How To Pick The Right Drone and Camera The First Time

Have you wondered what Team Rogue uses for their drone? Maybe what GoPro they use and why? Check out this video and find out...


  1. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he is sick and tired of changing Dovers nasty man diapers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Step 1: Pick any drone and any camera.
    Step 2: Fly it around and take pictures.
    Step 3: Don't find Bigfoot
    Step 4: Photoshop a monkey picture into one of your photos.
    Step 5: Fool no one.

    1. Must have fooled you a couple times since your panties are all wadded up. Crybaby!

    2. Step 1: Pick any Bigfoot blog.
      Step 2: Float around making snide, ignorant, uneducated remarks.
      Step 3: Don't find an original argument.
      Step 4: Suggest you're here for any other reason than fear of what others think and things that are not under your control.
      Step 5: Fool no one.

    3. So show us what you got, Joe? Nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada. Nothing but a mouth full of feces.

    4. Dermals, audio of an unknown primate, unknown primate hair, anthroplogical & archeological papers on skulls & giant skeletal remains, footage... Stuff like that?

      Like I said before... The only "zero, zip, nada" is between those ears of yours.

  3. Yea Bill Brock is a deadhead come to Chicago this summer!

  4. How can they advise on the "right" camera and drone setup to use (to find a Bigfoot or other elusive creature) if it has never been successfully done before?

    1. Ummmmm... Because they've worked finding terrorists/insurgents (who are elusive) and have also worked finding lost peoples (who are elusive geographically).

  5. 21st century technology meets 20th century myth.

    1. 21st century technology meets ten thousand year old culturally & contemporary agknowledged hominid.

      With regards to this social blog and you... 21st century technology meets 15th century intellectual throw back.

    2. But the only ones acknowledging it are the mentally unstable, the delusional and grifters and con artists.

    3. Yes... For ten thousand years, multiple cultures seperated by geographical divide, cultures who have not found eachothers customs desirable, are all in fact a part of the same secret society of gorilla suit wearing tricksters who jump out and say "boo" to people where there are more hunters on the planet, spanning from a time when natives didn't know what an ape looked like.

      Keep up the good work.

  6. many...many...posts and videos about using drones to find bigfoot for over a couple years now... but still no actual footage. just more videos about "which drone?" or "help me fund my drone project." enough already, where are the actual results?

    1. I would agree to an extent. There's been a few videos posted around here with them burning around... Not anywhere near enough though to get results on one of the most elusive creatures on the planet.

  7. This is the guy hoaxed by a child.


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