Meet The Ground Team Of The Falcon Project

After a long wait it seems as if the Falcon Project might actually be getting off the ground. Director of the project, William Barnes, has been busily recruiting members for his ground crew. This is the team that will be immersed into the field for an extended period of time. Just them and nature. And hopefully a bigfoot or two. Meet Team Tracker! Wait, haven't we heard that name somewhere before? Oh well.

Casey O’Hara

Casey was born and raised Michigan and he is 33 years old. He has worked in metal fabrication most of his life. He likes to spend his free time hunting and fishing or doing anything outdoors. Christopher Larson Christopher is 33 years old and is a native of Idaho. He moved to Western Washington in 2004 to live closer to his family. Soon after moving there he got a job delivering the Seattle Times newspaper. For the last 10 years he has spent the early morning hours from 1:30am to 6am delivering papers in a rural part of Washington State.

Eric L. Collier

Eric is joining the Falcon Project Field Team and will be a supply runner for The Falcon Project. Eric is 40 and resides in Oak Brook Illinois with his family and children. In the past Eric was strong safety at Northwestern, Captain, and all American, Two Time Big Ten champs of the rose bowl and citrus bowl. Eric is a very active person with a curious nature and he enjoys life to the fullest “Joie De Vivre”. His hobbies are: working out, weights, volleyball, cooking, gardening, traveling, and watching his kids playing sports.

Eric Reinstra

Eric brings many years of backcountry knowledge to the team. Being self-employed, he has been working as a gold miner at his mine in the sierra nevada mountain range for the past seventeen years. He works there full-time and spends his winters working as a CNC Machinist.

Jesus Payan Jr.

Jesus was Born and raised in the military having traveled the world Hollywood Film and TV Actor ( Breaking Bad, 2 Guns) Jesus has been studying and researching the mysteries of our known world since a very young age. His research on the enigma of the elusive sasquatch began after the time he and his family first heard this creature in Lincoln County National forest in 2000.

John Bronson

John became interested in sasquatch as a teenager. While on a hiking trip in 1994 into a remote part of the North Cascades, he heard a loud series of wood knocks, which startled the group of people he was hiking with. After returning from that trip John spent a lot of time reading reports and stories of bigfoot and sasquatch. In May of 2012, John watched as a sasquatch walked past his camp. John is now 37 and has since been on many trips researching sasquatch in Washington State, Oregon and also a trip to Southeast Alaska. He works as a commercial fisherman in Alaska when he is not out in the field doing research. His hobbies are playing guitar, winemaking and beekeeping.

Kirk Brandenburg

Kirk lives in Snoqualmie, Washington and holds a J.D. from the University of Minnesota School of Law. Kirk has been actively engaged in the mystery of sasquatch for years. In addition to his independent research, he served as an investigator and expedition organizer with the BFRO and is a member of the Olympic Project. These efforts have taken him to remote locations in eleven U.S. states and a Canadian province. He has extensive experience with thermal imaging technology and analyzing thermal videos and photos. The Finding Bigfoot television show featured Kirk and one of his thermal videos in its New Mexico episode.

Mike Brookerson

Mike and his son were walking along a creek on a private ranch when they first encountered sasquatch. The two were just walking together skipping stones when they noticed a large group of crows creating a fuss with a loud cacophony of calls. Mike thought a simple predator like a bobcat or coyote might be nearby. They walked up the creek bank and stood in a clearing in the middle of a cedar thicket. Mike’s young son tugged his dads arm and said “dad they threw a rock at us.” Mike then saw another stone that had just been thrown at them. The location of the encounter was deep into the private ranch where no other people could have been.

Michael Birkinshaw

Michael is a life long native of Washington state. He had what he believes to be an eyewitness account one summer evening in 1985 near Diablo dam, located up the Skagit river in the North Cascade mountains. This experience encouraged him to question everything, and has led to a greater curiosity in the deeper mysteries of the world around him.

Nathaniel Bronis

Nathaniel is a twenty one year old sasquatch researcher and report investigator from the central lower peninsula of Michigan. Following a remarkable, up close, sighting in 2009, he began his personal study of the subject. Nathaniel spends a great deal of time researching potential habitats and makes regular forays into remote forests to collect data, and help in his personal quest to find and better understand this elusive species. With strong interests in ecology and wildlife biology, Nathaniel has spent a great deal of time studying nature, through personal experiences gained as both an experienced hunter and backpacker. Driven to find answers to this mystery, and a passion for both the unknown and the creature he sighted, Nathaniel has joined the Falcon Project as a field researcher, to aid in the scientific study and discovery of the species known as the North American Sasquatch.

Paul Sanson

Paul is 39 years old. He lives in DeLand Florida and has lived in Florida most of his life. He lived in Alaska for 3 1/2 years as well. He is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and was honorably discharged and now owns an auto glass business.

Randy Harrington

Randy is 48 years old, married and has two adult daughters. He is a retired firefighter, retiring as a driver operator. He is currently a business owner.

