This Is What Patty Would Look Like Up-Close

Credit: Ohio Bigfoot Conference

Have you ever wondered what the Patterson-Gimlin might look like up-close and personal? The Ohio Bigfoot Conference just posted an awesome rendition of Patty's face and it's pretty deep:

A gorgeous Bigfoot bust of what's supposed to be a artistic rendition of Patty just in a darker coloration by DougFX. Looks incredible

Up-close and personal

A still from the famous Patterson/Gimlin film showing
an alleged Bigfoot that they encountered at Bluff Creek.


  1. now thats a BIGFOOT or iam a FOOL

    1. Your a fool! Always has been, always will be!

    2. Sorry, you've got to be a dim bulb if you think that the "rendition" above looks like the subject in the Patterson Gimlin film.

    3. thinkin U right its looks more like a BatSquatch

  2. that looks more like a Jewpacabra

  3. Nope. The skin isn't grey enough - way too dark.

    The cheekbones aren't low enough and should appear to protrude as much as the nose does to fall in line with Patty's profile. The angle of the mouth is wrong.

    1. Maybe you should submit your version?

    2. The reason nobody has found one should be kind of obvious.

    3. As long as money can be made from bigfoot, the reason won't be so "obvious" to some.



    5. Good link Eva,but now that pg film has me more in doubt of it's authenticity. With out the hair the subject(Patty) looks "exactly" and I mean "exactly" like a male,with out question or doubt. Brings to mind that they the skeptics have always said it was/is a male subject in a costume of some sort. Do ya agree..........

    6. That would be because it's a type of human. How anyone can look at that face (the original, not the one up top) and think it's normal, or a mask, is simply and totally beyond me.

    7. Why would the subject(Patty) with out the hair look exactly like a male,(referring to Eva link of the forensic sketches of her(Patty) face of which I think look pretty darn accurate. It should have at least "some" female facials features to it after all they say it is a human hybrid of some sort of which I do believe at this point. That is what brings me to some doubt of this films, (the Patterson/Gimlin) authenticity. Would you think that this forensic sketches looks exactly like a male subject,with out doubt..........

    8. It's a hominid... If you take the hair off some normal woman they might look male, think a wild caveman female (if that makes sense?) Maybe she looks hot to a male Sasquatch, what would be better suited, lip stick and fake eyelashes?

    9. I totally understand what you saying, but a species as a Sasquatch would most likely have "some" natural female facials features that would be distinguishable to it. Even our species with out facial and head hair one could pick out the female subject from a male.I guess we can go on and on about this,but it just stands out to much of the subject(Patty,with out the hair) looking "exactly" like a male subject to the T. so to speak..........

    10. Ha, Ha,Ha,I do hope and I think we will we will know the true authenticity of this film one day as technology advance,I'm almost sure of it...........

    11. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that his milkshake brings all the boys to the yard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Kinda looks like the above illustration


    1. I have always felt this image was real. Shawn, if you know people who technically have the ability to test this image for fakery it would be greatly appreciated if you would

      Thank you


    2. You think that is real?

      The link you posted,you believe to be real?

      This is a joke right?

    3. No. Your the joke junior


    4. So may I take that as a yes?

      Just why do you think a man in a shag carpet in some trees is really an unknown apeman? How did you come to this conclusion?

    5. ^^ junior, I bleev that there are rules about not texting on short school buses. Don't let the driver catch you. They will notify your mommy, again


    6. I am asking an honest question.

      Why wont you answer it?

    7. because any grown man that uses " bleev " in any form is a complete fool...or retarded

    8. I do "bleev" MMC b-slapped you... Now ride along junior.

    9. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he once had to stay that night with MMC to avoid a major snowstorm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    10. I bleev the pic is as good of a pic as I have seen. Cannot see any "seams" that are indicative of photoshop. Also no inconsistent shading. Plus it looks like there is "life" in his eyes. It is possible with the proper software to pick apart an image but I do not have access to such. Shawn no doubt has contacts that may be to do what needs to be done to say real or fake

      The reason I could not answer back right away junior is because I had to go back to work. Patients is a virtue that you will have as you mature....junior.

      Oh and hello Joe. Hope all is well


    11. MMC, although i think you're really smart, you "did" misspell a word ^^ up there! :/

      Sorry, bro, just keepin' it real!!!

  5. Just wish everyone, would just quit dicking around, an just find one if there out there! If it's there great if not it's not! tired of all these assumptions!

    1. Mountain Monsters AIMS team been in the bush huntin down one of them critters for years now !!

    2. And, finding nothing as usual. Especially with that PHONY Marine WILD BILL, along.

    3. U mean old USMC Sergeant WILD BILL rembrandt

  6. She's one hot mama. I like the story of when William Shatner said he met Coco the gorilla, she grabbed his balls HA!

    1. Oops sorry I was just saying that Patty is one hot tamale and how Coco the Gorilla grabbed William Shatner's by the berries when he met her

  7. historic storm could dump two to three feet of snow from northern New Jersey to southern Maine.
    Global Climate Disruption is upon US

    1. 'Tidal wave of snow' to slam Northeast
      wheres AL GORE .....

