Phil Takes a Closer Look at The Lettuce Lake Skunk Ape Footage

Phil at ParaBreakdown just posted the best enhancement to date. Take a look at the "tail" or whatever you think it is.

Click here to see the original story: Very Compelling Footage of Skunkape/Bigfoot From Lettuce Lake Park Florida


  1. thar be mexicans thar fer shure

  2. Maybe he just lost his car keys?

  3. WILD BILL lookin fer ol Mr GRASSMAN

  4. I think the "tail" or "snake" is just his hand -- he was grabbing at something in the water or just propelling himself with his hands -- he's bent forward while walking, and his hands would normally hang down to his knees, so his hand ending up behind his arse seems normal to me.

  5. lettuce take another look at this

  6. I wade in flooded timber, similar to the terrain in this clip, for duck hunting and have for thirty years. No human can move in the type of water habitat like that subject did in this clip. They would have to have poured gravel out under that tree. Nor could they have leaned forward like that and not have fallen in.

    1. You know what 1 58. Yours may be the most astute observation about the whole scenario. I had forgotten my early years duck hunting the Saginaw Bay and fishing the Dead stream in Michigan. This subject may well be up to its knees in muck sucking at your legs while navigating around those swamp trees and it is an endeavor. Great observation sir.

    2. This is an awesome video!
      The creature is drinking water, looks up, sees the dude, reaches down for a stick, lightening fast, gets up and walks off!

    3. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he has a day named after him in his hometown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he prefers his coffee with extra extra cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. The only reason Phil doesn't tear this video to shreds (as with 95% of all video breakdowns that he does), is he is associated with "Bigfoot Evidence" (this site, who is pushing this as a real bigfoot). My opinion, the original film was not from a gator\snake infested swamp but just a "swampy looking" place. Where is the rest of the footage...did the battery die about 15 seconds in? Also, let's don't forget, the guy in the canoe had to go ask a park ranger if it was a bear (extremely stupid back-story).

    1. Correct, its a hoax and laughable at best. But did you hear that Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that in some societies you can marry animals of different species!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. I'm not sure I understood the motivation to Hoax. They don't get money and might make it to Bigfoot Evidence where it gets carved by an ex-lover of Robert Lindsay (who ever that is?? Or cares???)
      Please explain the effort for nothing cause you seem to know that its a fake.

    3. Only a BFE NOOB would not know who Robert "Sniper" Lindsay is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. @3:06 how can you say that can't be a snake/gator infested swamp. It its in Florida like the person is who sent this in, it is.

      Where's the rest of the footage you ask? he loses sight of it.

    5. Don't understand the motivation to hoax?

      Well, it's happening. There are hundreds of hoaxed clips on Youtube, probably over a thousand.

    6. Well I guess that clears it up!
      Think ill skip work to tomorrow. Get a costume and a camera. Shoot a video somewhere rural (thank god gas is cheaper)
      Post said video and wait for the money and prestige to roll in!
      Woo Hoo.. Life don't get better then that!
      I now see....

    7. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that noone likes to deal with Dovers stinky man diapers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8. As far as "hoax motivation" didnt Biscardi just announce he's seeking 3 million in donantions to look for bigfoot? Something like this might increase donations. Just a thought.

    9. @3:06 how can you say that can't be a snake/gator infested swamp. It its in Florida like the person is who sent this in, it is.

      Where's the rest of the footage you ask? he loses sight of it.

    10. There is no bigger motivation than watching gullible people buy something hook, line, and sinker. Can you imagine how Gimlin probably felt the day people started buying into the PGF after dismissing as a hoax? Thats why he was a no show for a while, not going to support it if its going up in flames. But now hes a Bigfoot celebrity and you dont think hes eating up every second of "scientific" analysis on it? Outside of fame and money, Id say just fooling people so you can sit back and laugh is a huge motivational factor in hoaxing. Every hoaxed video that gets all these breakdowns by rednecks like Thinker Thunker just fuels the comedy.

  9. if its a bigfoot he sure has some nice rubber waiter boots on.

  10. There are many myths about Florida swamps. Yes, there may be alligators. There may be snakes. However, wading through a swamp is neither extremely dangerous nor extremely difficult. In fact, walking through a swamp is easier than walking through dense brush. The greatest danger you face is banging your shins up against a submerged cypress knee.

    Don't believe me? Google Clyde Butcher's Swamp Walks. Clyde is an Everglades photographer who takes tourists on walks through the swamp. From what I understand, he hasn't lost anyone yet.

