The Skunk Ape Has a Tail? WTF?!

If this is a real skunkape, it may be the best footage of a bipedal hominid in existence -- besides Patty of course. Here's the most interesting detail we've extracted from the footage sent to us from Matt M. The subject appears to have a tail! I know. Mind-blowing, right? If it's not a tail, some suggest it could be hold a snake. Whatever it is, we're pretty sure a lot of people are going to pick out more details as the breakdowns start rolling in. Here's the Lettuce Lake Park Florida skunkape footage if you haven't seen it:


  1. Replies
    1. Hello Joe,that footage looks really good xx

    2. Hi guys

      My first impression is its a stick its carrying. Maybe used to flag down a taxi


    3. thats a SkunkApe or ima a FOOL

    4. somtime you seein a mexicun ans yoube thinkin itbe that thar skunk critter

    5. At about 1:42, during the zoomed in portion, when the creature crouches down, for a brief moment it looks to me like someone wearing a snowmobile suit or mechanic's jumper or something along those lines.

      I am open minded, but to me this brief section makes it look highly suspicious. Also, that whole "Matt M" stuff seems questionable. Plenty of people have revealed their name when they take bigfoot footage or have a bigfoot encounter (for instance, Jacobs of the Jacobs pictures). I'm leaning toward (well done) hoax.

      I still think that the Mayakk footage of a skunk ape sitting under a tree and then standing up suddenly without using its arms after it realizes that there are humans nearby is more convincing than this. Even though, that one has some questionable aspects as well.

    6. Agreed.

      Skepticism is good


    7. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he worked several summers as a greeting character at Disney World. He loved taking pictures with small kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8. Hey Joe, any "newer/recent:" Bigfoot documentries worth watching that are any good that ya know of, thank you..........

  2. Replies
    1. Another day, another skeptic visiting a Bigfoot site reading/watching all he can. Imagine how productive you would be if you took this time and put it towards something you cared about. You could probably get a job and make something of yourself, your parents probably wouldn't have to pay your bills.

    2. Ya Vegas but then that person would be responsible for himself and for far too many it is just easier for someone else to be the nanny, be it parents or the state.

      As far as this vid goes Phil Poling already put out his breakdown, surprising it has not made it here yet, sure it will soon. He said it is compelling and that is about as good as I could also say, compelling. Been some other enhancements and stabilization showing up on the Sasquatch Chronicles and it has drawn keen interest there. In this enhancement it clearly does not have a tail but it seemed to grab something up in its left hand and is flipping it a bit as it walks off. Reminds me of a beaver tail, but it could be a lot of things.

    3. well it's compelling i'll give you that however there are a few red flags at least in my eyes anyway i agree with 12:02 it does look like a suit for a split second and i thought i even seen a glimse of skin on the back of the neck,also when it walks away and shakes the tree he turns the camera to the left quickly why? signal perhaps? so it can get out of camera shot? seemed to be moving rather gingerly also...wouldn't a creature that lives and hunts,gathers there know the water is ankle deep...and why would it go out to deeper water and dive to swim away? and with a snake? now the skunk ape is aqua man....just seems to good to be true....and no im not a skeptic but i am a realist

    4. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he was once asked to pose for playgirl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Replies
    1. dos bein mexicuns ans thakin tham jobs frum amurkins

  4. Reminder....Lettuce Lake Park is literally a city park. It is in no way a wild area.,-82.380182,12z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x60a653c5323521a1

  5. Wouldn't a tail make it a Swamp Monkey?

  6. Phil's stabilized version is on YouTube

    1. That's nothing. You should go see his Lifetime Achievement plaque at Golden Corral.

    2. 8O

      My gawd that ones gotta hurt

  7. trully mind blowing
    bigfoot isnt actualy an ape but a monkey
    Not only that he lives in city centre parks


    Adults actually think this is a creature

  8. trully mind blowing
    bigfoot isnt actualy an ape but a monkey
    Not only that he lives in city centre parks


    Adults actually think this is a creature

    1. Funny enough to say twice.

    2. I never repeat myself,I never repeat myself,I never repeat myself,

    3. Robert "the Duchess" Lindsay says that he strictly prefers using the bathroom at rest stops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. ,, Are you sure it is not just the end of a swinging vine ??

  10. The thing is not bending down to drink. It is scooping at the water, then IT PULLS A LARGE SNAKE OUT OF THE WATER and walks away with it.

    1. @ 11 35. First time I saw it last night I thought it was also drinking with right hand by scooping. Others thought so also. Now I am not sure it is getting a snake, it may well be. It could be some other water creature that has a tail. Large snake would be interesting. What large water snakes are in Florida, boa, python ?

    2. 11 35. More I look at it more it does seem to be a snake at the end of it flips the water.

    3. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he has many friends in the LGBT community!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. i'm certain that it is a snake which would lend to the credibility of the video. You can see the snake flailing as it walks away with it. If it is a person in a costume it was well done

  11. If this is not a hoax, then this thing has to still be in the vicinity. Someone in the area should get some tracking dogs, hunt it down, and blast it with a shotgun.

  12. wear am BoBo and team? Get stunk ape..go now!!

  13. It's not a tail-
    Snake--no--it is too rigid- A live snake would curl up
    A dead snake would flop down-
    A stick possible-May have been using it to dig in the water.
    But if you look at what it did and the shape.
    The only conclusion is what you are seeing is it's Dong-
    Long enough to be thrown behind and through its legs.
    Maybe had just taking a piss or had it's alone time interrupted- Which apes and monkeys do 90 percent of the time. Take a closer look at the shape.

  14. the head sideview zoomed in frame by frame looks like a man with a ninja hood. look

  15. That's a dingleberry stuck to its tater hole!!!!!!!

  16. the park is also a stones throw away from the university of south florida and a golf course and a tennis prank perhaps? also its close to tampa ....t-fats does his taxi-cab confessions from the parking lot no doubt

  17. Swamp monkey caught him a live gator, cause the gov'ment won't let him have a gun.

    1. Mountain Monsters gots tham guns ans hunt tham critters

  18. What's for dinner?Maybe...Python.


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