Is It Better To Look For Bigfoot In A Group Or Alone?

Bigfoot author and veteran field researcher, Thomas Steenburg, discusses the pros and cons of doing bigfoot research in groups, or tackling it alone in the woods. What do you think the best way is? Would you prefer the company of a group, or do you think you'd be better off on your own? There's a lot of factors to consider.

I have done a great deal of both during my years of research and I have found advantages and disadvantages with both. The best advantage to going into the bush alone is the ability to remain quiet. Logic would suggest you are more likely to see wildlife this way though I must admit that coming across large animals, like deer and bear, have occurred as often in the company of other researchers as it has on my own, with the exception of the one good sighting I had of a cougar in the Alberta Rocky mountains in the early 1990s.

The biggest disadvantage of going alone is the safety factor. I have often thought, looking back at all those times I was by myself, nobody knowing where I was, if something unforeseen would happen well, needless to say, the jig was up. A reality which hit too close for comfort during the summer of 1986! That is a tale for another day…

To read the entire article, click here. 


  1. Replies
    1. Robert Lindsay says that he anyone who refers to him on this site from now on, must address him as "The Duchess"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. There are several reasons you don't want to research BF alone in the woods, and research groups like the SRA who lead expeditions require a buddy system. If you get injured, such as a fall, or even a wild animal, or get lost, you lack support. Cell phones don't work in wilderness areas.

      Another issue is BF is more emboldened to approach or harass a single person more than multiple people. I read an article where four lone hunters went missing in the same area over a two year period. The only thing found was a rifle that had been physically broken. There was reported BF activity in that area. BF may or may not be involved, but its dangerous to venture alone in wilderness areas.

    3. Now, Daniel Boone would make forays into wilderness areas alone, and he survived. By the way, Daniel Boone shot and killed a bigfoot. I don't suppose people are going to call him a hoaxer, or say he misidentified the animal he shot and killed.

      One of the old names for bigfoot was a yahoo. He killed what he descrived as a ten-foot, hairy giant he called a Yahoo.

    4. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he prefers pampers, when picking out Dovers new diapers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. I am excited to find that Daniel No one killed a Bigfoot....where is the body?

    6. That foot print cast is as FAKE AS ELVIS BLACK BELT..HAHAHAHAA..Thank You.. Howard Stern..

    7. Rodert "jon jon" Lindsay says white males with a penis is nonexistent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8. dover is a complete schmuck...daniel boone boy we know all the tall tales back then were 100% true right?..remember the alamo lol

    9. Oh Good Lord Dover, everyone knows Daniel Boone got his inspiration for that name and his tall tale from the book Gulliver's Travels. Geez, next time do a little research.

    10. @ esop, Daniel Boone wasn't at the Alamo, dummy. Maybe you're thinking of Davy Crockett.

      @Anon, non-believers in BF can do their revisionist history to cover what they don't believe is posible by claiming it came from Gulliver's Travels. Boone wrote it in his memoirs.

    11. Dover you believe some goofy sh*t but at least you recognize the goofiness.

    12. Dover... Please remember, you're not addressing genii here. Great comments, again.

      : )

    13. Swift's Gulliver's Travels was released in 1726. Boone was born 8 years later in 1734 (Berks County, PA...not far)....

      How is it more revisionist to claim Boone hijacked the thing? Clearly it wasn't his original material to begin with.


      Next time do a little research Dover. Your very, very welcome.

    15. I've read that crap before any of you brought it up. It is subjective. It's being applied by people who doubt the existence of BF, not from actual knowledge of him making it up.

      Yahoo was a term used by early settlers. They might have got that term from "Guliver's Travels" which spoke of a big hairy man. Daniel Boone recording in him memoir of shooting what he called a Yahoo doesn't mean he made it up because he read Yahoo in a book. Early settlers called it a Yahoo.

    16. I've read that crap before any of you brought it up. It is subjective. It's being applied by people who doubt the existence of BF, not from actual knowledge of him making it up.

      Yahoo was a term used by early settlers. They might have got that term from "Guliver's Travels" which spoke of a big hairy man. Daniel Boone recording in him memoir of shooting what he called a Yahoo doesn't mean he made it up because he read Yahoo in a book. Early settlers called it a Yahoo.

  2. What about Squatching with freinds and psychedelic substances that induce hallucinogenic states of mind?

  3. I've learned so much from Mr Steenberg over the years.

    Sensible and level headed which so many BF enthusiasts lack these days.


  4. i prefer all my research from the arm chair alone.

    1. And your odds of seeing bigfoot are the same as the tree knocking knuckleheads out camping.

    2. Odds are identical in fact.

  5. If you want to end up sawing off your own forearm with a pocket knife, then by all means go into the wilderness by yourself.

  6. You get 100x more action if you go alone. Are you going to get into situations where you think that you are about to die? Uh, yah! You are going to get the piss and crap scared out of you, simultaneously. Because they don't get real noisy, unless they outnumber you. Which of course, is why Daniel Campbell isn't about to go out into the woods at night and alone. Because then, he will no longer be a card carrying skeptic.


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