Rob Zuschlag

Rob is 56 years old and has performed a variety of jobs over the years from computer programmer to dog trainer. He has been a law enforcement included police officer and deputy wildlife conservation officer in Pennsylvania. Also for the last 13 years he has worked in the non-emergency medical transportation industry. Currently he works with trading the futures. One of his hobbies is training dog teams in Search work at a non-profit called Canine Aided Search and Rescue (C.A.E.S.A.R.). He has done that for 15 years.

Thomas Kaye Jr.

Thomas is 48 years old and resides in Glassboro, New Jersey with his family. He has been interested in Bigfoot since the age of 8 when he saw the Patterson/Gimlin Film. He has read numerous books by John Greene and Dr. Grover Krantz. Thomas started researching out in the field 20 years ago in the pine barrens of New Jersey. Thomas is married and has two kids, Thomas and Madison and he has a dog, Lexi. He is a painter by trade and enjoys fishing, camping, hiking and squatchin. Thomas is honored to be a member of the Falcon Project Field team.

William “Lynn” Larsen

(who goes by Lynn) has joined The Falcon Project as a Supply Runner. He is a “MacGyver”; type of guy in that there isn’t much he can’t build or repair. He has a wide variety of skills, as a result of his varied background. One of the most valuable skills for the Falcon Project, will be his medical experience and training. He was trained as an orderly in private hospitals and as a hospital corpsman in the navy with specialty training as a Surgical Intensive Care Technician and Aviation Physiology Technician.

To learn more about each of the team members and see what they look like, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. ...dont mind losing to the tater hole kid...How was rehab? They say the 7th time is a charm....

    2. It was a dark hole that I like.

    3. to have you back...If you need a job join the ground crew of the Falcon can be the token skeptic...

    4. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he had a hand in building the original goodyear blimp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. This may have worked if they only had one Eric, but two?

  2. Ok, the ground crew is important, but has a ship crew been picked?? I am available to pilot.

    1. ...Only if you're willing to say the thermal images of the ground crew are bigfoots....

    2. Or had a rock thrown at you.

  3. I wouldn't want to be in that death trap.Smeja just might get drunk enough to think that bigfoots are piloting the damn thing and shoot it out of the air.

    1. Or some hillbillys might shoot it down and bury it.

    2. Hell, hillbillys would shoot it down and fix it.

    3. Everybody makes fun of rednecks. Until they need their car fixed...

  4. hey MIKE you son of a gun, how are you guys going to find a bigfoot when they can not spell your name right.

    Just kidding of course. Wish you guys great luck and happy hunting.

    1. Chuck, I the same as you are hoping MKB hangs in there and gets what HE needs, however real proof will never HAPPEN !! MARK MY WORDS!!! Big Doris.

    2. BIG DORIS = CORN APEPISS !!!!!!!!!!!! ^

    3. I hope this is successful in learning more about sasquatches, although it will likely not produce anything that will sway the scientific community since its already been stated it will not include any plans for a live capture.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. This will be successful. Mike B is a BF magnet. He had encounters on a weekly basis.

  5. This is the absolute stupidest idea I have ever heard of. I GUARANTEE these "retards" won't even get a sniff of Sas. They probably won't even see a Deer.. Ahahaha, yes, they're going to identify then follow a Family of Sas and study them? Ahahahahaahaha. This was doomed before it got off the "no pun intended" ground. I am sitting by with popcorn in hand to watch this crap crash and burn, then mainstream science is really going to think this field is nuts. What a bunch of idiots. Sasquatch KNOW we're there, they aren't like us, they have abilities, they don't walk among us like DUMB APES.. People, open your eyes, ask yourself, why hasn't someone caught one yet? Wake up Americans,.

    1. ^Pass it over dude. I don't understand him either.

    2. I think he has lost his marbles but that's okay - the Sasquatches will give him more. They have plenty of them.

    3. He's right!

      Don't need to pass it if you grow your own!

      I took it up to help with stress after realizing there are great big neph monsters about.

      I been telling you dorks, this thing toys with humans. That blimp will probably land one day with Sas handprints all over it, and no pics, ha ha ha ha. Look at Nephatia boy, he thinks he's making friends???????????? The thing talks like a retard, yet floats about the house imprinting images into camaras and drawing pictures for him and leaving them inside the house?????????
      Why do you think the Gov won't fess up ---------------------------------- cause they would have to tell ya your pretty much screwed if one of these gets his hands on you when he's hungry and there is not a damn thing the government can do to prepare. They can only try and hunt them down after the fact. Remember Dyer freaking about two years ago and saying they (bigfoots) were all monsters and everyone of them should be killed. This is when the Gov clued in Dyer and started paying him to "Help the cause" by creating bullshit and disbelief.

      You dipshits ought to be packing dessert eagles when you go looking. Oh ya, if you kill one of these things, just cut the head off and get it out of there as fast as you can and get it stashed, then take well armed friends and go back for the rest, but it most likely will be long gone.