  8. LOL. Yeah right. Nice wishful thinking.

  9. Nice ! I' ready for a date.

  10. Took Patty's pic, and made it look more ape?? Why??

    1. Because you could see the guy in the suit if you actually saw it close up in 1967.

    2. If you say that, Joe will come down on you with his standard got monkey suit jackass reasoning.

      Anybody with half a brain can clearly see that the gorilla looking bigfoot artwork at the top of this article doesn't look like the subject in the Patterson film.

    3. I agree. A lot wrong with this compared to the real face.

    4. See, told you Joe would show up with his got monkey suit jackass reasoning.

    5. Science needs testing... Audacious really that someone lacking the intelligence to understand that should complain about Layman's terms.

    6. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he prefers women who dont shave there legs. It makes him feel comfortable and secure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    7. Unless you can prove that the Patterson creature is a hoax, then the Patterson creature is a real bigfoot.

      Joe "jackass reasoning" F.

    8. You're close, very close... One day you MIGHT grasp the most basic of scientific principles.

      Got monkey suit?

  11. If that's the face of a Bigfoot, then all these "researchers" have been looking in the wrong areas. Try any street corner in any city, or in any jail, or prison.

    My papi use to say; "If you see a Negro in my watermelon patch, yousa shoot him down real good!

    One of the best methods for finding Big foots, is to dress up as a imperial Wizard of the Klu Kluix Klan!

    1. I come to this site for the casual racism myself.

      In fact on any bigfoot site casual racism seems to be normal.

      Funny that.

    2. Your father sounds like an inbred hick, I see where you get it from.

    3. Really Shawn there is simply no place for this garbage here.

    4. I agree. The racist crap should be scrubbed from here ASAP. Let's just stick to the cryptid bigfoot subject, okay.

    5. Jewpacabras been heer fer yeers

    6. Seriously... GTFO here with that racist crap, Troll!!!!

    7. Refreshing to see how many ppl are Anti-Racist!

      Makes one proud to be an American!

    8. whut you be asayin abouts tham hicks frum aroun heers

    9. Anon 10:52 you didn't know this, but your comment speak volumes about you. Your comment says that you have never seen the opposite sex naked before, that you have daddy issues and that you hate yourself for some reason (I'm going with your physical appearance). Anxious to hear how I did.

    10. so does yours ..your a 40 something single man living in your grandmothers basement eating hot pockets and dr pepper..ride a 76 schwinn 10 speed..and likes to act tuff on the web.....vegasthefraud. thats who you are

    11. 8:55... I think you just got summed up beautifully. It takes a particular type of person to do what you do... Someone with very obvious self esteem issues, probably dominated by his peers and hates walking to the local shop with his head down.

      Actions speak way louder than words, and karma's a bit*h.

    12. Anon 8:55 that was pretty descriptive, if not too descriptive. Makes me believe that you are speaking from experience. Also, I'm going to say I was pretty accurate in describing your situation. Lastly, petty name calling miles be a bright neon sign above your head flashing "easily intimidated".

  12. now that is great !
    And just in time for valentines day :)

  13. Silly rubes, that's exactly what the face of Phil Morris' gorilla costume looks like.



    2. sigh? whats wrong out of liquor?

    3. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he was the guy in the banana suit in the Blink 182 music video "All the small things"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Patty's face was lighter than that and I think since she is a female, her hair is down on her forehead and I don't think a male would look like that. The females have been described with bangs down on he forehead and I think Pattty shows that. A high forehead is mentioned over and over again. I think we need to look at Deak's rendition of Homo heidelbergensis to get a more accurate idea of how they look. If they exist today then we should see something in the fossil record and Heidelbergensis and Meganthropus are the most likely candidates or a close relative on the evolutionary tree.

  15. "Patty" is a guy in a costume. Do you dumbasses really believe otherwise?

    1. And you're a skeptic on a Bigfoot website, do you expect us to believe that dumbass?

    2. Dumbass doesn't really capture it. I am what you call a skeptard.

      Why not believe it? You're the dumbass who believes that thousands of 8-10 feet tall 800 lb bipedal primates are walking around North America entirely unknown to science.

    3. No... Calling you anything that implies a sceptical mindset is giving you way to much intelligence... Cringey.

      I like to use the word hominid myself, as it has connotations to the many thousands of years we lived side by side with them, all acknowledged by science, that has a branch of anthropology to study it, just like science, and we need not invest mere belief because we have evidence to be convinced by... Which is scientific. I wouldn't say unknown to science, science doesn't think for itself, it;s a tool and it's been used to verify the evidence for an unknown primate in the US.

      Glad I could help.

  16. That artwork seems a stretch for a grainy video shot in 1967. Every zoomed in image I've seen of the Patterson-Gimlin film looks pretty rough / pixelated / blurry.

    1. A stretch is putting it mildly. Of course, the bigfoot world is full of "renditions" based on imagination.

    2. Imagination... In your case social, in finding something better to do with one's time.

      Oh that's right! You have self esteem to build, poor soul.

  17. Nope. Upper lip is about 3 finger lengths from under the nose.
    Cheekbones too high
    this looks like a gorilla, not a bigfoot


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