy that washed his cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Wishes the whole thing never happened? Then he should have thought of that before he tried to pull the wool over peoples' eyes with this out of focus hoax.

    4. Some people claimed he made $100 million PMSL, so hounded him beucase of that.

  3. Your such losers who post negative comments on this site. So for hundred of years and thousands of sightings this is all just a phrase? Fine I will give you 60% hoaxes and 20% mis-id's but what about the rest? Why are people not reporting velociraptors running around world? why is it exact same description for over 1000 years?? So here is a thought... Get your jelly belly out of Mom's basement and put your theory to the test. There is more wilderness area in Canada than there is land mass in continental Europe so why could not an unknown ape exist?

    1. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that Joe shouldnt post anonymous replies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Legitimate questions and statements.

      To bad so much of the land available to search is posted for numerous reasons. The Bears have the days and the Bigfoot has the night.

    3. What does "just a phrase" mean?

    4. I believe that bigfoot exists. I also believe that some of the negative comments here give a dose of reality to some people who see bigfoot in everything. We all know that there is a lot of hoaxing BS going on with bigfoot. Unfortunately, the hoaxing fools some people, and it diminishes real research into the bigfoot mystery.

  4. My apologies "just a farse" was intended statement


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