      You people really don't get it. These things don't give a fuck about people, except to screw with and sometimes kill em. All these games getting played with a squatch by different researchers, who is gaining knowledge, us or the squatch????

      It can be completely physical --------- when it wants too, ----------- understand!

      The different looks are because different things are in the stew when created. Why the hell do you think a bunch of Melbas tests showed segments of all kinds of DNA. Because the critter is transformed / mixed. Demons need a body to reside in to get things done---- you know like snatch people out of the woods and kill em just for the fun of it. Lots of stories about these things killing for pleasure.
      A bunch of you are really gone freak when they come off the leash and I don't think it will be much longer. I suspect will have a snatching witnessed by people that could do nothing. Great White of the woods, Neph inspired.


    4. Well I guess that pretty much covers it. They're all doomed.

    5. I'll miss them. Especially the metal fabricator. He was my favorite.

    6. I liked the guy who helps dogs with AIDS.

  6. Your absolutely right! The Sasquatch will monitor their radar and then open up with their AA batteries once the blimp gets within range. Crash & burn!!!

    1. They call it Operation Hot Pocket. The only counter measure is to flood the area with landscapers and Florida based cab drivers.

  7. Was this penned by a foreigner with downs?


    1. It wasn't Shaun. Everything in the headlines is spelled correctly.

    2. Daniel, I just watched your Bigfoot episode of Ancient Aliens. I did not see you sitting out in the woods at night, call blasting to call those bad boys in. I did not see you do anything at night, except hit the sack. Since you visited the Olympic Project that is directed by a 24/7 F&Ber, everything they taught you is wrong. Why don't you try Sasquatch Ontario next time or Kewaunee Lapseritas, and you won't be running off at the mouth about Bigfoot not being real. Furthermore, you will have to rethink your mantra that they is no such thing as paranormal. Kewaunee will probably put you face to face with one, so take extra underwear on that trip.

    3. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he has lived the life of a highwayman, and it was a heck of a ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. DC, you know who you are today?

    5. I am the light, in the all-one.

      Wanna see my marbles?

  8. Does this drone have a blow dart mechanism that can dart a squatch from the air and take it down with heavy duty tranquilizers? If not, this drone will never prove the existence of bigfoot.

  9. I'd laugh my ass off if the last thing this blimp filmed was a sasquatch throwing a rock right at it and taking it out.

  10. The irony of the Falcon project, is that they will not begin construction of the blimp, for several months into the doomed to fail ground study. The blimp may be ready by the end of the summer. Most Sasquatch are only observable by the noise that they make. Only the summer is quiet enough in the right places, for anybody to hear them. But since Barnes weeded out everyone that knows that you can only hear, but not see the Sasquatch, these guys won't get squat because they will be attempting to see and photograph something that is invisible most of the time.

    1. Invisible? You mean like the Id monster in Forbidden Planet? Perhaps if they used energized force fields . . . . .

    2. They can shimmer like the Preditor for cloaking, or they can just blink away.

    3. Invisible as in the movie series, Predator. Hollywood writers are not smart enough to come of with anything on their own. They stole the idea from Bigfoot, and failed to pay them royalties. I once handed a photo of a Bigfoot orb to some movie writers, and next thing you know they had an Orb movie out that fell flat on it's face, whichever side you consider it's face.

  11. Replies
    1. Well now Clive, they also got an auto glass guy and a newspaper delivery boy. Sounds like a well rounded team. I noticed none of their bios said anything about being able to cook though. That will bring this mofo to a screeching halt after the third day of pork and beans.

    2. I have heard Mike is very picky about his brunch.

    3. Uh oh. I wonder if he knows they had to cut the 4:00 tea out of the budget? This could get real ugly real fast.

  12. "Casey was born and raised Michigan and he is 33 years old. He has worked in metal fabrication most of his life."

    And now he has moved onto ape-man fabrication.

  13. They need someone to give moral support. You know, hang around camp and drink all the beer while recounting stories. RECOUNTING STORIES REAL LOUD WHEN WHEN THAT VOCALIZING BIGFOOT TRIES TO INTERRUPT. Always willing to taste all the food first to make sure it's safe. Having knowledge that whiskey is a powerful medicine used for centuries. Supervising camp duties like setting up tents, cleaning dishes, and pointing out the best spots where the others can gather wood. Driving to town for supplies. Turns out, I have these skills! So Doc Jeff, if your serious about finding Bigfoot, give me a call.

  14. The roster reads like of who's who of the "they sure as hell are not paranormal club". Which will hamstring their efforts to accomplish anything of significance.

  15. not one person here has any idea what we are doing on the field research on the ground , or where we are going at that,,it is not a day trip or sit around the camp fire outing , if you want to know what we are doing just call or email me , you can find this on my website,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,435 215 3054,,,,,,,,,,,,,most people do not call !

  16. Not one person is talking about what happened to the seems to have gone bust? All the team members are back home and no posts from Barnes. Is this the end?


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