The Paranormal Review Breaks Down Turkey Hunter Footage

If this is a Bigfoot, what is it carrying? The turkey hunter claims the figures in this video are Bigfoots. The Paranormal Review takes a closer look.


  1. Replies
    1. ^ Yep, missing them both.

    2. that a gray cloaking device

    3. When a skeptic "breaks down" a video, notice how it's always ALL opinion, zero proof, zero examples.

      But then what do you expect from zero brains? Fear and ignorance. Nice work skeptards :)

    4. Use AK 47s for all your cryptid needs for your safety : )

    5. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that the secret to everlasting youth, is the children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Only one way to tell if it's a Squatch or a hunter. The lady should have opened up with both barrels. If it screams like a bitch, it's a Squatch. If it moans like a cow it was probably your neighbor!

  3. Replies
    1. it bein tham mexicuns agains thays jist kep comin shure do

  4. I do not know what happened to Jon however I have talked with Chick over at the Sasquatch Chronicles.

    It does not take paranormal review to figure out these are turkey hunters and she is taking a vid of her hunting friends, probably one is her husband and the other her son. Most of here figured this out weeks ago. Seems the only who has not is Thinker Thunker and that is a shame. Come back to your senses and get to work on the Lettuce Lake creature. There is a lot there to decipher.

    1. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he built a house for his 4 pet gerbels out of nothing but old toenail clippings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. jist kep ol Wild Bill hold him back caws hes gots that thar BIG KNIFE fer that thar critter

  5. One thing you didn't get to see was her Banjo!

  6. Thinker Thunker thinks everything is a Bigfoot. I find his reviews of videos to be one of the least credible out there. Its more of the same of presenting his personal opinions under the guise of facts A La Joe Fitzgerald. Its one thing to be enthusiastic of the subject and willing to entertain certain ideas. But when you are too open minded and jump whole heartedly into something that is obviously not a Sasquatch it does not a damn bit of good for the community as a whole.

    1. Thinker thinker doesn't believe any of those vids see real, gets him more subscribers than Phil though.

    2. Yes yes, remember when that low brow Joe thought the leaping russian yeti was conclusive proof of bigfoot? Remember when ass packer prime thought a buck snort was a bigfoot?

    3. Opinions are like ***holes; everyone's got one. However, none are more relevant than those of experts who verify things like physical evidence... Funny that the desktop "geniuses" who know not the first thing about what they're vomitting at the keyboard about are suddenly so qualified in opposing such. Anonimaty makes you do some crazy things I guess. Here's that Leaping Russian Yeti video;

      ... Go spread the word that's it's the best footage source since the PGF.

    4. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he once won a contest for who could take there clothes off the quickest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. ...Joe, why don't you bring it to a nearby university and discuss that video with an anthropology professor...Just go to their listed office hour: if they are teaching a course this semester they are likely to hold an office hour.....

    6. What could an anthropologist do with a piece of footage? I think you're muddling up your fields of expertise.

    7. ...Yeah, I guess your are right: I a video\special effects expert would be the place to start...

  7. How many times I've commented here writing that any and all Big foot Videos presented here are ALL Hoaxes! Do not watch them, they ALL are a joke!

    You don't see any of John W. Jones spoke showing any of his videos here now do you. He is to smart for that.

  8. its one of them homeless Afghan or Iraq vets living off the grid

  9. First, No more mountain Monsters shows.
    Wild Bill is Truly a PHONY Marine!

    My club creates hoaxed Big foot Videos (about30%) are from us. We also report FALSE Big foot reports to the BFRO (about 60%).
    Now we see you "Footers" are dumber than we thought. Now when we make a HOAXED Bigfoot Video, we don't need to put to much time or details into it. Alls we gots to do is film an ant crossing a sidewalk, and imply its a Big foot and you all will believe it. It's really scary and pathetic that there are people like you walking around! I hope you don't have any kids!
    Question: "Do you even know who the first President of the U.S. was"?

    1. NO MORE MOUNTAIN MOSSTERS show didnt they just get a renewal for SEASON#3 ... RIGHT ... RIGHT !!!!

    2. thinking 1st Pres was Abraham Lincoln ???

    3. When confronted with disinformation, always remind yourself of why it's resorted to.

      : )

    4. Abe Lincoln the father of the country !! then George W was ???

    5. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that the original Howling movie showed an actual werewolf transformation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. Go kill yourself! Really!!!

  10. Yes more Mountain Monsters Please : )

  11. They provide the Mountain Monsters show for the dim-witted, low IQ Retards!

  12. Who the fuck is this guy? Show me some credentials first before validating bigfoot videos!


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