  11. Replies
    1. He thinks you should start funding his research. Beginning with paying some credible researchers to check out his work. It worked with Toddy. Oh wait....

    2. That was rushferlife.Hope he's alive.

    3. If he ain't, there is a new Rush tour that'll revive him. Sprint Center. KCMO. 7-9-15. Can't wait!

  12. the creature grabs a snake from the water and walks away with it. If it's a real snake or not is a different story .There are water snakes in that area

  13. Looks like it smacked and stunned a snake for a snack.Grabbed it and went off to eat.Looks legitimate.Very agile in rough terrain.

  14. OK here is another theory from a guy named Ryan. He thinks this creature got a fish in a method called flogging. At the start when it looks like the creature is drinking with cupped hands it is actually curling the water that draws catfish to the top of the water. Then you can see the creature quickly slap the water. What it is doing is making a quick snap to the fishes head. This stuns a catfish and then causes the fish to convulse maddly which is what we are seeing when the creature calmly reaches down with its left hand and snatches its body out of the water. After he came out with this I looked at the vid with this in mind and can see what he talked about. He was just on a fishing trip to Okeechobee and the guides over there would hit gars and catfish with a club on the head in a quick snapping motion which would cause them to convulse.

    1. Matter of fact last week on Dual Survival Matt Graham taught Joe Teti a very similar method to catch trout in Southern Utah except he did not hit the fish, he grabbed it out of the water and Joe did also.
      Many witnesses that have seen bigfoots at rivers see them low down to the water moving there hands and then slapping at the water. It could well be there fishing method. Who needs a pole.

    2. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that the best pant stain remover is Tide on the Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. It does look like it caught something it will eat later on. It just seems like if this was a hoax they went to the trouble of not just making it look like it was just wading through the swamp but doing something that may be in animal nature when looking for food

    4. I think it was one of those right place right time things that happen with these creatures less than a handful of times each year and this guy was lucky enough to stay calm, after all he thought it might be a bear and though the footage is not spectacular there is enough there to figure out what is going on. This animal is fishing and caught a good size (probable catfish.)

    5. Chuck, here is a tail mentioned... and in my backyard...

    6. At first I thought it was a snake but a fish seems more probable . From the natural movement it just doesn't seem to be someone in a costume

    7. That is 100% a fish he caught. Nice work Chuck! U can see the fish when he starts to walk away.


    8. Stupid footers really will believe anything. And what will you group of nannies do when the guy who made this one comes out and reveals its a prank and then laughs at how stupid you all are

    9. ^ has never caught a fish ,doesn't eat fish and thinks fish are just holograms

    10. I flog all the time. Never been stunned though.

    11. Wait.. fish are real? You can eat them? Wtff

  15. Hoax or not, this video of a supposedly Sasquatch does not get us "ONE" bit closer to whether or not this species exists. plain and simple and another one for the circular file cabinet...........

    1. Are you helping us get any closer?

    2. Hey DS. What are your thoughts on this. I just showed my wife explaining the flogging method of fishing before the second part of the film, the zoomed one came up and she said you can see it grabbing a fish.

    3. Does DS stand for what we all think it does? That is, something that Robert Lindsay would know about

    4. It looks like it's drinking water to me, then it looks up, and sees the guy (it's arm still in a drinking motion) then pick up a stick, lightening fast, and walks off....that's what I see. I haven't seen a close up of the stick/fish yet.
      DS, stands for Dr. Squatch, the one who's going to prove BF exists!

    5. I slowed the footage down Chuck, and I can see what the creature is doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When it reaches down to pick up what I believe is a snake, it grabs it by the tail, AND SMASHES IT'S HEAD OFF A ROCK, OR LOG TO KILL IT!!! CLEAR AS DAY WHEN YOU SEE IT!!

    6. I suggest you change your name to Dr. Schmuck. It's much more fitting.

    7. I guess I could come back to you DS with a smart alek remark as you did,but I was brought up with a lot more class and sensibility, thanks to my parents...........

  16. This looks staged. I'm calling BS on this one.

  17. Guys, I zoomed in 5000x and I can see his dong!!! Look closely, that isn't a fish my friends. The "john holmes" of skunk apes. This is proof positive, who could possibly think to put a rubber dong on a costume. And if they did, wouldn't they make it more realistic like the 2-3" package an average male has. Trust me, I have seen a lot of dongs in my day. Rather not talk about that though.

  18. Took 3 years to find a primate in a residential area in Tampa. Not hard to believe this primate could remain hidden in the swamp.


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